
The heavy landing of the bag also means that several people’s mood has changed greatly.
Cai Yu, the "criminal elder", is really pretty and cold.
"What do you mean?"
"Elder Cai!" Punishment Zhao distance look straight at each other cold way
"Don’t forget your identity. Since then, the ice source marrow giant mountain gang has continued to ask Wang to make no mistakes."
"Do you want to protect the thief now?"
"You …" Cai Yuzhen face changed suddenly got up.
"What about me?" The punishment is far from the spirit.
"Elder Cai asked an outsider for me to do it?"
Cai Yuzhen’s silver teeth are tight and her face is cold.
"Very good!"
"Miss Cai needs this." Zhou Jia got up and looked at the punishment at the same time with one hand.
"The punishment elders think so, but please speak frankly!"
"Good talk" punishment Zhao distance motioning with his hand
"The ice source pulp has been stolen for many years, and my help has suffered heavy losses. It can’t be solved in one or two sentences, and those two people can’t easily return it to you."
His face was full of sneer.
"One person, one divinity, let it go. If there are no words …"
Punishment Zhao distance slowly got up and sounded cold.
"The giant mountain gang will never let you go!"
"Elder Cai, I advise you to recognize that this person was cheated in a fog when he asked for a false name."
Leave without waiting for two people.
The food and wine are still warm, and the hearts of two people are already cold.
"Zhou Xiong …" Cai Yuzhen hesitated a way
"Don’t get angry first. There may be a misunderstanding there. Let me ask the punishment elders and maybe it will be solved."
"Just" Zhou Jia shook his head and wanted to think about taking out two ice divinities from his body.
"Thank you, Miss Cai, for doing what the punishment elders said. Here are two divinities. Please ask Miss Cai to bring my two men back."
"This ….." Cai Yuzhen was surprised by Zhou Jiasoft and surprised that he could easily take out two copies of divinity and stay in place for a while.
For a long time founder color nod.
"Brother Zhou, rest assured that the rain will really be completed."
Zhou Jia nodded and got up.
"Zhou Xiong" Cai Yuzhen hurriedly picked up the desk bag.
"Your things"
"This time, please treat Miss Cai’s things as if Zhou had a heart and hoped not to mind." Zhou Jia shook his head and raised his hand to stop.
The sound falls, the steps go out, and the face is gloomy.
Chapter 11 Black Wind
Li He and Zhao Kuo both fell to their knees with shame and indignation.
"The things that can be done are not completed, but the Lord is also involved."
Zhou Jia sits on his first face.
"Tell the story one by one."

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