It’s ridiculous. Hua Wenxuan, you have nothing to do with them. What about her and him? Does she live like you have to worry about it?

He was thinking about what he meant, so he simply took the microphone and got up quickly. He sang freely and happily to dispel the layers of confusion and sadness in his mind.
From the next day, Tiancheng Culture, Film and Television Media Company also joined the tide of returning to work in China. The novel was changed to the screenwriter "Harem is really annoying" and the national sea election was officially launched. After the primary election, a channel of Haishu TV joined hands to open the draft journey.
At the same time, Shen Xintang also directed the crew and other aspects to make the final run-in and integration, and on behalf of Fox Tears, Shen Xintang also officially signed the animation adaptation. When she received it, she had to adapt herself, whether it was Lu Bai or she was really busy.
For her today’s fate, she is very grateful to Liu Bai in her heart, and she fully understands her affection for her. She also wants to repay him all her life. She is very anxious that now that she has identified him, if he asks her like that again, she will follow him.
It’s just that life likes to give you a moment’s silence. When you figure it out and are ready to cater to it, he has given you no chance.
She was mentally prepared, but she didn’t wait until that moment came.
The day she officially signed the adaptation, she said to invite him to dinner.
She thanked him, and he glared at her unhappily and said, "What do you appreciate me for? I’m not you, I’m myself!" "
He wants her to succeed. He wants her to be covered with a beautiful aura. Although he doesn’t care, how can he live in the secular world without worrying about other people’s opinions? He hopes that the woman beside her and he are a perfect match, and he is also a perfectionist in his bones.
"if you really appreciate me," he finally smiled, "you know what I want!"
She was still embarrassed when she received his evil eyes and ambiguous language, and then she quickly bowed her head and pretended to taste the food.
"Let’s get married after this drama is finished!" Hesitate a long time Shen Xintang finally get up the courage to say
Liu Bai slightly one leng to Shen Xintang this phase suddenly showed urgent he felt a little abrupt.
One fact is that he and Liao Feiyi agreed to be there. He can also see that the agreement was somehow, and he was very glad to have such an agreement.
Second, generally speaking, don’t all men propose to women? What, she came out first? It can be seen that her desire to get married is quite strong.
This also reflects from the side that she is really sure to give her life to him.
But human nature is strange and subtle, especially in the case of love, when that person escapes and retreats, you are desperately chasing and pestering; When she took the initiative to welcome him, she expressed her enjoyment of him, but he backed out and wanted to retreat.
Shen Xintang saw that there was no response across the street. He couldn’t help but look up and glanced at him gently. Liu Bai’s eyes were a little free, not as happy as she thought, which made her suddenly feel a sense of disappointment.
"Do you love me?" A long time he suddenly asked
"Ahem" Shen Xintang was pretending to drink water and was suddenly choked by his question.
Yes, it seems that she has never revealed her feelings to him. They seem to be moving too fast, from the moment they are sure, they are discussing marriage to the moment they persuade him.
Does she love him?
Is it because of old age? Or are you running away?
She doesn’t reject him, and she is grateful to him. When she is with him, she also feels at ease and at heart. She enjoys everything he brings to her. She is used to being with him every day. Even though she thinks about wanting him to spend her life together in the future, she feels that this way of getting along seems to be good, but she never thinks about whether she loves him or not.
No matter how vigorous love is, it will also be attributed to daily necessities, and it will naturally turn into water, glue and melt family ties.
Or whether she loves her or not doesn’t matter anymore, so she never thinks about it.
"What’s the matter? Why don’t you answer?" When she returned to normal, he narrowed his eyes and asked aggressively, "Do you love me?"
Shen Xintang was silent for a while.
He didn’t feel disappointed in his heart, but he didn’t feel entangled in it.
"No," he smiled wryly. "There’s no hurry. I know it’s not easy to make you forget Hua Wenxuan and love me so quickly. I can wait! Shall we get married when you love me? "
Shen Xintang reluctantly smiled, stopped talking and ate quietly. As expected, he said that men would care about women in the past. In his heart, he finally recognized that she still had unfinished feelings for Hua Wenxuan, but he still didn’t really recover his heart, and he was going to walk towards him completely.
Shen Xintang regrets what he said just now. Don’t show her attitude of wanting to marry him. He will understand that she is going to give her body and mind to him, but he is obsessed with whether she loves him or not.
It happened that she answered him "I love you" for a while.
The atmosphere seemed awkward at the moment.
At that time, because she was never sure about her heart, he had to go off the rails to hold her heart first. Now, once she really confirmed him, he relaxed and didn’t want to enter the siege so quickly.
If she answers him that she loves him, maybe he is happy and the horse agrees impulsively, although it is a bit strange because in his thinking mode, he thinks that men should take the initiative to get married.
However, her silence disappointed him and regretted him. He felt even more openly that they could not rush into the marriage hall for the time being.
A meal slowly came to an end in a slightly heavy and awkward atmosphere.

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