"Then say it quickly, Xiaojin. You want to worry me to death!"

Yi Genjin’s expression is very dignified and he wanted to think about it and said to me, "Brother Dog, do you know who I learned from when I got a prediction collar?" I’ve never told anyone about my master. She’s a great wizard who brings the dead back to life. I dare not say, but it shouldn’t be a problem to save the dog sister-in-law with her witchcraft. I think my master must personally save the dog sister-in-law! "
Chapter 2: Weird woman, thank you plwlands for coming!
Yi Genjin’s words gave me a sedative. When people are desperate, even the slightest hope and hope will make them excited.
As soon as I grasped Yi Genjin’s hand in a hurry; "Jin, do you think your master can really cure your sister-in-law?"
Yi Genjin wanted to think and nodded seriously; "Brother Dog, if my master is willing to do it, sister-in-law should be cured."
I was holding the boulder in my heart, which lightened my weight. I found that although Yi Genjin was convinced of his master’s ability, he seemed to have something on his mind, as if he had something to say. I said to him, "Xiaojin, if you have something to say, let’s say it. There’s nothing we can’t say."
Yi Genjin thought about this for a long time before he said, "Brother Dog, although Master’s witchcraft can be said to be unique, she is a very strange person. I have also studied foreknowledge with her for half a year. Even my uncle has a prejudice against Master. I have always opposed my worshipping her teacher. I secretly worshipped her and learned this thing. Although I know that she will definitely cure the dog’s sister-in-law’s disease, I still have no idea whether she will do it or not."
Yi Genjin said that Nai shook his head. I heard that my heart was cold again. How dare Xiaojin be so unfamiliar with his master! It’s going to be difficult, and the biggest headache is dealing with people with weird personalities. You have no idea what he’s thinking, but then I thought, I’m afraid everyone is weird. Anyway, it’s better to try a glimmer of hope than no hope.
After I discussed with Yi Genjin, Yi Genjin said that he would accompany me and Xiaolian to find his master the next day. His master lives in a remote village in Anshi, Jilin Province, which is not too far from my home. It can be reached on the same day by car.
After I made an appointment with Yi Genjin, I went back and prepared to tell Nellian about it. Nellian didn’t hold out much hope. She felt that even the orb couldn’t change her ghost body, and the wizard was even more unreliable. But when I made up my mind, Nellian packed up and arrived at Dagushan Town with me.
Yi Genjin and Zana have been waiting for us at the door of the store for a long time. Lotus is much better now, but her face is a little pale. Her body is digesting the orb and it is losing its effectiveness. I don’t think it will be long before Lotus will return to being a former female ghost.
Zana took a few steps when she saw me coming with Lillian. It’s no different for Zana to get along with Lillian and get along with her own sisters for such a long time. Zana asked Lillian, "Sister Lillian, what do you think now?"
Nelly smiled and touched the lower abdomen and said to Zana, "Fortunately, sometimes my stomach hurts."
Zana touched Nellie’s lower abdomen with her hand, and her face became surprised and said, "Sister Nellie, why is your belly so hard?"
"That orb lost its effectiveness, and I had a side effect," said Xiaolian lightly.
Zana was very worried about Xiaolian, but she didn’t say anything. We took the train to Anshi and went straight to Sanlibao Village, a remote village in Anshi, the home of Master Yigenjin.
Anshi is a county-level city belonging to Tonghua City, Jilin Province. Its history can be traced back to 37 BC. There was a famous Koguryo King Town in human language here, and many ancient tomb sites were found here.
After a long journey, Yi Genjin finally led us to Sanlipu Village, a small village dozens of kilometers away from An City. The traffic was inconvenient here, and we walked more than ten miles of mountain roads on foot before entering the village.
After entering the village, I found that there are more than 30 families in the village. This small village belongs to the kind that can’t be seen anywhere. Who would have thought that there was an extraordinary person living here? I never doubted that Master Yi Genjin’s ability could teach such a predictive expert in half a year, which shows his ability.
When we got to the first house in the west of the village, Yi Genjin stopped and looked at the gate of this house. He said to us, "Don’t talk nonsense when you enter the house. My master is a strange-tempered person, and she will throw us out if you say anything."
Zana frowned and said, "What kind of master do you think this is? You’re her apprentice. You brought a friend to ask her for help, so she didn’t dare to kick us out?"
In the face of Zana’s scolding Yi Genjin, it seems that this young queen must be a hen-pecked Yi Genjin laughed. "My master is such a freak. I didn’t even find out her temper. You can talk less and I will do it."
Yi Genjin finished with us and walked into the courtyard.
When we entered the courtyard, we found that there were many people standing in a long line in this courtyard, and there were a dozen people. Judging from their clothes, they were all city dwellers, and their clothes were not local farmers. These people were waiting anxiously in the courtyard with necks. Every time someone came out of the house, one of the people in this team walked into the house.
When I saw this, I asked Yi Genjin, "Xiaojin, why are there so many people in your master’s family?"
Yi Genjin whispered to me, "My master can predict divination and see hysteria. These people come here for a long time and are full of people every day."
"Does your master need money to see a doctor?"
"Of course, it’s not only expensive, but you really can’t come here without money," said Yi Genjin.
"Then we can’t wait in line. When will we go? It’s getting dark, Xiaojin. Go in and find your master." I said to Yi Genjin.
Yi Genjin hesitated for a moment and said to me, "Brother Dog, she is busy now. If I go in to find her, I might annoy her. But you and Sister-in-law, I’ll throw caution to the wind. Let’s go in!"
Yi Genjin took us to the house as if with great determination. I saw Yi Genjin’s trembling like this, and I felt very grateful that my master was kind and good-natured.
This is a standard rural house with four and a half tiles. The roof is red glazed tiles, and the walls are covered with white tiles, which makes the whole house look beautiful and tidy. It is very good to live in such a magnificent house in such a remote and isolated mountain village.
Yi Genjin first walked into the room, and I, Lillian and Zana followed him. Those who were waiting in line saw that we didn’t queue up and went in. Suddenly, there was an uproar and they accused us of jumping the queue.
I walked into the room and saw that there was a desk-like desk in the spacious room. A middle-aged bald man with style was sitting in the chair carefully, listening to the person opposite him. Through this thin curtain, I could vaguely see that there was a man sitting opposite him. This man was telling the middle-aged man through the curtain, "Do as I say and your disaster will be solved naturally."
The middle-aged man got up from his chair with a smile on his face and said respectfully, "How much is the master?"
"You look at it."
The middle-aged man took out a pile of money from his wallet and estimated that there should be about 1000 yuan. After putting it on the table, he turned and left the house.
I saw all this happening in the room, except Yi Genjin. I was stunned by Xiaolian and Zana. It was not because of this "master" on the spot, but because she just said that the voice was a girl of seventeen or seventeen. This is really incredible.
I’ve been speculating all the way about what Yi Genjin, a strange master, will look like. I know that she is a woman, and she should be old. I imagined that she should be a tricky and unreasonable strange wife. I didn’t expect her voice to be the same as that of a girl. What a situation!
I can’t help but look at her through the thin curtain. Although I can vaguely see her, she is no different from a little girl in shape. I can’t help wondering and looking at Yi Genjin to find an answer from him.
Yi Genjin was not too surprised, as if he had already known all this. Before seeing his curtain, he said to his master, "Master, I’m coming to see you."
There was silence for a few seconds after the curtain was draped, and there was no response. At this moment, another man came into the house, who was waiting in line outside. Master Yi Genjin suddenly said in a cold voice after the curtain was draped, "Just get out of here!"
Although this sound is a girl’s voice and the sound quality is very sweet, it has a penetrating smell in the ear, which makes people feel numb. As soon as the man who just entered the house heard it, he quickly withdrew from the house. Presumably, he had already heard that the owner had a strange temper and left without daring to say a word.

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