She hates him to death, but when she really sees him now, she is also sad.

The man who has capture her and abused her.
This snake touched her all over her body and put a poisonous snake in her back, which made her crawling with worms.
Tang Xiaofeng continued to mutter, "If you’re here to kill me, you’d better go. I don’t want to get your hands dirty. If you’re here to have a look at me and laugh at me, just laugh."
Black petticoats girl is still standing there looking at him did not move.
Tang Xiaofeng is really afraid that she will suddenly kill him. Although he thinks that her arrogance may not be willing to kill a desperate enemy, she is a woman, and sometimes women don’t act according to her reason.
He looked at the girl for a long time and then sighed, "So you came to sympathize with me."
Maiden silence
Tang Xiaofeng smiled. "Can I ask you something?"
Ai Cuifang said coldly, "What is it?"
"I want to drink water," said Tang Xiaofeng. "I’m so thirsty that they won’t give me water."
The girl floated out and brought a bowl of water in to help him up, so she really fed him water.
Tang Xiaofeng gulped down the whole bowl of water and drank it all. This just laughed. "Thank you … so you are such a good person. I should be gentle with you at that time."
The girl looked at him intently, and she found herself thoroughly understanding this lai.
What, he’s still laughing?
How can he smile so happily when he has come to this point?
Tang Xiaofeng looked at her and said, "Can I ask you one more thing? Are you the princess of monty clan? "
"No" Ai Cuifang was silent for a while and then added "But she is my sister"
Monty princess was one of them.
Tang Xiaofeng wry smile … If it weren’t for the princess who came out of nowhere and forced Aya Mengfei to betray them, I’m afraid he would have gone with his wife to climb Bai Yucheng at large.
"It’s good if it’s not you," Tang Xiaofeng laughed. "I heard that when Monty women practice after joining the WTO, those fireworks often go in and out of that place, which is not suitable for you. You should be more noble and proud. You should be the cloud floating in the sky, not the lotus that is spotless. Those dirty things are not even qualified to touch you, except for one thing …"
Ai Cuifang looked at him coldly. "Except what?"
"Of course it’s me," Tang Xiaofeng laughed. "I can touch you, your chest, your legs, your ass. Where have I not touched? Where have I not touched? I will not only touch it, but also do it one day. I want you to help me have a baby … "
Ai Cui Fang stretched out his hand in anger and wanted to slap him in the face.
And then you’re there
Her face went white, her chest fluctuated, and she suddenly left her sleeve.
Tang Xiaofeng mumbling tunnel "joke, it is necessary to gas like this? But she is really good-looking when she is angry. "
He listened to the song until there was no more movement outside. Then he smiled and suddenly sprayed a mouthful of water on his chest … It turned out that he didn’t drink all the water.
Water sprayed on his chest to make a charm …
Ai Cui Fang still trembled with anger when she floated outside.
She doesn’t know why she would be so easily annoyed by that.
There are two people waiting for her in a forest.
A girl in a pink dress rode Tian Ling to kill Tang Xiaofeng.
Tang Xiaofeng, another girl wearing a robe and veil, has never seen her before … She is a monty princess.
Monty brothers always call their patriarchs princesses.
Outsiders don’t know that this year’s Monty Princess is such a young girl.
Slightly charming smile "I still think he will be more severe, but it is like this."
Princess Monty’s faint tunnel said, "They are just so few people who can get through the encirclement and suppression of Qingcheng Sect, Yujia Sect and Zun Shengmen to send the five-color pen away from the fairyland of Yuanjiao. If we hadn’t been hiding in the dark, we were afraid that he would have left safely."
Slightly said, "It’s a pity that the five-color pen was sent to the secret place of Yuanqiao. I don’t know what the place is like and whether there are really flat peach trees?"
Ai Cui Fang said indifferently, "The five-color pen is not important. Even if there is no five-color pen, there is a way to break the barrier of China, but it is a little troublesome."
There are five thieves in the sky, and they are prosperous.
There is nothing in this world that can’t be done for the heaven and man who read through the sermons and chapters.
It floated up slightly and turned around lightly. "This little man has become a basket case. It’s also dirty to kill him. Let’s go back to Luoyang."
Ai Cuifang said in silence, "Go back first."
Monty princess frowned and said, "Sister Cui Fang …"
Ai Cui Fang looked back and slowly tunnel into the distance "I want to stay a little longer"
Monty princess gave her a strange look and didn’t say anything to float away.
Slightly charming smile, "Sister Cuifang, do you really like that loser?"
Ai Cui Fang coldly tunnel "none of your business"
"It’s really none of my business" sneered slightly. Suddenly, the figure flashed like light and swept away in front of Ai Cuifang. It was almost a miracle that her fingertips tapped Ai Cuifang’s throat hair and suddenly became as white as snow.
She smiled with a charming smile. "Sister Cuifang’s Nine Realms Shenhua’s Shun and Inverse Mind Method has reached the realm of’ Bai Mei’. I wonder who is better than Sister Cuifang now?"
Ai Cuifang said faintly, "Maybe I’ll call you Sister Wei when I get back to Luoyang."
Smiling smugly, the phantom disappeared in a flash.
Ai Cui Fang didn’t care about her. She was looking at the moonlight shrouded the villa in the distance and thinking of that strange smile … that heart smile.
Tang Xiaofeng … What kind of person are you?
Chapter 29 Big Break the Holy Door

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