The normal method is to confirm the contract before the founder of his major shareholder, and then let the controlling shareholder "disappear" or "accidentally"

At that time, they will have the priority to buy shares and become new controlling shareholders to complete the merger agreement.
Morgan has done a lot of such thing.
Even though she knows very well that she may be able to do it until she dies without retirement, she dare not resist Kamahl and even dare not escape.
If she hadn’t been cornered, she would never have dared to try to assassinate Kamahl
This has nothing to do with the "magic" held by Kamahl. She didn’t know that elves still had this terrible power before she started.
What really binds her is thought.
It’s those thoughts that have bound her life since childhood.
The top management of a company should never touch a big shot, and the directors can change the world with a word. The coders are despicable criminals, the unhappy ones are guilty, the elves are nobler creatures than human beings, the psychism is a disease born of short-lived species, the world belongs to elves and human beings are pets …
"All this is normal and reasonable."
Many chains of common sense and ideas bound and bound her to death.
When she learned what bad days had been done … she was even scared.
Fear of-
"How can anyone really dare to start work on the elves?"
-isn’t he afraid?
I cann’t believe I assassinated the elf director of the head office. Is this a fanatic waiting for the law?
….. and now her position is completely different at that time.
Morgan looked at the bad day with complicated eyes.
Fear, fear, respect, confusion, emotion, admiration …
She didn’t notice it herself-looking forward to it.
Chapter 57 Heroic Fate
Sitting in the seat, Morgan’s body trembled slightly, but he looked up at the bad day, but his eyes were hard to hide.
The expected light is unusually weak, like striking a match in a cold night.
"It seems that you know me, so it’s easy."
Sharp canine teeth are exposed at the corners of the mouth on a bad day.
His cold one-eyed prosthetic eye stared at Morgan as if to see through her.
He sat across from Morgan and cocked his legs.
"As it happens, I’ve also heard of your water ghost … right?"
This is not the code name of Morgan’s killer, but the name given to the killer by the executive department when investigating the person she killed.
If the body of the person killed by her is found early enough, she will see inexplicable water stains in the body room of the deceased.
It looks as if they moved here after drowning.
Finally, the intention and investigation of the case turned to this direction.
"Do you want to kill Kamahl, right? So … I have a question for you.
"-is this the first time you saw me?"
"I …"
Before Morgan could answer the bad day, the prosthetic eye searched for the answer from the micro-expression on Morgan’s face
So he immediately interrupt Morgan.
He continued to ask, "When was the first time you were sent back?"
Looking at Morgan’s shocked face, he smiled. "Yes, I heard it. I don’t want any lies to prevaricate me."
"When did you listen?"
Although he was still afraid, Morgan summoned up his courage and asked, "Is Mr. Tovatus there?"
"Maybe earlier"
Bad day replied
The correct answer is that he has been following the barber.
Although Kamahl won’t get the memory of Zhou Mu in the past, it doesn’t mean that the barber won’t have any trouble.
When the former "godfather" began to kill people, he almost couldn’t hold back his murderous look and jumped out directly.
He has no patience for such fools.
In bad sunlight, it will upset you to see them, and it will kill you to see these idiots commit stupidity.
In a sense, the godfather really saved others by killing one person.
Although this kind of person has no saving value from the perspective of bad days, he has a good habit of not interfering with the choice of friends.
Since the barber thinks they have saving value, he doesn’t care.
Bad days are not like those fools who don’t know anything and want to be told by their friends.
But he knows the scum of the city better than the barber.
Except for the leader, he is still a normal person … Others are unreasonable, illogical and unprofitable.
Action depends on mood or "emotion"
What if someone suddenly goes crazy and plans to shoot their godfather and prepare to make a name for himself?
If it’s normal, it’s just that.

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