Even the strength that can be exerted by the people is limited by their own manor level, which is far less than that of the real tidal master, but it is the top strength after all!

It was a gentle wave of his hand, and Yunxing Palace slammed the whale fat back and let out a plaintive cry and fell with Yunxing Palace.
The corners of the mouth are slightly reminded.
His smile is particularly cold.
His chest "can heart" suddenly lit up.
There was a black fog boiling on the ground of Shadow Manor, and then a huge pothole appeared slowly, like a monster with its mouth wide open, which was about to swallow up the Yunxing Palace.
"It’s a pity that it’s a palace, but … if you want to kill him, you can devour his manor!"
The owner of the manor is delicious!
If you want to devour other people’s manor owners, you will be stronger again!
Min Yi’s eye tracking villa is not far away.
How many years?
He can’t remember clearly
I don’t know how many unappreciative and unappreciative manor owners came to attack him
There is one every three hundred years or so.
But all these people died at his hands without exception.
As he said, Zhuang is not the first one, but it will definitely not be the last one!
He firmly believes this.
It is …
It was the first time he saw that he was not the owner of his own manor!
Because every time I came, it was another him!
Although the stage, development and strength are different, those people are really him!
He absorbed these manors one by one and gained their strength. Their manors, their servants …
His strength is getting stronger and stronger, his manor is getting stronger and stronger, and he is slowly gathering the strength of the "tidal master" in the theory.
Every time he kills a "self", the end of the era will come and everything will be repeated.
It’s like it’s all meant to be.
He only knows that if he wants to live, he must win and never lose!
But …
The end of this era came very early and very quickly.
It’s so fast that he’s a little caught off guard
Is this weak guy already qualified to challenge himself?
It’s not just a small mistake in the long years …
Devour my manor!
Seeing that the manor is about to fall to the ground and fall into the black fog.
A golden light suddenly lit up.
Old Brown’s almost contorted hand patted the golden button.
"Open absolute defense!"
Gold and silver light flow!
Chapter 1326 One is not enough, then two!
Manor palace is the most dependent fighting fortress for manor owners. Of course, it can’t rely solely on manor owners, and its own fighting capacity should be unquestionable.
Is until now the cloud palace failed to show their strength.
But the most fragile thing to realize the manor palace is the crew. Because of it, it is almost made of Yunjin, the strongest metal in the exile era and the rarest metal in the universe
Yunjin can get the title of "Destroyer of Zhuang" by building a cannon.
So what kind of power will a cloud gold build a palace?
Old Brown pressed the golden button, and in an instant a soft voice sounded "Positive Absolute Defense"
"The energy ring is closing"
"Can be completed under pressure"
"Absolute defense … Kai!"
At the heart of the manor palace, a huge machine was running.
A huge flow is released from the machine and spread along hundreds of wires.
At the beginning, when the manor palace was fighting with the rig factory, there was a drama of magnetic cannon VS destroyer.
One is the great discovery from the earth, and the other is the great achievement of the industrial parties. The collision between the two is simply shocking.
Later, the manor combined the two and became the main gun of Powerby Manor.
It is from entering the shadow manor that the main gun has no chance to play.

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