Jin-shui Zhao just looked at his mother back more walk more far.

Someone behind him took him by the shoulder strap and walked to the ancestral temple. "Go for a walk, don’t look at your mother, don’t say that your mother is my wife and go with them happily, so that it’s all right to leave us grandfathers in the ancestral temple even if we go barefoot."
Zhao Jinshui Nai followed him to the ancestral temple. "This sunlight will even freeze."
The other party …
"I’m just saying that it’s convenient anyway. In fact, I also think that after my wife goes to live with the women, you should not want her to sleep in a room with a bunch of smelly gentlemen, don’t you think?"
Jin-shui Zhao nodded "well"
Fortunately, Wang Xiuxiu’s mother and daughter moved to the cabin early in the morning.
Chapter 30 Enjoy the trend
Take the game of life to ancient section 34
In this era, paving the ground, simply treating the wall and replacing it with new furniture is equivalent to a major renovation.
Even though Zhao Jinshui was psychologically prepared before entering the room, when he really entered the room, he looked at the new appearance in the room and still felt that the whole person was in a much better mood than before.
Living separately for men and women is much more convenient for women, even for men. Sitting, eating, chatting and so on, these daily habits seem to be changing.
Even if this is not their real home, they can really relax in such an environment.
Especially after a hard day’s work, I can open my mouth when I come back late. I always feel that even fatigue can be alleviated.
Chatting, everyone talked about the new wooden house.
"I’ve applied. I’ve thought about it. Now I don’t want to leave after Tian Jiacun Day. I’ll live here."
"Me, too. It doesn’t seem like good days are rare here in Tian Jiacun."
"I don’t know when this day will be peaceful."
Everyone is chatting in the cabin.
"When the trading hall starts selling cotton cloth, I must make my own underwear."
"Yes, yes, I also think about it. It’s not convenient to sleep with those men before, and it’s much more convenient to brush my body now that we women live together."
"God made adults think it over. If we were not separated now, I wouldn’t think there was anything wrong with the original day."
"God has made adults still look forward to our women’s life."
On this night, the villagers living in the old wooden house were happier than usual in Lian Xiao.
Many people fall asleep with a smile when they go to bed at night.
Tian Tang sat in his bed and looked at the progress now.
It is important to rejuvenate the country through education and industry, and it is necessary to take it step by step. Even if you are in a hurry, you can’t speed up the pace. You can wear it out by time.
The fastest skill upgrading is mainly reclamation, planting and harvesting (agricultural products). Since the second fertile field was reclaimed, these three skills have been upgraded faster than before, and the corresponding rewards have become ordinary rewards. Only when the skills are over ten will there be a big reward.
Compared with the skills of skilled worker, cook and picking (drugs), the skills of drug picking are progressing well because Sanqi is still being planted in the farmland.
The skills of skilled workers and chefs were slow before, but since the emergence of animal breeding bases and packages, these two skills have been upgraded steadily.
The third-level villages are four projects that need to meet the standards: villagers, wooden houses, schools and textile workshops, among which the schools and textile workshops have been completed, but the villagers and wooden houses are still a little short.
Among them, the number of villagers is (1/3) and that of wooden houses is (8/1).
Generally speaking, four of the eight wooden houses do not belong to the new wooden house, and one of the four new wooden houses was really left to the villagers by the Bai family, and three of them are far from enough for the villagers to live in.
Now, because there are not enough new wooden houses, we have to live in the old wooden houses. There are still nearly one villager who does not solve the housing problem of these people. Even if they come to the new village, they can’t settle down.
Now there are several problems in front of Tian Tang, one is residence, the other is work and making money.
The residence is the residence of the villagers. It is the villagers who depend on the workers to make money. It is her own need to develop Tian Jiacun, and money is indispensable in all aspects.
However, these problems have been temporary, and we can move forward step by step, but we can’t make strides.
Before going to bed, Tian Tang cooked some packages and put them on the trading floor for sale.
After the emergence of animal breeding base, the quantity of meat is still insufficient, but there is no shortage of eggs. Now there are an average of 3 eggs and 3 duck eggs every day in her breeding base, about 5 of which are fertilized eggs and 3 fertilized duck eggs.
Fertilized eggs are not sold for the time being, but are made into custard and sold in packages. Each package is half an egg, which is cheap and can supplement nutrition. It is a better choice at present.
Beets have been growing for several times, and because the planting amount is not large each time, the harvest amount is not large. Tian Tang still puts one of the cooking raw materials in its package to add some sweetness to some dishes.

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