It was a terrible journey.

Although the yin fire with a cloudy face is spectacular, it is the natural pulse aura that has the appearance, while the real nine-secluded qi is slightly blurred and seems to be extremely convergent. It is by no means easy to find the real source from the interference of several yin veins around it.
Walking through the earth and stone, Li Xun has completely forgotten the outside world and lost his sense of direction when he flows. He is sleepless and sleepless, and he is keenly sensing the direction of Yin qi. It has been a long time. He feels that his five senses are lost and his sense of Yin qi is becoming more and more clear.
When a ray of light flashed in my mind, Li Xun stopped suddenly.
In an instant, the five senses of eyes, ears, nose and tongue return to this monotonous and dark world, and the earth and stone are also enriched in an instant, with a low smell and a quiet and gloomy place.
"Underground river?"
Li Jue took a step forward and suddenly shrank back. A long sound was muffled, followed by a crack in loose soil without warning.
Li Jue low hum a ghost ring spin speed up flash reached out to.
The surrounding rocks and stones did not affect his movements. The tentacles of the three-finger kickback felt very greasy and earned endlessly, but when he tried a little hard, there was no response.
In the rising and shrinking of the yin fire, Li Xun created a limit, and gently rubbed his fingertips with the other hand to ignite a little blue light.
Li Xun saw the prey he had just captured.
It’s hard to tell whether it’s an earthworm or a snake. The strip-shaped creature is dark gray, and the head and tail epidermis are covered with scales, and there is a bright red grain running through the whole body. Li Xun burned it through the yin fire and it was half crisp and dead.
"This is … bloodshot?"
Blood-dripping bloodshot is a kind of monster living in the deep underground, which is yin-loving, fire-fearing and highly toxic. It often lives in pure yin veins, sucks Yin qi near the yin orifices and often lives with another creature.
At the same time, the side of Li Xun’s body was slightly moved, and the fire was rising and the earth and stone were huffed and puffed. A roll of nose made him feel a little burnt, and he immediately reached out and pulled something out.
"Sure enough, there will be cold sputum not far from the bloodshot."
Li Jue’s finger is a small worm that has been burnt into a bead, and it is the size of a fingertip. This thing is much tougher than dripping blood. Although it was burned by yin fire, it wrapped itself in a hard shell and survived.
Li Xun was not in a hurry to kill the killer, but continued to grope in the earth and stone until he caught more than a dozen such bugs before he set his palm on fire.
In this case, no matter how tough this cold life is, it is baked at high temperature, and finally Li Jue leaves some fine ash in his palm.
Blow gently and all the ashes will fall out, but the fire shines on Li Jue. When he sees a few faint glimmers, he earns all the money in his palm.
When Li Jue’s palm was rubbed a few times, a small spar appeared, which was not much bigger than dust particles.
Carefully put your eyes together and observe them from multiple angles for a long time. Li Jue finally heaved a sigh of relief. "It’s cold to eat gas and coagulate crystals … it should be right to see this purity!"
With the guidance of Han Lu, Li Jue never had to work again. It took him less than half a quarter of an hour to find the source of the shady place.
At first glance, Li Jue is so white that God is still on his side.
The eye is a piece of blue jade. Although it is nine places, it is self-generating, misty and brilliant. A few feet around it have naturally carved out a piece of land. The green light is not tumbling and overlapping, resulting in the deposition of fog and light.
This light fog looks gorgeous to the extreme, but Li Jue will see countless cold bugs crawling into the light fog and evaporating like moths to the fire for a while.
The earth and stone around the fog have been alienated, but it looks riddled with holes, but it seals the fog tightly, occasionally oozing out a little, and soon the surrounding yin qi attracts and blends into the ground.
Taking a deep breath, Li Xun tore off a robe and carefully dipped into the fog.
Without shaking, his hand was lightly woven from fog, pine and iron, and his robe was half missing, even when it was burned.
"good! Ok! It really is nine secluded places! "
Li Xun rubbed his hands and felt a little sweaty.
Perhaps it is influenced by the jade body, but the purity is not enough, but it must be attracted by this natural jade in the process of flowing out of the chemical pool.
In the past two hundred years, the amount has been considerable, and only the residual gas from transpiration can make the gathering place hundreds of miles away have that scale.
I’m afraid it’s not a thing to imagine that this jade is either nine secluded places or accumulated places. If we can refine the stone soaked in nine secluded places for a long time and then add the first-class refining technique to cast a magic weapon, the power will be amazing.
It’s a pity that for a layman like Li Xun, who is refining magic weapons, this kind of thing should not be thought much. His eyes stared at the jade finger and slowly leaned out.
Zi Zi’s fire is like a dream, flickering in the fog, and the breath comes from the same source. When touched, it has a strong reaction. In the struggle against swallowing, Li Xun’s fingers trembled and every joint groaned.
However, just when the finger is going to be squeezed out of shape, a faint shadow of gray and white gas is slowly "dripping" from the fingertip. Although it is weak, the breath that comes out is far more pure than the transpiration fog in the room, so the room is full of green light and dark at this moment.
Gradually, the awn shadow formed into a round bead, and Li Jue’s fingertips whirled round and round, and the gray and white awns also converged.
At first glance, this round bead looks smooth, but its surface is cracked. There are some cracks everywhere, and it may be broken by a touch.
This is the invisible Yin Zhu.
Speaking of this, Lin Zhu, the top magic weapon in the Tong Xuan world, has been really troubled since she fell into the hands of Li Jue. First, she was created by forcibly catalyzing two mysterious puppets, but she was kicked by you, and the damage was almost irreparable.
It is precisely because of this serious damage that the orb’s thirst for the nine secluded air on which it depends is almost greedy. Li Jue could not feed it when she was warm, but now when she saw such abundant nine secluded air outside, she could extract it vigorously.
The skinny camel is bigger than the horse. Even though the shadow beads are close to the brink of collapse, the department remains extremely pure and nine secluded places, but like a huge magnet, all the homologous smells around it are sucked in for tens of feet. The green light fog in Fiona Fang is encountering the biggest nemesis, but it is just a few breaths and it is as invisible as falling into the bottom hole.
The damaged orb shocked, but its appearance didn’t change. This kind of nutrition is different from a drop in the bucket for it. It naturally received a buzzing sound from the direction of jade to lure its damaged body.
Li Xun broke the wall with a low smile.
Even if the blue fog in the cave clears away, the concentration of vitality is still much higher than the outside world. He took a deep breath and came in and felt that his brain was more awake. He thought about it and finally released his control over the beads.
"Hum" a orb seems to have wings and instantly flew to the jade side, and the jade also reacted. In the thrill, the green mountain flew out like a hundred rivers returning to the sea and sinking into the orb.
Beads must have been hungry before they circled twice, and the jade light was dim. Most of them saw that they would drain all the 200-odd years’ savings to nine deep and remote places. Li Xun was busy pointing to the virtual reality and cutting off the air flow between the two sides.

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