Chu Buddhist leng after a low head.

That place is special to both of them, and this relationship started from this.
"We’ll have a rest there for a day, and then I’ll take you back to the places you’ve been to. At the beginning, you agreed to visit Jiangnan together, but it didn’t come true today …"
As he spoke, he pulled the small white hand to his lips.
"The seat has been forgotten."
Buddhist adults said with his head down
"But I mean what I say."
Zhao thief stretched out his hand and hugged her in his arms, bringing them closer again, and she also symbolically expressed her resistance.
"I’ll take you here to travel after this battle. You won’t forget that, will you?"
He gently smiled and rubbed his long hair.
"Don’t forget …"
Chu don’t branches gently raised his hands.
She seems to want to also want to embrace Zhao wrong waist.
But her hand still froze, and finally she could hold it and finally let it go
"I seem to have said something unlucky? When the characters in the words have such an agreement, most of them just go back. "
Zhao Cuo suddenly had another laugh, and then he was beaten. Buddhist adults don’t want to listen to his nonsense.
"I’m going back to my room to rest."
She made a gentle debut.
"I’ll take you back."
Zhao Xiaogong ye she got up together.
The little Buddhist did not resist letting Zhao thief lead himself to the second floor of the ship, and they stopped outside a room.
Instead of leaving, he took the lead in pushing the wing door into the room and looked at it for a while before turning to look at her and saying with a smile
"The ship can’t be too demanding. You can rest here for a while. I also went back to my room."
"Zuo is not a person who is greedy for foreign things."
She said quietly.
"But I don’t want to wronged you."
Zhao wrong shook her hand again and turned away.
He calmly returned to his room and sat cross-legged on the bed. At this time, his peace of mind came from knowing that Xiao Biezhi would always watch himself.
It took only two days for the fleet to take a boat all the way south from Yannan to Guangping Prefecture, and they arrived in Guangping Prefecture with experience another morning.
"The official welcomes General Zhao with the officials of Guangping House!"
Little grandpa got a flattering welcome.
He ordered someone to deal with it and then quietly entered the city.
The rest here was planned before leaving Beijing, and there was no excessive secrecy. All the clinkers asked for it.
"General Zhao, I’ll arrange a mansion for you. You lived here when you first came to control water."
The Governor of Guangping Prefecture accompanied him with a smiling face.
"If you are dissatisfied, you can change it …"
"no need"
Zhao thief nodded with satisfaction.
"The general is nostalgic. You did a good job."
Although he can now be dismissive of the official career, people who reach out and don’t smile must always leave some feelings.
"General liangjiang governor Zhao Gan adults sent people to see you, you see …"
Zhao Cuo received the news when he arrived at the mansion.
"You take people to the lobby."
He didn’t dare to neglect his own father.
After all, I have always been a father with deep feelings.
Even if he is now far away from the Duke of Zheng, how can he disrespect the old? This is a big worry, but it is a violation of the law.
"Beizhi Zhaolang visits the general!"
Grandpa Zhao Xiaogong changed his clothes and went to see someone.

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