The two said that Chen Xiaotian’s mobile phone suddenly rang. Take it out and see that it was Li Yanru. Li Yanru said, "Come here after my shift tomorrow."

Chapter 236 Destiny
Section 245 Chapter 236 Destiny’s destination
Chen Xiaotian came to Li Yanru’s rented house by motorcycle. Chen Xiaotian called Li Yanru. After a while, Li Yanru came. When she saw Zhou Changyuan, she looked very surprised and said hello to each other. Chen Xiaotian said to Li Yanru, "Sister Ru came here this long time just to find a job in the city. I wonder if you can help."
Li Yanru said, "It’s easy to find a job now, and people in our supermarket don’t know whether you will do it or not." Zhou Changyuan even said, "If you do it, you have to have a job." Li Yanru said, "I’ll call our manager." Zhou Changyuan said, "Yes."
Li Yanru took out her mobile phone and made a phone call. After that, she looked at Chen Xiaotian and said to Zhou Changyuan, "I told our manager that he told you to go for an interview."
"There’s an interview" Zhou Changyuan couldn’t help but be a little timid. Li Yanru laughed. "Actually, there’s nothing wrong with not taking an exam. It’s just to see how you look, whether an honest man is very diligent, etc." Zhou Changyuan took a look at Chen Xiao’s JIU ge, "Go and see Xiao Tian" and Chen Xiaotian wanted to mean to say, "I won’t go, and I’ll come back for you later on a personal matter." Zhou Changyuan looked very lost.
Li Yanru said to Chen Xiaotian, "Remember to come for dinner tomorrow night." Chen Xiaotian said, "It’s a big guy." Li Yanru said, "He’s busy outside all day. Alas, I don’t know what he’s up to." Chen Xiaotian said, "Men have their own things to do. You should give him freedom." Li Yanru smiled and said, "I know that."
Chen Xiaotian got up and said, "Well, I’m going out to play for a long time. You go with Rujie and try Rujie. Call me if you have anything."
Li Yanru said, "OK, you go."
Chen Xiaotian took out his mobile phone and called lin xi after he launched the motorcycle. He felt that he hadn’t seen lin xi for a long time, and he really missed her.
As soon as I dialed lin xi’s mobile phone, the other party answered lin xi and said, "I was just about to call you, so you called me." Chen Xiaotian smiled hey hey. "It seems that we have a heart in mind. What can I do for you? Did you miss me?" lin xi said, "Yes, come to me?" Chen Xiaotian said, "Of course, but I just miss you there."
"Oh, don’t come to my place and go to the coffee shop," said lin xi.
Chen Xiaotian said, "Isn’t it more convenient to come to your place? Have you fallen in love with coffee recently?" lin xi said, "You will know when you come. Come to this Yiyexiang coffee shop in the west of the city. You know here?" Chen Xiaotian said, "I seem to have seen it." lin xi said, "Well, you can say here, and I will wait for you here."
Chen Xiaotian came to the west of the city with a motorcycle and looked for a while. Finally, he found lin xi’s leafy coffee shop. After Chen Xiao parked his car outside the door and went in, he saw lin xi sitting at a table. As soon as he saw Chen Xiaotian, he immediately reached out and waved to Chen Xiaotian.
Chen Xiaotian came to sit opposite lin xi and saw that lin xi was dressed in red and looked more charming. He couldn’t help but praise, "I haven’t seen you more and more beautiful in a few days."
Lin xi ha ha laughs "I dressed up".
"Oh," said Chen Xiaotian, feeling very surprised, "You seldom dress up before, but now you suddenly dress up like a girl. Did you see a handsome guy?"
Lin xi asked, "Do you think it’s you?"
Chen Xiaotian said "no". lin xi looked at Chen Xiao with great interest and asked "What do you think is not you?" Chen Xiaotian said "If it were me, you would have called me to your home."
At this time, the clerk came over and politely asked Chen Xiaotian, "What kind of coffee do you want, sir?" Chen Xiao Tianchao pointed to the coffee in front of lin xi and said, "Just like her."
After a while, the clerk brought a cup of coffee to Chen Xiaotian. Chen Xiaotian took a sip and almost spit it out. At that time, he blurted out, "What the hell am I really bitter?" Fortunately, he finally swallowed the coffee with a frown.
Lin xi couldn’t help smiling. Chen Xiao asked, "What on earth did you say you were trying to call me?" lin xi said, "I’m getting engaged soon."
"Ah" Chen Xiaotian couldn’t help but be dazed and asked "Who is the beast named Yuan?"
Lin xi said, "It’s not that I have nothing to do with him." Chen Xiaotian asked curiously, "Who is that?" lin xi said, "My father knows a young man." Chen Xiaotian said, "Your father won’t push you to the fire resistance again this time, will he?"
"What are you talking about?" lin xi said. "How could my dad push me to the fire resistance?" Chen Xiaotian shrugged and asked, "What about this young man this time? Since you are engaged to him, you must have a good impression on him."
Lin xi said, "It’s ok, it’s much better than Yuan Keliang." Chen Xiaotian nodded his head. From lin xi’s quiet face, he seemed to see a sense of belonging. This is the expression that a woman can’t help but show after meeting her favorite man. Chen Xiaotian was also happy and lin xi said sincerely, "I wish you happiness." lin xi said, "Thank you."
Then both of them were silent, drinking their coffee silently. Chen Xiaotian felt very embarrassed to break the deadlock. He jokingly asked, "Is that guy handsome like me?" lin xi took a look at Chen Xiaotian and smiled, "Not as handsome as you." Chen Xiaotian said, "Then I’m relieved that he is not afraid that he will have an affair outside."
After coming out of the coffee shop, Chen Xiaotian looked around and asked, "Where’s your car?" lin xi said, "I’ll walk." Chen Xiaotian said, "Then I’ll take you home." lin xi said, "No, my home is not far from here. I like to walk on the road." Chen Xiaotian didn’t force himself to say, "Ok, I’ll go back first."
Lin xi gently nodded his head.
Chen Xiaotian took a look across the motorcycle. lin xi saw that she was quietly looking at him. I’m afraid I can’t hug lin xi anymore, and I can’t have a skin kiss with her. I wish you happiness.
Lin xi said, "You should be happy, too."
Chen Xiaotian said "I will", then started the motorcycle and ran to Li Yanru’s rental house.
When passing a bridge, Chen Xiao stopped his motorcycle and gave a message to Li Yanru asking "How is the long-term elder brother?" Li Yanru said "The interview passed and our manager said that we can go to work tomorrow." Chen Xiao Tianxi said "Great" Li Yanru said "Where did you come back early? When the black bear came back, let’s have dinner tonight." Chen Xiaotian said "Yes, I will come back soon."
At this time, I saw two people coming from the bridge. In front, a man was bald, about thirty or forty years old, slightly fat, and walked very fast. Two meters away from him, an old man was about sixty or seventy years old, with white hair and hunched back. When he walked, he shook it, which made people worry that he would fall down at any time.
See the bald man in front looked back and cried impatiently, "You’d better hurry up. When will it take you to the end like this?" The old man gasped and said, "Slow down, slow down, your legs are not working. You can’t walk fast." The bald man didn’t good the spirit tunnel, "It’s really old."
The old man still walked very slowly, and the bald man shouted, "Come on, old man, do you want to go or not?" The old man looked very disappointed at the bald man.
At this time, they were passing by Chen Xiaotian to see the bald man. Chen Xiaotian couldn’t help shouting at the bald man, "Can’t you slow down? How can an old man walk fast when he is so old?"
Bald man stared at Chen Xiaotian coldly scold a way "you fart matter"
Chen Xiaotian was angry and said superciliously, "It’s not right for you to treat the old man like this if you don’t mind my business." The bald man said, "He’s my old man and I can do whatever I like." Chen Xiaotian cried, "It’s you who still treat him like this. Let the dog eat your conscience."
"Holy shit!" The bald man flew into a rage, intellectual and angry. He rushed at Chen Xiaotian and glared at Chen Xiaotian. "You’re a little begging, aren’t you?"
At this time, the old man rushed in and even said, "Don’t make noise." Then he reached out and pulled the bald man. The bald man pushed the old man and cried, "Get out of here!"
The old man staggered and was almost pushed to the ground. Chen Xiaotian jumped into a motorcycle with great anger and stretched out his hand to catch the bald man. He cried, "God has such an unfilial son as you. Believe it or not, you throw it from your bridge."
"Damn it," the bald man came at Chen Xiaotian with his fist. Chen Xiao Tian caught the bald man by the hand and stared at him. "People like you shouldn’t treat you like this in this world. You are not afraid that you will die when you are old in the future."

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