I didn’t expect him to be so ignorant.

It’s good for young people to have pride, but it’s really annoying to accept it if they don’t know how to be good.
It seems to him that Junyang is the kind of person who has talent but doesn’t know the situation clearly.
Think like this, I want to woo my mind, which is a little light.
And look at Jun Yang’s eyes became unfriendly.
"It seems that this man is not willing to sell our humble pie to the Wangs." Wu’s tone of voice is also cold. "I wonder if you can tell me your name."
Of course, asking Junyang’s name is not to win over, but to see which family he belongs to and whether there is a backer behind him.
If you have them, the Wangs naturally don’t mind selling personal feelings and getting along with the backer behind him.
It would be much easier if there were no …
It’s not a matter of minutes before the Wangs in Ningcheng want to disappear alone.
It depends on whether this person understands the situation clearly.
Jun Yang certainly knows how to recognize the situation, but knowing it doesn’t mean that you have to follow the situation.
He Junyang never takes the usual path.
Soon he will let them know how stupid it is for the Wangs in Ningcheng to hit him with their ideas.
"You don’t deserve to know my name." Jun Yang did not even look at Wu and completely regarded him.
Wu is short of breath. Although he is nominally the housekeeper of the Wangs, he has always been respected by the Wangs because of his good strength. He is actually a spokesman of the Wangs.
Whether it is the clan or the government, when they see him, they respectfully call a housekeeper Wu, and flattery and flattery are indispensable everywhere.
It’s the first time he’s met someone like Junyang who doesn’t take him seriously.
If you don’t look at him, forget it. Even the Wangs are despised by him.
How can Wu not be angry?
"It seems that this man is the hard way. I Wu Mou people will be interesting to see if you really have the resources to be so car-scrapping and don’t look down on my Wangs."
Wu Shuo posed as an invitation to war and waited for Jun Yang to take up the battle.
Jun Yang finally looked at him this time, but after seeing his gesture, he became even more disdainful. "If I were you, I would never give the enemy a chance. It seems that the Wangs are so much."
Wu was blushed by Junyang, and he obviously knew that such a trick could easily make people take the opportunity to fight the enemy, which was a fatal flaw.
But Wu doesn’t say that he especially likes Xiu Yixiu. These seemingly comity are actually very tricks.
This time, in front of others, especially Wang Jingjing, who usually respects him, don’t laugh at an old face like this. I almost would have become angry from embarrassment and made a killing move to attack him in the past.
But he looks great. Jun Yang’s eyes are just child’s play.
Wu’s moves can be described as imposing manner. Give Jun Yang a lesson. This attack is very sharp, which can not only seriously hurt him, but also won’t kill him.
And Jun Yang looked at Wu’s sharp fist wind and narrowed his eyes slightly.
And Shen Qiqi was protected by him. Although she knew that her strength was self-protective, she still couldn’t help but set up an enchantment.
Shen Qiqi looked at the man behind him, generous and tall, and moved by the suppression in his heart.
At the same time, he secretly worried.
Wu looked at Jun Yang and stood still. He was scared silly, and he seemed to have foreseen how Jun Yang would bow down to him without smiling smugly. Chapter 187 Who taught who?
Jing-Jing Wang knows that Wu Li is not worried when he shows his determination to laugh. "Is Uncle Wu going to be okay?"
Of course, she is worried about Junyang, but she is worried that she will lose a good candidate for Mr. Right when he dies.
Wu unpreparedness waved, "Miss, please rest assured that I have my own discretion, but I have to teach this little girl a lesson. He won’t do anything to miss until he knows that our Wangs are powerful."
"Wu Bobo’s right. Jingjing thanked Wu Bo here first." Jingjing couldn’t help but fantasize when she thought about it.
Hum, it’s nothing to get hurt. She’s a panacea to save people.
And the woman beside him hummed that she would definitely let her try to defy her and then send her to the Yan to report, and then Wang Jingjing will be the only one.
She couldn’t restrain her heart from pounding at the thought that Gong was about to belong to her.

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