They’ll know who’s here if they don’t look back.

Always won’t move, but twist a head to ask angulo and Seguro nearby.
"Who is that man?"
Angulo and Seguro are not stupid enough to feel the anger in the winning tone. They are a little embarrassed. Look at me and I will look at you. Finally, angulo gathers up to winning ear and whispers, "He is Golka …"
Chapter 15 Now I am the head coach.
As the other teammates of the head coach watched Golka, if someone walked towards the players’ phalanx.
He didn’t even think there was anything wrong with it, and he didn’t look at the new head coach in front of the players
It used to happen before. He always did this. The former head coach never said that he just shook his head and laughed at him and then let him join the team for training. He likes this kind of laughter because it is what makes him different that he can show off-you don’t even have a chance to get this kind of treatment from the manager! This is not to blame him, but actually to spoil him.
Hertha’s most promising genius at present is to grow up in such doting.
But this time things are a little different.
Just as he was about to enter the players’ phalanx, a deep but powerful sound came up. "Did I allow you to join the team?"
Golka froze.
The other players froze.
Angulo and Seguro also froze. They turned to look around and won.
Because this is always said.
Golka looked at the new head coach with a black face and snorted in his mind.
He looks down on Chang Sheng because Chang Sheng is young.
He thinks the same way as his teammates, but these people forget that even if they are young, they can’t despise them because they are more than ten years older than them.
Which group of kids think adults are young?
But who let them come into contact with coaches who are all in their forties and fifties? Compared with those "old men", winning is really young …
Golka stand hand "is there a problem, sir?"
"You’re late" Changsheng pointed to his wrist watch.
The formal training is at 10: 30, that is, when the players come out to line up for the constant victory to "review"
Changsheng said a long speech, and then ten minutes passed.
It’s ten forty now
So Golka is ten minutes late now.
"Late? But this is Mr Rios altruistic said to me that I can … "
Chang Sheng interrupted Golka impatiently. He turned his head and asked the two assistant coaches next to him, "Who is that?"
Angulo was embarrassed to say, "Sergio Rios praeger, former head coach of the youth team …"
Changsheng nodded and turned to look at Golka. "Now I am the head coach of this team. You have to listen to me."
See Golka mouth seems to want to say something, he said, pointing to each other "don’t talk nonsense now give me run! Run five laps before training! "
Tough tone, blunt attitude, no room for negotiation
Golka never thought that he would be treated like this if he was ten minutes late.
Besides, the team has not trained yet …
You know, when was the former Mr. Rios treated like this?
He is a little angry and always wins.
"See what see? Now I am your head coach! " Ever-victorious thumb pointed to his head held high and looked down at each other.
Golka finally chose to run laps because he was really late. He ignored the matter wherever he put it.
And he also realized a problem-now that Mr. Rios, who cared for him, is gone, and his head coach is this young China, it will be difficult to find a new coach for him with Rios …
Now he can swallow this tone and run laps in the eyes of his teammates.
But in his mind, he has made a decision-he will never listen to him if he wants this head coach for one day! When the time comes, we will arrange ourselves for him, especially on the court. If we don’t work hard, can this youth team have any future without ourselves? When the results are bad, he won’t believe that this bastard won’t be driven away by the club … Plus, he sends such a signal to the top management of the club that there is him in Hertha, and there is no me, and there is no him!
Let’s see who laughs last!
Hertha’s talented player Golka, who has been trained by his youth training camp in the last ten years, has this confidence.
Watching Golka run laps alone on the court, other players looked silly.
They have even stared at Golka with their heads twisted in spite of the fact that the new head coach has not announced the dissolution …
Since Rios came to Hertha Youth Team two years ago, no one can say "no" to Golka. All his requirements will be met. He has other players who can’t enjoy Trios. It’s like his own father. Golka is the boss in the locker room, and no one dares to choke the captain. It’s getting less and less.
He has never suffered in the past two years. If he has a conflict with his teammates, it must be someone else, not him, who will finally learn Rios’ lesson.
But I didn’t expect that today he lost at the hands of a young new head coach!
He actually went to run laps!
Is today the end of the world?
Some people react. They turn their heads and stare at Changsheng in surprise.
They saw two assistant coaches talking to the China man.
"Will it be too harsh to do this often …" angulo said to Changsheng with some concerns.
Winning stare big eyes a face of incredible "severe? Did I punish him for running five laps and then be severe? "
"Er, but he was as late as he wanted before …"
"There is such a regulation? Isn’t this genius really the son of Rios? " Changsheng ridiculed, "But now I make the rules, and he must abide by them." Changsheng replied firmly that there is no room for negotiation.
The two former coaches who thought Chang Sheng was easy to talk to saw this man’s difficult side for the first time.
"But he is the most promising genius of our club … will you make him … er, let him …" Seguro didn’t go on to talk about the genius that might make him dare not think about the club’s training for so long and energy. If it comes to the head, the loss will be too great, and the club is absolutely unwilling to bear it.
"What’s the matter with you two? You are coaches, how can you be so low-spirited to a player? " Chang Sheng found it incredible to see that both coaches were timid-he had never heard of a coach who was afraid that his players would be so afraid, and he was still an underage youth team player, and even a genius should not enjoy it. He knew several geniuses in the future, many of whom were more accomplished than this, and he never saw anyone who could be so reckless.
He was dissatisfied with the attitude of the two coaches, but he also found that Golka was really spoiled. Is he the king of the youth team? Do whatever you want. Rios waits on his uncle. I’m not used to such people!
"He is a genius, so what? No one is superior to the whole team. He was late and violated the discipline of the team. I will punish him and teach him a lesson. It is definitely not the right education method! This is also his good. "
Angulo saw that Chang Sheng had made up his mind and muttered, "I hope he can really be white …"

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