He looked at the sky and looked firm.

"Brother … I’m going to bet on No.11 horse."
"bet on the eleventh and ten passes"
Chaotian difference looked at Zhao Gong. Is it all nonsense just now?
Although he can’t tell a good horse from a bad one, he can still tell that No.11 will never win the place.
However, he is also happy to receive money from others, which is quite a lot.
An hour later, the second round of horse racing was declared over with the good result of the eleventh horse coming last.
Looking at a face of magical powers, Zhao Gong is suspicious. Is it … meaningful?
Tongtian saw that Zhao Gong was confused and calm, saying, "Fifty Yan and forty-nine roads are destined to have a chance to escape to the division, which is to cut this and escape to one."
Zhao Gong seems to understand or not.
Master, if you want to bet, bet. Anyway, there is no shortage of money. Just now, I found a few pieces of gold and changed a lot of money.
ChaoLei suddenly cheered at this moment, but soon the people cheered, too.
"Long life in Shengde!"
It is very bad that the people still scold him for living for 10 thousand years as always after receiving the frame
Several nobles in a good racetrack scolded him from the heart for holding horse races, striving for profits, seeking pleasure and neglecting political affairs
These nobles are their true friends.
After looking at the twelve horses in the field, they walked beside the twelfth horse and got off.
Since you want to show that you are a king who loves to play, of course, you have to go to the horse race in person, not only to watch but also to participate.
Board update odds announced
Horse number twelve has the highest odds.
This …
People were lost for a moment.
This is the meaning?
It is well known that the brave people in Zhou Wang can still ride skillfully after the Qishui League beheaded the Turkish leader, and they took the opportunity to break into the enemy line and kill the riding. I don’t know where the riding is higher than that of the Turkish prisoners of war.
And Zhou Wang, a big businessman, would like others to surpass him?
Will others see that they are behind others?
Certainly not, princes and nobles pay attention to status, and they will not let domestic servants and slaves walk in front of them on weekdays, let alone such a highly anticipated occasion.
After a while, everyone wanted to hit the middle button.
People are clamoring to buy No.12 horse. Isn’t that money? !
But I don’t want to be rejected by Chaolei. The bet on No.12 horse brand is lower than usual.
How can ordinary people always have spare money?
It is impossible to take it with you even if you have it now.
But the nobles secretly rejoiced in their hearts. They thought it was Zhou Wang who sent money to himself. It wasn’t long before the governors made a pilgrimage. The governors were bound to make a fuss. Then Zhou Wang wouldn’t rely on the nobles in the songs to compete. Who would help?
However, the nobles did not send money to Zhou Wang because of this. They accepted it, but their position … We’ll see then
Tongtian didn’t rush to bet on Zhao Gongsong. It seems that Master Bai Zhongjin finally decided to observe even if Zhou Wang visited him and didn’t act blindly.
Tongtian didn’t watch the horse race. He carefully searched the board for a while and determined that the odds on No.12 horse were the highest. Then he said, "Bet on No.12"
Zhao Gong burst into stupidity and then made a bet according to Tongtian’s command.
At the end of the third round of horse racing, Zhao Gong looked at the result dumbfounded.

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