Seize the opportunity. Zhao Heng chased down the sword in his hand and waved Gangfeng Linglie. Like a humanoid roller, I don’t know how many bricks and tiles were destroyed

I’m afraid many spectators will be caught by the sword if people in the field don’t have swordsmanship and know how to dodge.
At that time, the situation in Zhao Heng was a great victory, and the balance seemed to tilt towards him.
But when I saw this, Chen Shaobai gently shook his head. "Without achievement, swordsmen dare to mess with swords. This Zhao Heng will lose."
Swordsmen don’t have the same physique as swordsmen. If they fail to defeat their opponents, their blood flow will be blocked, and they will be easily stabbed by the enemy when they are slow.
Therefore, every time he fights, he always looks at the opportunity and inspires a sword to make a final decision.
While Chen Shaobai was speaking, there was another person around him who made the same prediction that "this Zhao Heng will lose."
The source doesn’t sound far away. Chen Shaobai tilted his head to see which master said.
But when he saw this, he suddenly became happy. "How’s Brother Jingwu recently?"
The person who just made the same judgment was Kang Jingwu, the second helper in Wanji Building two months ago.
Being called Kang Jingwu by him turned around and stared at Chen Shaobai’s hand for a while, and there was a smile on his mouth. "I haven’t seen Brother Bai for many months, but according to your current progress, we may become classmates after RI!"
"Classmate? I am a Shan Ye person who is not illiterate, but has never studied famous classics. I can’t get into Xian Zhou University categorically. "Chen Shaobai smiled and shook his head.
He has lived in this city for several months, but although few people communicate, he gradually knows the name of the Kyushu University of Commerce.
These state-level universities are all here to train high-ranking officials and scholars. People with a background and two talents like him may not be able to get through the road even if they have two thousand dollars.
I didn’t know that Kang Jingwu was playing with his miniature hexagrams when he heard this. He said with a smile, "Studying famous classics and moral articles is a genius of Ye Haoran’s, and I have never touched it. I just like to study some words and dance swords in my spare time."
Don’t learn stocks and essays? Dance sword in your spare time?
Chen Shaobai consciously looked at Kang Jingwu’s palm.
The palm of your hand is pink and white, like a baby emitting a bright luster and boiling, like two stoves burning, and he can feel the heat coming out of his face at a distance of half a foot.
This is not reasonable!
How can you play with a small divinatory disc every day without any cocoons?
"It turns out that my brother Jingwu is still a strong swordsman, but my brother is ignorant."
Chen Shaobai has made a lot of progress during this period, not only his fencing strength, but also his experience and knowledge. It’s not the first time to meet Kang Jingwu, but this time he can see each other at a glance.
"Swordsman? Ah … The wind state kendo level is too bad to waste your qualification. "
"Swordsman Swordsman Swordsman Swordsman is just an ordinary person. If you can really break through to the quenching stage and become a sword fairy, you can live and die for hundreds of millions of people in a state." Kang Jingwu shook his head.
"Refine yourself and quench your breath?" Listening to each other’s words, Chen Shaobai’s heart was greatly shocked. He was about to continue to speak and ask questions, but he was interrupted by a sword entering the body sound.
Dianji suddenly withdrew his four-foot sword, but Zhao Heng, who had just been domineering, had already turned into a pool of meat and mud and had a little more life.
"Bad master arranged for Aji to come and take the blame."
Canon Ji knelt down and said to Ba Qingtian.
"Kyushu stage its broad! Fengzhou is just the most comfortable and harmonious hotbed. Why can’t we go? "
Ba Qingtian waved him up and turned his attention to Chen Shaobai.
"Little white brother acquaintances? Well, I won’t bother you now that my eyes have been reached. "
After seeing the fencing strength of Muxi City, Kang Jingwu secretly shook his head at Chen Shaobai and left here smartly.
Seeing Chen Shaobai approaching Ba Qingtian’s mouth, he outlined a little evil radian and said, "Chen Shaoxia, where is your sword?"
Chen Shaobai Bai Ba Qing Tian said that it was not the silver sword that was too loyal to his side now, but the bronze sword that was shattered by Song Taizu, so he dreamed of speaking and suddenly lost his confidence and gave birth to a sense of guilt that failed others’ expectations.
"I didn’t learn j and jīng fencing, but when I was fighting, I dreamed of being shattered …"
But Ba Qingtian’s reaction greatly surprised him.
Hearing this, Ba Qingtian not only didn’t give birth to any unhappiness, but burst out laughing. "It must be the peak figure of swordsmen to be able to crush 3,000 J and jīng workers. You can survive from the other side and say that I was right about the wrong person. It’s good!"
Chapter 29 Life is cheap
"Be eager to thunder? This kind of low-level sword score can be cultivated into a swordsman peak in less than half a year. Even if you look at the whole Kyushu, it can be regarded as a hit. "
Ba Qingtian and Dian Jiren are very heroic and open-minded, which is in line with Chen Shaobai’s spleen. The three people are also happy to talk.
In a short time, nearly a hundred people in the courtyard gradually became crowded.
Chen Shaobai noticed that the vast majority of the people in this courtyard are young people under the age of 30, while those who are older have closed their eyes and come here as if bring up the rear, the younger generation of the family.
These aristocratic brothers are all dressed in dark blue or light blue swordsman costumes, and they are more or less mixed with some powder flavor, which is quite pungent.
"Chen Shaoxia, I hope you can bring me some surprises when we meet next time."
Ba Qingtian laughed like a man’s watching, and his eyes slowly swept across his brow in the presence. "Pay more attention to Chen Jiasi and Zhao JiaLaojiu, and they are all moved by you."
After that, he went straight to the exit and said without looking back, "Aji, the city of Muxi is full of crooked melons and cracked dates, so I won’t help you sit in the town and pollute your eyes. You should play!"
All the swordsmen who can practice to be swordsmen are keen-hearing people, and Ba Qingtian didn’t deliberately lower his tone when he spoke, so this statement immediately caused an uproar.
"Guagua crack jujube? What is he? Dare to speak out! "
"Hey, it’s a mysterious trick to attract attention. Do you also care?"
"Strong outside and weak inside are not enough."
For these remarks, Ba Qingtian doesn’t seem to feel that he is walking safely with his sword.
Until he walked out of the courtyard, he also challenged himself.
The nobles who came out of these giants are all people who have been exposed to the family education. Although their mouths are not weak, there are still paintings in their eyes that are like ghosts waiting for others to be early birds.
"According to the past life, this Ba Qingtian is my hit. If it weren’t for when Ri gave me a sword, I’m afraid I was killed by Chen Wei in Wanji Building, and I must repay him well."
The silver sword is too loyal to the bronze sword. It is a dream that these two swords belong to the "3,000 J and NG workers" in the Shang Dynasty. The fast sword needs capacity to cut the ordinary J and NG refined sword in half.
When Ri is in the Wanji Building, Chen Shaobai’s fencing level is different from Chen Wei’s and the other party is too loyal. If there is no dream in hand, I’m afraid the ending of the two is likely to be replaced.
Chen Shaobai is not an ungrateful person. Everyone who has been kind to him is remembered by him. When Ba Qingtian left, he thought that his strength was still weak and he didn’t come forward to surrender, but he still made a swordsman salute to the other side’s back.
Doing this in a hostile eye is as conspicuous as fireflies in the dark.
So this move immediately attracted a lot of hatred to Chen Shaobai
"Dressed in white, there is no swordsman medal. It’s just a Bai Ding. Dare you be so arrogant? I’ll teach him a lesson he’ll never forget. "
"So looks unfamiliar and a pair of longitudinal yu excessive appearance must be the chens which’ male’? Hey … "
"His name is Chen Shaobai, and he was quite famous in Dongcheng District during this period, and he also mixed a name of’ Blood River’."
"You should pay attention to your bad heart."
Bullying the weak, fearing the hard, seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, this is human nature, and they will vent their anger on Chen Shaobai.
At that time, it also made Chen Shaobai feel a little close at hand.
Although he can’t look at these hostile eyes completely, he is also calm.

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