The two men stepped into the palace carefully, and the abnormal sound of their feet made them bow their heads and catch their eyes, which made people feel cold.

Broken clothes!
Rotten armor!
Visible to the naked eye, the bones turned to ashes and covered the whole hall, half a foot deep, and I don’t know how many vivid things were buried.
The swaying wind in the ruins of rags can tear it apart with a slight force, which is obviously destroyed for years and lost its toughness.
"What is this place?" Chen Hui turned pale and consciously pressed the bass.
"Who knows?" Zhou Jia shook his head.
"Or quit first?"
This place is full of strange bones, and it is even more horrible. Don’t say that Chen Hui is a big man and he is also jumpy.
Chen Hui from opinion two people back carefully.
A moment later
Two people surly stand a corner of the palace.
They tried to leave, but the strange fog not only blocked the view, but also made people return to their original place unconsciously.
Which means …
"I can’t get out!"
Chen Hui sat down with a decadent face.
"Come on, there are no monsters here who don’t worry about being killed. If you can’t get out, you can’t get out."
She is very fond of the bones in the field, which is nothing to her after these two days’ changes.
"Hum!" Zhou Jia croons and looks pale.
"Do you guess where the bodies and ashes come from?"
"How?" Chen Hui consciousness rhetorical question immediately eyes contraction fibrillation way
"Won’t be … trapped here?"
Zhou Jia didn’t say anything, but his attitude has been answered.
"What shall we do?" Chen Hui suddenly bit her teeth and turned and ran towards the fog behind her.
"I’ll try again!"
Zhou Jia opened his mouth and shook his head gently.
I don’t know how many ashes can be piled up here for half a foot, so it’s terrible to die. You can imagine the number of living things in this hall
So many living things have failed to escape. Why can they?
(just) as expected/anticipated
Chen Hui once again appeared in the position of the temple door, pale, with tears in her eyes and trembling body.
I don’t want to die!
"I … I don’t want to die …"
"Blare … mom and dad … blare …"
She is only in her twenties, just out of college and full of hope for her future life. Death should be far away from her.
The sudden change finally overwhelmed the string in my heart, completely broken and confused, holding my legs and crying.

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