I don’t know if it’s fate or coincidence that Qin Dingfang is also on duty at midnight.

So Lin Yi corridor on this side of the Qin Dingfang opposite two people are also more than a mile apart.
Two people look at each other from time to time and don’t know what’s on their minds.
Later, if they had a tacit understanding, they gradually narrowed their distance.
Straight two people face to face.
The two of them are leaning against each other, and there is a corridor in the wall.
Lin Yi looked at Qin Dingfang.
Qin Dingfang also looked at him.
I wonder if it is meaningful for them to stare at each other at the moment. I wonder if they recall those things when they were children.
At this moment, Lin Yi is alone in the face of Qin Dingfang, a former "little master" and now a "brother", with mixed feelings in his heart.
Qin Dingfang asked, "What is Lin Yi thinking?"
Lin Yi said, "I used to miss my uncle and aunt in Beifu … I miss my mother and Chen Ma Xiaoshun. Those old uncles in Beifu told me that I couldn’t fight with you in the future, but you hurt him. Have you never thought about them?"
Qin Dingfang gave me a weird smile. He said, "How can I not think about it? I’m grandpa’s second grandson. Of course I have to think about it for so many years. I go to the grave to worship my grandparents every New Year’s holiday."
Lin Yi scoffed, "You’d better go to worship less. You are so disobedient and not afraid to climb grandpa out of the grave!"
Qin Dingfang said, "It was an accidental misunderstanding when the disaster in Beifu was over. I am also saddened …"
Lin Yi interrupted him and said, "Nonsense!"
Qin Dingfang said, "Nonsense is nonsense, Lin Yi. You find it strange that there is no such world. Sometimes people just like to believe nonsense instead of truth. I know you hate me and hate me, so you don’t do it."
Lin Yi said, "Don’t provoke my emperor to summon you. I’ll do it halfway. Do you want to make Long Yan angry? Besides, I know that there are many experts from the North House accompanying you, and you are also afraid."
Qin Dingfang smiled at him and said, "Since you know that there are many masters of the Northern Government in secret, it seems that there are people in secret, or you are not ordinary people. Otherwise, how can you find out who I am secretly accompanying?"
It is true that Lin Yi knows that there are many masters in the North Mansion who secretly inform him secretly.
Lin Yi still stared at Qin Dingfang, and the resentment in his eyes became deeper and deeper.
Lin Yi way "Qin Dingfang your ambition is too big! Greedy as fire, sooner or later, you will be destroyed by this fire. "
Qin Dingfang’s eyes are also full of resentment and anger. "Do you dare to say that you are not ambitious? ! Lin Yi, your ambition is no less than mine. If I am burned to death by greed, you will be doomed again! "
The conversation between the two men also became full of gunpowder flavor.
Lin Yi sneered, "Then tell me about my ambition?"
"Don’t deceive yourself any more. You keep saying that it’s Grandpa’s revenge on those kooks in your mother’s northern mansion. This excuse is really grandiose, but you killed Fengyun Magic, Yang Zhong, Simon Fog Fire, my uncle, and man in the iron mask, the smiling face, and the veil girl. You dug them up and killed you. Your revenge has long been reported!" Qin Dingfang said more and more angrily, remembering that he was killed by Lin Yi, his father and uncles, and he couldn’t wait to spit Lin Yi’s flesh and blood to trap to feel avenged. "They are all dead, but you still don’t stop! Do you still dare to say that you have no ambition? ! You really want to dominate the Jianghu! Maybe you not only want to dominate the rivers and lakes … Suo Linyi, you are really pot calling the kettle black. "
Qin Dingfang’s words actually made Lin Yi have a different feeling.
He’s walked all the way to the present, and he’s killed all those enemies.
Lin Yi was silent for a moment. His finger pointed to Qin Dingfang, which made people doubt. "Who said that your mother and you will be killed!"
Qin Dingfang sneer at a way "even if my mother and I are dead now, you still won’t let go! But we won’t die. I’ll let you die and all of you die! "
Lin Yi looked at him and suddenly said, "Hu Ling will decide!"
Qin Dingfang was shocked but did not move. He said, "Don’t tell a dirty lie without evidence. I can also call you Linghuyi."
Lin Yi suddenly smiled.
Laughter made Qin Dingfang a little uneasy.
Laugh Lin Yi also don’t talk.
A Gherardini look at Qin Dingfang.
Qin Dingfang looked at Lin Yi with a straight face.
Chapter ninety-six Su Jiner smell smell suspicious (1)
The next morning, Lin Yi, a few people, ate breakfast and continued their journey.
Qin Dingfang several people then set off.
Because they all go to the capital by another road, they sometimes meet each other, but they seldom strike up a conversation again.
The next afternoon, Lin Yi and his party arrived in the capital.
The capital tower is tall and majestic, and all kinds of buildings in the city are row upon row. Some palaces and courtyards are magnificent and magnificent, which is not comparable to ordinary cities.
Lin Yi, a few people lead horses to walk the busy streets.
There are shops everywhere around, and vendors on both sides are selling one after another.
Three religions and nine streams come and go
Have a sedan chair, ride a horse, carry a load and walk …
It’s always a busy scene.
I hope to come back and see those dazzling businessmen behave as excited as a child, especially those strange businessmen from foreign countries who attract him more.
He is clamoring for this and that now.
Lin Yi has to buy it for him to appease him.
Looking back soon, I was holding a bunch of strange things in my arms
Looking back, smiling and closing your mouth.
Many people next to him pointed and laughed at him when they saw that looking back was not normal.
Looking back and angry, he blushed and squirmed, and was about to put his throat and drink it to scare these jokes. Lin Yi, a genial smile, grabbed his mouth and looked back first.
Looking back, angry roar can kill Jianghu experts. These are ordinary people looking back. This thunderous roar doesn’t knock down a piece.
Lin Yi felt that he was going crazy. He said, "Brother, Brocade and I have told you many times all the way. This is the place where the capital is the emperor’s residence. Don’t make trouble. If you listen, I will buy you more delicious food …"
Lin Yi patiently coax hope to return.
At the moment, Lin Yi feels that he is a grandfather and looks more like a sexual grandson.
Looking back, "Hey, hey" smiled. "I want to scare these sons of bitches, so I don’t want to scare them. By the way, I want that …"

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