"The princess believes in fate?" Thyme devoted to Xu asked again

"A little bit" Mu Huan nodded and really wanted to yell "My fate is my decision", but can a princess who was forced to kiss "loser" really decide her own fate?
"Silly girl has many things to do with people!" Thyme devoted to the heat lightly sighed a soft lip or two, and printed it in such a subtle way. But this time, when the tie happened, Muhuan didn’t escape, but she hesitated a little. Then Thyme devoted to the heat and pried her teeth and twisted her lilac uvula together.
It was a gentle kiss, tepid, unhurried, unhurried, and slowly a little bit of enthusiasm mobilized Muhuan’s mood until she had the first response, and the two of them kissed each other gently, and the temperature became higher and higher, and the sweetness in their hearts gradually turned into longing.
The first time they tasted the sweetness, they were confused and confused. They unconsciously reached into Muhuan’s nightgown and gently caressed the proud twin peaks.
Muhuanzheng was intoxicated with this kiss, and suddenly she felt soft with one hand. She woke up with a brain bomb and shook her head with a red face.
Thyme devoted to the heat of a lag but honestly withdrew his "talons" and gently patted Muhuan back and hugged them together.
I just suddenly couldn’t help it? MuHuan secretly blush with shame this big stallion proved to be experienced in reading!
But MuHuan secretly relieved again. Fortunately, although this guy is a big stallion, he disdains being strong. Otherwise, I am so pure that a small yellow flower will fall into his black hand.
It is recalling the scene of two people’s bodies intertwined and kissing each other, and Mu Huan feels that there is an unprecedented sweetness in his heart. Although this is not the first time for two people to kiss, this time is different. Because Mu Huan clearly realizes his heart’s longing for a hundred miles of enthusiasm, does he really love him? Or are you in love yourself? !
Dizzy, it turned out to be a girl. This big stallion did not love him, but there was a kind of emptiness and longing in his body. It seems that I really want to stay away from him. I can’t hurt myself so foolishly!
But at the moment, although he didn’t say a word, he seemed to ignite a fire, and he knew that he really wanted to be with this girl, and he wanted to be with her thoroughly. At the moment, he was like a purgatory, and his blood rushed to a place where he didn’t want to embarrass each other. He could try his best to lean back away from his bosom.
But at this moment, reason often loses to the body’s most original desire, which is suppressed to the extreme and bounces back more and more violently. It is almost a kind of ability that he can lean over to Muhuan slowly. It seems that if he sticks this soft body, he can get some peace. Chapter 144 A tree falls over a phoenix? !
No! What’s wrong! Suddenly, a hundred miles away from the heat, I found that my arms Muhuan took the initiative to hold out her little hand tightly around her waist and chest, and she was rubbing against her body. At the same time, the body temperature of the two people seemed to be getting higher and higher, and the desire for her body seemed to sweep like a spring tide.
What’s going on? It’s true that I want this girl when I’m moved, but she will never be so active to get along with people for months. I have long seen that this girl is a very orthodox woman in her mouth, but she is a very orthodox woman in the palace. Among all the women, she can’t be found who doesn’t understand the affair between men and women and won’t hook up with men
Murphy? Li Mo Xu suddenly realized something and forced himself to meditate and sniff the room carefully. He couldn’t help laughing. Mother, you can’t think of this trick, can you? Son, remember how you looked down on the enchanting princess the most before, but today you brought such things to your son?
Don’t you know, Mother, that even the color, taste, charm and fragrance have been able to distinguish the difference between ordinary incense many years ago, otherwise, I don’t know how many women have planted it long ago. Don’t say that Leng Yu Xin Lan Yuan is the top charm, Xiang Keer doesn’t have an aisle every time. Do you know that you have taken pains to arrange things like this tonight, but it is your favorite Muhuan?
A hundred miles away, my brain suddenly turned white. Why kiss my mother? Is it hard to be happy? Did you gamble on your health? Isn’t your bet a little too big? What if you really want MuHuanShen but feel sorry for her? Isn’t this red line wrong?
Just when thyme devoted to the heat and thought to himself, his arms Muhuan was already abnormal to the extreme. This girl felt that suddenly the whole person was not well.
Muhuan’s body is getting hotter and hotter, and her heart itches and feels uncomfortable like a cat scratching. Her little hand first hugs the thin waist of thyme devoted to heat, and then she gropes for thyme devoted to heat.
You said that if you touch the handsome guy’s back, you can forget it. She also conveniently touched the tight ass of someone else, and she was thinking about things again and again, and her thoughts were pulled back by this "evil" little hand.
Muhuan felt that there was a famous fire in her body at this time, which made her thirsty and hot all over. It happened that she was imprisoned in her arms for a hundred miles, and she was also hot all over. The two of them baked her like two carbon balls, and she felt even worse. She withdrew her hand and pulled her nightgown, hoping to strip herself naked.
"Damn it!" Li Mo Xu put a curse on her heart. Does this girl know how dangerous she is now? She pulled her nightgown with such a big smile, and a pair of white and soft clothes were already coming out. If she were almost qualitative, she might have ignored it now!
Thyme devoted to the heat bowed their heads and just wanted to pull Muhuan nightgown to Muhuan, but they twisted their heads and raised their heads. Two people’s lips happened to meet together, and Thyme devoted to the heat. His thin lips were a little cold, which made him feel happy and immediately reached out and hooked his neck at his lips and leaned over.
Muhuan didn’t fix it. At this time, she was fascinated by the charm and fragrance. She didn’t know what she was doing. She finally found a little coolness in the heat. If she didn’t rely on it, she would be roasted to death. She clung to her neck and clung to his body tightly. Her soft body gently twisted her lip. His thin lip gently grinded his tongue, and from time to time it stretched out and licked it.
"Goblin, you asked for it!" Where can you stand the temptation of this kind of consciousness? He is, after all, a normal man with soft blood. The string in his brain is so tight that it broke with a bang at this moment, and he can no longer consider the many passive and active kisses to the red lips.
Muhuan haven’t react thyme devoted to the heat has been holding her a reversal will she pressed the body, lips, teeth, siege, hands are not idle, three by five, divided by two, two people’s clothes have faded clean in an instant and have been "honest".
Muhuan’s brain was completely confused. She felt that although she found a cool place, she didn’t drop her body heat at all. On the contrary, it seemed as if something had ignited itself, and she couldn’t help but have a slight spasm everywhere. It was a wonderful feeling that she was soaring in the high temperature.
Thyme devoted to the heat has let go of the red lip kiss that was swollen by yourself, and it fell behind Muhuan’s ear and neck carefully and densely.
It is almost a kind of kiss that can make a hundred miles away from the heat. When I finally kissed the red cherry on Muhuan’s chest, I would never put the tip of my tongue to gently suck and tease her beauty. Especially when I heard Muhuan’s mouth can’t help but sing a hundred miles away from the heat, I couldn’t help but push myself to Muhuan’s waist.
At this moment, Muhuan’s hand caught hold of Zhang Jun’s face on his chest dishonestly, and subconsciously seemed to feel that something was wrong. Muhuan muttered, "Who are you?"

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