Think of yourself as a level 6 holy knight Su Li heart secretly sigh attached to recede into the city.

The ancient city people have also retreated and evaded and fled to the city.
This red armor man’s encounter with the guide is simply earth-shattering, and the power is too terrible. Everyone will not be far away to avoid being killed by Yu Weibo.
Those terrans who had forgotten the cracks were also busy fleeing back and jumping to avoid the whole crack on the top of the mountain, which instantly turned into a horrible flame and white light filled with purgatory.
This red armor man obviously holds a powerful flame force, and with a wave of his hand, he has the power of shaking the earth with a ghost rock tomahawk.
In an instant, the guide kept retreating, and she kept supporting the white circular array, but she was vulnerable and was chopped to pieces by the ghost rock tomahawk.
Su Li doesn’t know what level their strength has reached. The only thing that can be sure is that the strength of the Red Armor Man and the Guide is "equal" among the 20-level paladins or sorcerers.
Of course, with the "equal" also divided into 369 equal eyes, the two sides immediately gained a crushing advantage when they played against the red armor.
In his right hand, he held the flaming red ghost rock tomahawk, which seemed to shake with each axe.
The guide’s hands are constantly releasing a huge array to resist the fire, but the red armor and ghost rock tomahawk are constantly shattered, forcing the guide to retreat back.
Suddenly, when she stamped her foot, a circular circle appeared, spinning with huge white light.
In an instant, the circular array of her feet, the center of Fiona Fang, suddenly appeared one after another, and the circular array patterns all turned rapidly to rise, with a huge white light beam.
In an instant, this huge beam of light will be red and armored, and the center will suddenly gather and squeeze to other places. Every beam of light in the array contains devastating energy.
The power of this blow is earth-shattering
This offensive is very fierce, and the red armor people have to solemnly take a slight meal. As soon as their left hand is stretched out, there will be a huge shield burning around their bodies to confront this sudden gathering of white beams.
Almost at the same moment, he suddenly found that the guide was swept away as fast as a flash, and rushed away in the direction of the ancient city wall around him.
"Looking for death!"
The red armor man exclaims. He never imagined that he had already appeared. This guide has not given up his former thoughts. She dumped herself. This is for Su Li.
Obviously, the guide didn’t even think about him winning or losing. Her real goal has always been Su Li.
At the moment, all the people in the ancient city have retreated to the city, relying on strong walls to resist the impact of these two terrible strong fighters fighting energy fluctuations.
There are also many people gathered in the city wall to observe Su Li from a distance, stripping off a few rare pieces of equipment while returning to the city, and preparing to change a few pieces of equipment that can make the monarch.
Today, he fully harvested a piece of monarch equipment in one breath.
It seems that this effect can be much faster than finding a monster nest every day to kill monarch monsters.
There are three weapons in this monarch’s equipment, namely, ice, frozen staff, poisonous staff, stinging snake spear and wind, winged staff.
He doesn’t need to think about who to give these three weapons to. Among the five pieces of monarch armor, there can be two pieces, namely thunder attribute, left hand thunder gloves and dragon shadow combat boots.
Su Li slowly stripped himself off with his left hand rare gloves and ghost boots.
When he returned to the city, these two pieces of equipment were stripped off, and then he equipped his left hand with thunder gloves and dragon shadow boots.
As these two pieces of monarch equipment merged into the body, he immediately felt the powerful energy released from these two pieces of equipment
Lei Lei Ming glove attributes enhance strength by 2 and defense by 1.
Dragon Shadow Boot Attribute Enhances Defense by 2 and Speed by 2%
With the integration of these two pieces of monarch equipment into the body, his normal state, the strongest strength immediately rose to 349 pounds, and his defense reached 276 pounds, and he gained a big rise again.
The most surprising doubt is that he already has five pieces of dragon-attribute monarch equipment.
These five pieces of dragon-attribute monarch equipment are resonating with each piece of equipment, and each piece of equipment releases a dragon power. These five pieces of equipment release power and merge together, just like the other body has formed a whole with an amazing change.
At this moment, Su Li’s right hand is chopped by a red crescent dragon, and his left shoulder is covered with scales, dragons’ shoulders, armor, waist, tyrant’s belt and feet are wearing dragon shadow combat boots. His right thumb shows the surface of the black purgatory ring, and the original layer of light is the surface of the equipment covered by Long Li.
At this moment, with the combination of five pieces of equipment, the dragon force immediately doubled, and the surface shimmer became much brighter.
There is a beautiful fluorescent light on the surface of these five pieces of equipment. It may not look obvious during the day, but it is very obvious at night.
Five pieces of dragon attribute equipment enabled him to activate the second layer of dragon power, which can increase the power of additional spirit source by 5%, and now it has directly increased to 1%.
Originally, he was in the state of exceeding the limit and Monty’s true body, and his strongest strength was 400,000 Jin. With the integration of these two monarch equipments and the effect of additional spiritual source enhancement by 1%, his strongest strength now directly reached about 420,000 Jin, close to 430,000 Jin.
In addition to these two pieces of monarch equipment, Su Li also got six rings, two of which were rare.
A rare skeleton ring increases strength by 15 Jin, and a rare apocalypse ring also increases strength by 15 Jin.
Su Li successively equipped the skeleton ring and the apocalypse ring with the middle finger and the name finger of his right hand, and peeled off the left tail finger wearing a rare fire ring and changed it to the right tail finger.
In this way, he wears five rings on his right hand, which is a rare or qualitative ring.
They are monarchical black prison ring, rare black death ring, skeleton ring, apocalypse ring and fire ring.
While the left-hand tail refers to the fact that he picked out a Fengming ring from more than four ordinary rings and now he is fully equipped with ten rings and three extra rings.
The right hand is a rare or quality ring, while the left hand is a common quality ring.
Three rings have been added, and the strength has increased by 4 thousand. His current strength has reached 39 Jin.

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