Strangely, those players who performed well didn’t jump up to refute anything after being scolded by Manuel Garcia, but buried their heads deeply.

Garcia didn’t let them go because of this, meaning that he felt a fire in his heart since talking to Changsheng the day before yesterday.
This fire has been burning more and more brightly in the past two days, especially after the media reported on the winning "championship contract" and didn’t think much of him
Now he finally managed to keep the fire in his heart, and the flame turned into boiling magma, which burst out and swallowed up the whole Las Margarita Sports City in an instant.
He remembered what Chang Sheng had said to himself.
You are really a Don Quixote, fool …
Then he blew the whistle in his mouth "training! Your head coach hasn’t given up yet, and I won’t give up! There are still fourteen rounds of leagues, even if I really want to die, let me finish these fourteen rounds of leagues! "
Chapter one hundred and ninety-nine Great folly
When Changsheng saw Enrique Gonzalez outside the training base, they were arguing with the security guard at the training base.
"Is often let us in! Yes, often! Head coach Hertha! Give him a message if you don’t believe me! "
"I’m sorry, I haven’t heard about it. My instructions are that no one is allowed to enter the Las Margarita during training. The training time has passed." The security guard did his duty.
Then Chang Sheng appeared to help them out. "I told them to wait for me here. I’m sorry I didn’t come to inform you."
Now that Changsheng has come forward, it is not easy for the security guards to continue to stop it. Changsheng is the boss in the team, and he has the final say. Even the general manager Moscow is not allowed to get involved.
"I think you will come out from the inside?" It was strange for Enrique Gonzalez to see Chang Sheng coming from behind them.
He asked curiously as a group of people walked in.
"Well, I’m late because of something."
"Is it about the club?" Enrique Gonzalez was quite clever, and he immediately realized something.
Changsheng didn’t answer his question. He felt that these fans had taken on too much that was not their responsibility. It was better to know less, at least, so that they wouldn’t worry so much about themselves.
He looked back at Enrique’s companion "many people"
Enrique Gonzalez Ma was a little scared. "I heard that everyone was very excited to get close to the players in the training ground …"
He always wins and blames him.
But there is no constant victory to laugh. "More people, more good people and more excitement."
Enrique didn’t criticize him when he saw Changsheng, but he made a new request with a stick.
"Often that … we know that this opportunity is too rare today, so we discussed a decision to donate the funds raised in this month to alleviate the current crisis of a team …"
I didn’t expect winning this time to be less accommodating.
He shook his head. "Oh, no, Kike can’t do that."
Enrique Gonzalez is badly paid by the team, and the head coach will be happy to see them give the money they raised to the team. After all, it can relieve the pressure on a team and maybe boost the morale of the players and let them know that not all Hertha fans have chosen to give up.
But Chang Sheng refused without hesitation.
"What?" He asked in surprise
"I didn’t call you here to take out your hard-earned money. I appreciate your kindness, but I can’t let you do it because I don’t want my players to think that they rely on others to give alms to beggars."
"Not often do you misunderstand that this is not charity, it is a way for us to express our love for the team …"
"Love is good, Kike. If you and your companions are willing to go to the stands of the stadium to express their love, so much the better. We will solve the team problem, and your job is to go to the stands and we will cheer."
"That you call us to do today? Can’t really let’s idolize? " Enrique Gonzalez Naidi said
"Of course not. I just want you to do me a favor."
"Help you?"
"Yes, I hope you can help me boost the morale of the players. To be honest, the morale of the team has hit rock bottom now. I think there is nothing conventional can do. I need your help … I don’t need you to give them money. I need you to give them love and courage." Changsheng turned to look at Enrique Gonzalez and smiled at him.
Enrique Gonzalez is not stupid. He has lost his sense of winning.
Then he touched his chest with his right hand and made a slight bend. "I’m honored."
But he kept such a serious posture for a second, and then he jumped up and shouted excitedly to his companions around him, "Guys! Did you hear that? What is our purpose when we raise money for street teams? Isn’t it to help the team? Now’s the chance! We want the team to contribute our every strength! The dream has come true! "
All the companions around him yelled with him.
Ever-victorious beside watching this group of people laughed.
He suddenly noticed that his shoulders were a little hot, and he realized that the world was already sunny before his eyes, and you know, before today, the weather was still cloudy, but now the dazzling sunshine on his black sports body can make him feel hot.
These energetic fan have already dispelled that haze weigh on Hertha’s head unconsciously.
He looked up and watched the blue sky clouds being driven away by the sun. These clouds were being divided into several pieces and then scattered and fled.
More sunlight penetrated the clouds and fell in front of him, and the cloud projection of the training ground also appeared, and the light shadow seemed to be completely different and constantly changing.
It’s like the prospect of Hertha now, which makes people wonder how it will develop in a second.
But Chang Sheng suddenly felt that this was a good sign.
But the haze will eventually pass, and the sun will penetrate and tear these haze like a sword.
Then sprinkle it on people’s faces and get hot.
When Changsheng took Enrique and his companions into the first-team training ground, the honest Manuel Garcia had just finished his fire and was away from his last sentence, "Training! Your head coach hasn’t given up yet, and I won’t give up! There are still fourteen rounds of leagues, even if I really want to die, let me finish these fourteen rounds of leagues! " Less than half a minute has passed.
Everyone present was stunned by Manuel Garcia’s sudden outburst of anger, and they all stayed and didn’t know what they should do. Although they heard Manuel Garcia’s last words, none of them trained their brains.
It is in this situation that Changsheng came in with a large group of fans.
Their appearance immediately attracted all eyes present.
Those who temporarily lost their thinking ability and mobility because of Manuel Garcia slowly turned to look at the large group of uninvited guests.
Although Enrique Gonzalez and his companions were very excited on the way to the training ground, they encouraged each other and hoped that they would behave better then.
But when they did appear at the edge of the training ground, they were quiet and looked at the training ground players and coaches with a little formality.
They have seen this scene outside the barbed wire, but they have never stepped in.
They feel as if they have come to another world.
They even have to breathe more slowly here.
Despite Hertha’s poor performance in recent months, they are still their idols in the hearts of these most loyal fans, and their poor performance is excusable and not their responsibility.
Changsheng went straight to the training ground and hooked up to signal the fans to follow.
He doesn’t know what just happened before he is now.
He doesn’t care either, because it has nothing to do with him. What he wants to do is from now on.
He went to the training ground and said to Rudy Gonzalez, "Let the team meet in front of me."
Then he turned around and hooked his hand to signal the fans to do more. "Don’t worry, they’re not tigers. They won’t do anything to you. Be bold, do you want me to find a megaphone for you?"
The fans finally came directly behind Chang Sheng.

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