Even if he hasn’t specially strengthened his bones, he can withstand the strength explosion at this level even if he reaches the advanced level 4 with every promotion.

However, his mastery of "devil’s muscle" and "overrun" increased his strength to six times, which led to the endurance of the skeleton method.
Now Su Li is also secretly glad that he has fortunately obtained the talent of "strengthening care", which is one more strengthening than the average person.
Otherwise, even if you have the ability of "devil muscle" and "over-limit", it is almost difficult for you to play because you don’t have enough reinforcement times, and neither your physical strength nor your bones can keep up unless you give up the "divine power" reinforcement and strengthen your heart or bones the only time.
Quietly launch the "super-regeneration" ability, the bone tingling in both arms gradually disappeared. Su Li stared at Jiang Shuijue and saw that the white light on her body surface disappeared after she woke up. Obviously, the situation has improved, but her face is still difficult to hide the pain. There are more and more cold sweats on her forehead.
Obviously, although she is awake, her condition has improved slightly, but her physical severity has not been completely changed.
She has tried her best to guide her endless energy, but this energy is far beyond her body’s capacity. It cannot be solved by her willpower or guidance, and this energy can not be vented.
As this energy gathered more and more, her pale skin gradually became bloodshot.
"What happened to Shuijue?" Ding Longyun and Xu Xuehui woke up and finally found that something was wrong with Jiang Shuixuan. They were busy coming around.
"Her body energy is too strong for her body to bear. Now we must find a way to vent her body strength or she …"
Su Li saw Jiang Shuixuan’s skin surface appear bloodshot. Although she fought back and didn’t scream, her teeth pressed against her lips, which was obviously extremely painful.
"You try to stay away from me." Su Li thought of the big water drop of the previous tears, which was in a state of confrontation. At this moment, the strength of the tears may lead to the strength of this big water drop to help her alleviate her pain.
"And me" Gong Xiao is also busy reaching out and sensing the subtle force released by the drop of blood from the body, slowly focusing on his hands and then pressing on the surface of Jiang Shuixuan’s body to benefit from the force of this drop of blood to draw out the energy of the big drops of water in her body.
If we can help her to vent some of the energy of this big drop of water, maybe she can survive this robbery.
Bai Jiang Shuijue is in danger of life and death. Ding Long Yun is too anxious to speak. He is busy pulling Xu Xuehui back far from disturbing.
Xu Xuehui broke free and stared at a pair of big eyes with a faint glow like observing Jiang Shuixuan’s situation.
Su Li showed the tears from her left hand, and there were subtle cracks in the spider’s web on the surface of the tears, and then she pressed the tears to Jiang Shuijue’s hand, hoping that the filar silk force released by the tears could penetrate into her body to help her offset or guide some large water droplets to alleviate her dangerous situation.
"Ah-"Jiang Shuixuan finally couldn’t help but open his mouth to make a painful sound.
Although Su Li and Gong Xiao tried their best to help each other, neither the tears nor the drop of blood energy entered the root of Jiang Shuijue’s body according to their wishes, which could not offset or guide the energy of Jiang Shuijue’s body.
Su Li looked at Jiang Shuixuan’s painful appearance and was so anxious that sweat broke out on his forehead, but he was helpless now.
"It’s no good." Suddenly Xu Xuehui spoke.
Su Li was busy looking at her and said, "Girl, do you know what to do?"
"Fire and water don’t melt. Is Gong Xiao’s sister on fire?"
Hearing Xu Xuehui say this, Gong Xiao took back her hand. She has now whitened herself. This drop of blood belongs to the power of fire, and that big drop of water in Jiang Shuixuan’s body should be water.
"Dragon power and various elements"
Su Li spirit a flap he holds the gun tears and cologne strength busy way "that what should I do? The situation of Shuijue is getting worse and worse. "
Watching Jiang Shuijue’s skin surface appear bloodshot is becoming more and more obvious. Obviously, this is a harbinger that her body will reach the limit of explosion. If we don’t do something about it, she will be really dangerous.
Su Li was so anxious that Xu Xuehui went on, "She can draw the tears directly … You can cross the dragon power into her body through your own body …"
After hearing what Xu Xuehui said, Su Li immediately thought of what aphrodisiac the heroine had won or got some kind of powerful energy in the plot of many videos and novels before, so she had to have sex immediately or her life would be in danger.
At this time, it is necessary for the male host to come out and successfully save the female host and win her heart through the combination of yin and yang.
Chapter 49 The routine is wrong
Don’t you even encounter this similar situation today? It seems that you have sacrificed your body to combine with Jiang Shuixuan to help her survive this robbery.
"I’m white." Su Li’s face showed a tragic look. "Then don’t come in and peek at Gong Xiao. You keep this passage and I’ll take her into the room." As he spoke, he picked up Jiang Shuixuan and prepared to walk into the room.
Although Jiang Shuixuan had a face of pain, her mind was still clear. She didn’t read similar novels less, and when she heard Xu Xuehui say that, she immediately thought of going with Su Li.
It turned out that she wanted to live today to see what happened with Su Li. Instead of resisting, she was full of expectations at the moment, thinking of combining with Su Li early to end the pain.
Being a girl, you must pretend to be reserved at this moment, otherwise it will make people feel that she is too casual.
She gritted her teeth and frowned, brimming with pain. Although ten thousand people were willing to talk in her heart, she said, "I … I’ve never … Don’t … Don’t do anything else …"
Su Li decisively said, "There’s no other way. It’s important for Shui Xuan to save his life now. I’ll take care of it." As he said this, he was impatient to rush to the room.
Ding Longyun also understood what was going on. He was sensible and busy, so he retired along the passage and went out to the outside hall with his back to the passage. He didn’t dare to peep at random.
Xu Xuehui heard their words a face of strange way "responsible? What? "
Su Li has rushed to the room avenue with Jiang Shuixuan in her arms. "Your child doesn’t know this. You should go out quickly. Don’t come in and take Xue Hui out. She is a child and can’t look around."
Gong Xiao said nothing and pulled Xu Xuehui out. Xu Xuehui was confused and said, "Can’t you watch the handshake?"
Su Li rushed to the room and immediately put Jiang Shuixuan in her arms. She put away her body surface and undressed her spiritual source equipment.
Jiang Shuixuan’s eyes closed tightly, and he also put away the spiritual source equipment on the body surface, shaking slightly all over.
She has never felt that this is the first time that she is nervous, expecting and curious. She is so nervous that her physical pain seems to be relieved a lot.
Room channel GongXiao looked at Xu Xuehui a face of consternation "shake hands? You said they just need to hold hands? "
"Yeah, just hold hands and transport the dragon power."
Xu Xuehui looked puzzled. Obviously, she couldn’t understand what big brother was shaking hands with Jiang Shuixuan. She couldn’t watch it, and she had to go to the room to shake hands and ask them not to peek.
Gong Xiao turned black and rushed into the room without saying a word like a whirlwind.
Gong Xiao and Xu Xuehui’s words also entered the ears of Su Li and Jiang Shuixuan. Su Li was just about to undress and suddenly had a black line.
Did Nima just hold hands?
I completely misunderstood Xu Xuehui’s meaning.
Don’t all novels say that you have to have physical intercourse? Why is this routine wrong?
It’s … it’s either wrong or wrong.
See Jiang Shuijue so also very willing to cooperate.
It’s a pity that I haven’t thought much about it yet. Gong Xiao has rushed in and his face looks Gherardini. "Xue Hui said that holding hands is ok. What are you still doing? What’s the face of disappointment? Hurry to save people, don’t you still watch the pain of water? "
As he spoke, he squatted down to lie down and was prepared to be invaded by Su Li. Jiang Shuixuan lifted her up and lifted her hands.
Jiang Shuijue’s face was flushed with shame. At this moment, he dared not open his eyes and pretended to be in a semi-coma
Su Li has several grass mud horses in his heart, and he clenched Jiang Shuixuan’s hands before saying nothing.
The ray of energy emitted by the gun tears was directly absorbed by Jiang Shuixuan, but Su Li was able to fuse the gun tears into his own body and then extract the ray of cologne energy by induction, which would reach his own hands and then be conveyed to Jiang Shuixuan through his and Jiang Shuixuan’s hands.
Sure enough, as this ray of cologne power was transported into Jiang Shuijue’s body, the energy of the furious and expanding big drops of water in her body immediately responded.
Xu Xuehui also walked into the room and said, "Of course, this way to transport energy is the slowest … mouth to mouth will be much faster …"
Su Li has seen Xu Xuehui’s words at the moment, silently conveying the power of Gu Long to Jiang Shuixuan’s body through his hands. I thought this girl didn’t speak clearly and misunderstood her meaning. Now Gong Xiao must laugh at herself. This image is completely ruined …

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