"Ha ha, that’s good." Nan Yichen smiled. "Don’t worry, I’m not interested in the martial arts leader."

The knife smiled and then said the result of last night’s treatment.
Yi Baiyun still relented and didn’t kill anyone. It was Yi Tianci who drove the mountain to Zhizhi and stayed in the mountain because of Yi Xiaobao’s intercession.
Is under house arrest in the courtyard.
"Ah" sighed in the early summer. "Yi Baiyun is really benevolent, but the result of benevolence and righteousness is to leave disaster for himself." She saw that his face was really alive but not fatal.
"Well," Nan Yichen nodded. "He really makes people admire him, but this inexplicable softhearted manner makes me disagree."
The knife has hooked a corner of his mouth, but his father is soft-hearted, but he is not Yi Tianci. Let’s live for a few days for the time being, and he will end his life as soon as the Wulin Congress is over.
"Junior junior junior junior junior apprentice …" Just then there was an old urchin voice outside. "Where are you?"
Early summer and Nan Yichen looked at each other and hurried out. They saw that the old urchin had just stopped others from flying and then came running with an eyebrow eye smile. "You really came here too much to play without me."
Those who helped the public to see that the old man was familiar with this hospital and dared not stop him again, but they still sent someone to report Yi Baiyun.
"How did you get here?" Looking at an old man in early summer, I was relieved to find that he was not injured.
"Just come here," the old urchin pointed to the back. "By the way, Xiaochu, I’m hungry."
"liger Tiger …" At this time, three cubs came running.
The old urchin immediately picked up all three cubs and then flew around with them, causing them to giggle.
In early summer, I went to the kitchen and soon made two dishes and one soup.
The old man went to the roof after eating and drinking enough. "When you are full, you will fall backwards."
They are already used to it.
It’s normal for the old man to be restless and play cards.
Chapter one hundred and four To thousands of miles
I didn’t expect Yi Baiyun to come again in the evening.
The old urchin is in the courtyard, eating snacks prepared for him in early summer, while teaching three cubs to fight, hey, hey, ha, ha, and the three snow wolves follow him, grinning for a while and leg lifts for a while, which is quite lively.
"Master Yi Zhuang, why are you here?" Nan Yichen is watching his three cubs play like learning martial arts. After all, they are only two years old. It is impossible to expect them to learn something now. It is only after playing with them and making rules that they can educate and see Yi Baiyun coming in. Only then did they get up and meet up.
"I …" Yi Baiyun just wanted to talk, but his eyes fell on the old urchin and he went straight over without looking at Nan Yichen.
The old urchin immediately stepped back when he found someone approaching. "What are you doing?"
"Master!" Yi Baiyun suddenly knelt down. "Master, it’s really you. You don’t know me. I’m Baiyun."
Nan Yichen was stupefied, but he just came out in early summer. He went to Nan Yichen and poked him. "What’s the situation?"
"Master Yi Zhuang calls old urchin master" Nan Yichen frowns. If this old man is really Master Yi Baiyun, this one is a thousand miles away.
But didn’t you hear that he died after a duel with the old vulture?
"Ha ha" smiled in the early summer. "That’s really fate. I didn’t expect this old man to have such a big history." She didn’t know anything about the Wulin before, but this time she came to the Wulin Congress to make up for a knowledge of Wulin.
Forty years ago, it was said that there were three people in Wulin who didn’t know people and didn’t know people.
One is that once upon a time in america’s "shadow palm" travels thousands of miles, the other is an old vulture who is full of evil hands, and the other is the first beauty in Wulin, who is known as the ethereal fairy building
Upholding righteousness and integrity to thousands of people is what justice incarnates for the old vultures who kill people everywhere. That’s what they hate. They killed the old vultures several times with Wulin people, forcing the old vultures to change places everywhere and finally went there. Now the valley of Yin and Yang is located at the junction of Beijin, Nantang and Xifan. The terrain in the mountains is complex and it is difficult to defend, and the martial arts people outside have organized many encirclement and suppression, and they all failed.
But later, the old vulture actually cultivated evil deeds and arrested many children. It’s really desperate for thousands of miles to refine the method of children and poison the children’s monsters. Anyone who comes out of the valley of Yin and Yang will kill him without asking anything.
Those who can enter the valley of Yin and Yang have been strictly selected by the old vultures and volunteered. Every hand is precious. After all, it has been fed with poison.
Seeing that my hands will be ruined, the old vulture sent a martial arts duel post to Qianli.
Dogs have dogs, cats have cats, the court has laws, and the Wulin has its own rules.

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