"See … that’s the case inside. In addition, I can … that’s the case." Yin Sen Yong made a grudge on his cheek and immediately made his face hazy.

"Do you know what to do?"
"Find something. I can get whatever you are looking for."
Chen Yi did not doubt the strength of Yin Sen’s courage, but did not immediately agree. Instead, he suppressed Yin Sen’s courage and said, "We’ll wait for Fang Yu, and you can interrogate him now."
"Good" Fang Yu remembered the incident of closing the gold mine, and she got excited first and talked softly at the landline.
About half an hour later, he affirmed, "They asked a friend to buy it. I asked a messenger in Antu. He said that the company subsidized the purchase of a suite, which is the Jiangbei residential area …"
"Yin Senyong"
"Go to Antu cruise ship and get all its documents back for me."
Yin Senyong, the family knight, ran out of the house as quickly as possible.
Fang Yu blinked hard and finally decided not to ask.
"Well … why don’t I go back first?"
"Still waiting?"
Chen Yi said nothing.
Two hours later, Yin Senyong returned to Chen Zhai with a huge safe.
Chapter three hundred and ninety-four Yan Zhao (2)
The safe was bravely entered into Chen Yi’s bedroom by Yin Sen.
The three men sat in a circle, staring at the silver-gray cold-tone safe and looking intently as if there were many gold and silver treasures buried in it.
I am most concerned about my own affairs. Fang Yu first asked, "How to fight?"
Yin Senyong’s fingernail scratched the safe shell and made a sharp sound and replied "pry"
"How did the safe become warped?" Fang Yu disdained pie pie.
It seems normal for Fang Yu to laugh at Yin Senyong without knowing his identity.
Silver Sen Yong just ignored him and gradually put his hand on the safe cover.
Chen Yi gently held him down and said, "Don’t bother if there is a self-destruct device. Tell me about the process of taking the safe?"
"They were drinking in front of me, and when I got to the back, I knocked out a guy and asked his companion where the files and videos were. He told me that I didn’t know, but maybe it was Antu who happened to see the photo when I was in the master bedroom of the yacht. After he left, I tried to force it, and the alarm was able to carry it back. "
Yin Senyong said that it’s simple, but it’s not simple to break the safe from the solid hull.
Fang Yu listened to silly thinking, maybe you are superman?
Chen Yi secretly cursed the ink and drew a small circle while they were obedient.
Level 3 curse ink can push things with a total weight of 3 kilograms.
He pretended to twist a few numbers and listened to "click" before the big guy rang.
Chen Yi gently pulls the safe and slowly hits it.
"Do you know the password?" Fang Yugang emerged from the contempt of Superman stories and immediately fell into shock.
"Secret Shh" Chen Yi smiled and put his finger in his lips. His eyes were smiling but serious.
Fang Yu nodding nervous.
Safe pull
Chen Yi roughly looked at his eyes and turned his backhand to pour out the contents of the safe.
Fang Yu jumped up. He knew that the safe weighed 15 kilograms only by visual inspection. I didn’t think Chen Yi would pick it up and turn it over.
The attention paid to Chen Yi’s arm made him pay no attention to the banknotes, videos and CDs on the ground.
"A lot of money?" Chen Yi muttered. He took out a pile of RMB, US dollars, euros and yen and looked at it. Then he gave it to Yin Senyong. "You put all the banknotes with different colors in it."
In addition to money, there are four jewelry boxes on the ground, two of which are used as small yellow croaker for banknote suppression.
Fang Yu lowered her head and helped to sort things out. At the same time, she reported, "Two gold watches, a diamond watch, a diamond necklace and a box … Oh, it’s a set of about 10 thousand. All countries have money, NTD and HK dollars. This guy’s yacht is here to run away."
He gave the answer flatly, but his eyes were fixed on the two piles left.
The pile on the left is a video tape and the pile on the right is a CD. I’m afraid the total number will exceed one.
Chen Yi frowned and asked, "Do you know which one is you?"
"See?" Fang Yuxin smiled.
"Then see" Chen Yi also don’t wriggle from the housekeeper to the video recorder and DVD player.
Fang Yu is in high spirits, sitting on a small bench, ready to enjoy or peek at a hundred images of others, which is completely different from being frank in person.
Voyeurism is the original desire of human beings. Chen Yi believes that the scientific world is prosperous today. Young people who believe in "voyeurism" since childhood are likely to become paladins if they mainly adhere to their ideals.
"From which disc …" Fang Yubian said as he picked up a disc and actively inserted it into the DVD player and said, "The disc should be clearer. Now there are even videos."
Call the room at once
"Oh … directly from the battlefield" Fang Yupan started to look like he was ready to appreciate it seriously.
Snow-white beautiful meat bed rolls with the man a little old, but his figure is not yet out of shape.
Yin Senyong ponder tone way; "So this is how you train women?"

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