"Is something going to happen to the Empress again?" Night ghost frowns

"No accident, there will be a snowstorm." His face was slightly heavy in early summer. "Those granaries are the life-saving food for the people and the guarantee office for the stability of the people in the imperial court. I order you to keep it well, especially several granaries near the suburbs of Beijing."
"Don’t worry, be sure to keep it well."
In the early summer, I went to Nanyichen. He was correcting the memorial in the imperial room. Even the Emperor Hugh Mu Ri didn’t rest.
"Why did you come here in such a cold day in Xia Xia? I’ll be back soon. "Nan Yichen came in at the sight of early summer and hurried over to hold her hand." It’s all cold. "
"Emperor, this snow is a little weird. I’m worried that there will be a snowstorm. Now we must take some measures." In early summer, we should hold Nanyichen’s hand. "And we must prevent someone from spreading rumors with a snowstorm …"
Nanyichen was convinced of the early summer words and nodded quickly. "Don’t worry, this snow just needs proper measures now, so it won’t be a problem." Then he ordered Fu to inform the adults such as Pavilion Six to enter the palace quickly.
It turned out that it was snowing heavily outside on Xiumu Day, and everyone was comfortable at home, drinking a little wine and listening to a little song. As a result, a message interrupted these gentlemen’s comfort, and they dared not delay and hurried to get dressed and ran out.
Soon a dozen officials entered the imperial palace.
To everyone’s surprise, Song Ran, Xue Wen and Chu Yan were also present.
Everyone knows that these three people are going to be valued by the emperor. Although they are young and not high in office, everyone is polite.
Nan Yichen didn’t beat around the bush and just said about the snowstorm. "Now all of you must act immediately to prepare for the protection and the receptionist after the disaster …"
Everyone …
It’s only been snowing for an hour, and it’s a snowstorm? This is too … alarmist? Even if you want to be a king and you want to live in peace, it’s better to be reliable. Now there’s no snow in the land, so you say there’s a snowstorm? Why don’t you?
"Is the queen calculated" South escape minister suddenly added.
Everyone suddenly stopped talking. Did the queen figure it out? Then * * close. What do you mean? Because for so many years, the goddess’ divination is well-known, and no one can lie.
"Song Ran, you are responsible for taking people to visit the surrounding villages and towns to check the housing situation. If there is a dangerous house, you will pick them up first …" Nan Yichen threw a sword to him. "The village officials in various places and squires must cooperate with each other to kill Xue Wenchu Yan, and you two can be Song Ran’s deputy to assist him in exhibition work."
"Yes" Song Ran and other three people knelt down to get the purport and then hurried away.
"Knife, you assist both capital city yamen to check the gates’ houses … other departments are doing their jobs to prepare relief materials, and the Ministry of Industry is looking for a suitable place to build a relief shed …" Nan Yichen ordered a series of orders to go without any sloppiness.
They also brought life seriously one by one and then left
"The emperor is now snowing around the capital. Should he send someone to see other areas?" Yu Haichang discussed
"The queen has ordered to go to the mirror building to report the situation around every six hours …"
Yu Haichang stroked a Hu Niangniang and thought it would be better than their week.
After all, even if there is no snowstorm, it is a good thing for people to help you strengthen a room, isn’t it? Of course, some people think that the imperial court is alarmist, but there is an imperial edict. Anyone who dares to perfunctory or disobey orders to kill forgiveness will just dislike it in their hearts, but they are still very cooperative.
Chapter six hundred and sixty-five Black snow
Ironically, however, the heavy snow stopped at night
Those who don’t know the early summer show disdain eyes and smiles to see what the empress has up her sleeve. Isn’t that nonsense? It’s just that the snow hasn’t covered the ground for half a day. Here? Snowstorm? Haha …
At this time, in the early summer, Nan Yichen had already visited Bann Kwan Khiang Dao, the Qin Tianjian, where Qin Tianjian came to observe the stars.
You don’t look too good in early summer because it is dark before Lebanon when it stops snowing.
"Is there anything wrong with Xia Xia?" Nan Yichen doesn’t have those mysterious things to ask about early summer.
"I used to be a snowstorm, but now it seems …" Looking up at the sky in early summer, "I’m afraid it’s a more serious disaster than a snowstorm."
"More serious?" Nan Yichen twisted his eyebrows.
"Well," I raised my hand in early summer and felt the wind and humidity in one breath. "If I am not mistaken, there will be a black snow in the whole Beijing area …"
"Black snow?" South escape minister one leng he would never naive is as simple as black snow.
"Well, there will be a virus in the snow." She took a deep breath in the early summer, which is a bit of an eschatological taste, but this snow should be that people will not make the world become eschatological, but it will make the capital have an epidemic again, just like the former method of poison. Although she didn’t know what kind of virus it would be, her intuition told her that this time it would be more serious than the method of poison. Because of the large area of snow, the differential infection would be more difficult.
“**!” South escape minister hands hold up.
"Well," I nodded in early summer and then reached out and held his hand. "But don’t worry, I will solve it. I am very good."
Nan Yichen frowned and stretched out in an instant, and then laughed in a low voice to circle people into her arms. "It is the best in my Xia Xia that will be solved."
Early summer also hooked the corners of the mouth. "Everyone in the capital is not allowed to go out at once. If you have to go out, you must wrap it tightly and don’t touch the snowflake …" Although the executor may not be a department then, it can put an end to one. It is a "now I have to study some drugs."
"Good" Nan Yichen jumped directly from Bann Kwan Khiang Dao in early summer.
Dong several also hurried to follow, but I’m afraid no one in these guards can follow the emperor except a knife.
However, after returning, the Empress Dowager was not idle. One called for people to give orders, and the other went to the Imperial Hospital to call up the Department of Imperial Physician on duty and then pounded the medicinal materials.
I don’t know where the turtle jumped out. It was the bird that did the trick.
It has such a big event in early summer?
Little turtle, it burned its hair to ashes, which contained a lot of poison, and then its ability spilled into the clouds …
Can I still have artificial snowfall when I go here in early summer? Awesome
Little turtle, but the scope will not be too big. I guess the focus is on the palace and then the capital.
It’s really annoying not to kill it in early summer.
Little turtle, I’ve been thinking about it. Although I can’t kill it, I can beat it into a family bird, don’t you think?
Put it out in early summer?
Little turtle, yes, but Suzaku fire is a real fire between heaven and earth, and it is a bit difficult to completely extinguish it.
How do you know if you don’t try it in early summer?
Little turtle woman, what you said is very reasonable.
What do you need me to do in early summer?
The turtle wants to put it out. Suzaku Fire needs your merits and blessings. We can’t be too far apart. In other words, you have to fight with me.
Early summer is no problem, but for now, let’s get through the immediate difficulties. Hey, can’t I be a salted fish every day?
Little turtle, ancient salt was too tight to pickle such a big fish as you.
Early summer …

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