If there is no comparison between Xu Yiyun and her, she still feels that what is compared with her by Xu Yiyun’s treasures should be thrown away as junk! This makes her angry?

Xinyang Houfu is better than Xu Guogong’s house, but it is not hot in the capital. She knows very well that Xinyang Houfu will never be able to take out the dowry like Xu Yiyun’s family. She will even have to press Xu Yiyun’s head.
But the wealth of the Lord protector is here. How can you not give it to her mother? There is really nothing good to give!
The thought of this Xu Yizhen heart can not unwilling? I can’t wait to pour another cup of hot tea on Xu Yiyun-not my face!
It’s very malicious to see how good the medical skill of that imperial doctor is!
It’s a pity that these things can be done now, just think about it!
"Niang you must help Christine elder sister! After all, she is my cousin and close to your mother! If you help her, she will remember that we are not like that immature baiwenhang! " Whenever I talk about Xu Yiyun and Xu Yizhen, I feel quite stuffy in my chest.
"If you can help me, you will naturally help," Montessori said lightly. "Am I not trying to find a way? Besides, the most important thing now is your business! Xinyang Houfu’s meritorious service from generation to generation is valuable. It is not ordinary people who can prepare for you better than your dowry mother! In a couple of days, let’s have a look at Jinfeng Jewelry Store and go and play two sets of good heads! "
When it comes to dowry, Xu Yizhen is angry and awkward. "What’s there to see? That’s it!"
Said and sneered in anger. "Our family’s money is like this. Brother Duanduan won’t reject me because of this! Mother doesn’t think so much! "
Montessori can not understand his daughter’s temperament smell speech with a sigh of judo "good boy niang if I don’t know wronged you! Even with our family’s money, Niang can’t conjure silver from the sky! In the future, if you marry into Houfu, it will be a good day, so don’t argue about the length of this time! I’m going to make a fortune. Hum, won’t the whole Hou Fu be you in the future? Mrs. Hou is not much nobler than the daughter-in-law of that rural villager! Then even the family is rich and capable! "
Xu Yizhen doesn’t know this truth, but she has always compared Xu Yiyun to get used to it, so she can’t stand this kind of thing.
Then he snorted and pulled Montessori’s sleeve and said, "Niang, you also look down upon your daughter! Is the daughter going to be Mrs. Hou in the future? Is that little bitch better than that? Daughter is not angry! Don’t be angry with that little bitch! You also saw the situation on the day she returned home. Where is there any respect for her parents? I don’t know what to do with a few stinking money in the future! "
Montessori gave her a deep look and thought for a moment, then slowly nodded and sneered, "You are right! Rest assured that Niang will think hard! "
A few days later, Xu Yizhen went to the family to find Xu Yiyun.
Xu Yiyun was extremely annoyed. This one and two are accurate. She is very bullying, isn’t it? It’s not over!
Is Xu Yizhen her sister’s family coming? She can’t help but let her in.
However, when I entered the door, the two sisters met and there was no good face for each other.
Xu Yizhen is one hundred people who don’t like Xu Yiyun. If it’s not a big deal, they won’t bother to come to Lianfu.
Said a few words and left.
After Xu Yizhen left, Mammy Lu frowned and said to Xu Yiyun, "How do you think there is something wrong with the second lady’s old slave? We just met the second lady a few days ago and said that the second lady was ill and had an appointment with the second lady to make pilgrimages! What if this is what she wants to do! "
Xu Yiyun sighed, "Montessori is also my stepmother Xu Yizhen. Since the door came to me, I said so. Where can I go if I don’t go?" I’m afraid my spine will be punctured! Many let’s be careful, how long a few mind’s eye is! The Buddhist net expected that she couldn’t play any tricks! "
Mammy Lu nodded and couldn’t help adding, "Why don’t you go and meet Mrs. Weining Hou, who is so clever? Maybe she can see something!"
Xu Yiyun, Mammy Bailu, this is a good intention. I want her to have a good relationship with Lian Fangzhou. After all, Lian Ze is a man’s house and he is not familiar with it.
But Xu Yiyun didn’t have sex with Lian Ze now. When I think of Lian Fangzhou, I feel awkward and guilty. I wish I could get as far away as possible. Why would I go to her?
He rudely refused and shook his head. "It’s just a little thing!" This little thing is going to trouble my aunt, who is afraid that she will look down on me! "
Mammy Lu naturally won’t cross her to make decisions.
On this day, Xu Yizhen came by carriage and made an appointment with Xu Yiyun. They went to Daxing Temple in the northern suburb of Beijing together.
Xu Yiyun and Lu Mammy and Bing Mei secretly prevented a drop of tea and a snack from touching Xu Yizhen’s incense when they were resting in the wing. Xu Yiyun was persuaded by Lu Mammy to change her ways, but although Xu Yiyun hated Xu Yizhen, she never left her back garden or a deserted place. That is absolutely not to go.
After a little rest, Xu Yiyun said that he was tired and wanted to go back to the house.
Xu Yizhen is coldly watched before also don’t say what sneer at the two.
After staying in her own carriage, Xu Yizhen couldn’t help but "spit" at Hanqiao and Hanzhu. "It’s really a small heart that doesn’t make people laugh. What should I do to hurt her?" Hum, I’m afraid of getting my hands dirty! "
Beaded also laughed "yeah! Miss Big’s bearing is really small! Second young lady, you will soon be Mrs. Hou Fushi. Don’t harm her! She really considers herself a treasure! "
Han Qiao also smiled and echoed the three jokes of the master and servant.
In the carriage over there, Xu Yiyun, Lu Mammy and Bing Mei are also secretly wondering that this is over?
Mammy Lu suddenly exclaimed in a low voice, "Ah, the second lady should not be taken lightly. Who knows if there will be any chaos on this return trip? No, I have to tell the driver to be careful! "
Speak Xu Yiyun and ice plum is my heart jump.
It wasn’t until I got back to Lian Fu’s master and servants that I really felt at ease.
It is increasingly unclear what medicine Xu Yizhen is selling in the gourd.
In the end, maybe it’s just pure fragrance. Didn’t Miss Er proudly tell her that her marriage with the world was going to be fixed? Maybe it is. Hit the second lady.
Is it so troublesome? Don’t want to burn incense to hit 159. Chapter 159 The plot is waiting here!
Just because the servants and servants left it behind doesn’t mean there is no follow-up to it.
Two days later, Mrs. Meng and Mrs. Xue Shi came again!
Xue Shi didn’t deal with Xu Yiyun wordy this time. He smiled coldly and directly said what he had come for.
She still let Xu Yiyun make the decision to take Tingting Meng into the house as a flat wife, but this time the arrogance is even more arrogant.
"I said niece, you’d better give me an answer quickly! Otherwise, don’t blame me! Don’t blame your second aunt for being unkind when this generation can’t lift its head in the capital! Why are you staring at me like that? Do you remember going to Daxing Temple to make pilgrimages two days ago? On that day, there were two or three ladies and gentlemen who went to make pilgrimages. I saw you crowded! Who can guarantee that those mammy’s eyes are poisonous and they won’t see anything, and who can guarantee that they won’t have that uncontrollable mouth to tell? When the time comes, if my niece hears anything, don’t be wrong about me! "
Mammy Lu and Xu Yiyun turned pale with anger. That’s why it’s so white. Xu Yizhen will ask her to go to pilgrimages. So that’s it!
"You are so mean!" Xu Yiyun teeth hate sneer at a way "aren’t you afraid of your daughter into the house will be my death? Don’t forget what about a flat wife? That’s not me! I want to punish her, can you endure it? "
Xue Shi laughed. "You don’t need to worry about my niece! So the niece agreed? The day after tomorrow happens to be a good day, so my niece sent a matchmaker to act as matchmaker! This matter has to be done as soon as possible! "

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