The two eyes met, and Li Xun found herself thinking about Baishui Butterfly Orchid, whether it was a couple or Shuibutterfly Orchid. This monster has lived for thousands of years. It seems that this hundred years is just a special experience in her long life.

Maybe sometimes she will feel very novel and persistent, but as time goes by, her curiosity will gradually fade away and the too thorough eyes generated by long years will penetrate this "fun" quality.
Maybe it will be her boredom day by then.
Did Li Xun even think of the mentality of the demon phoenix pavilion in those days?
Just as his mind gradually turned clear, Shuidielan suddenly added, "But I just decided to part with you for the time being!"
Water butterfly orchid low one laughs "we become husband and wife will be together? Don’t worry that the’ concentric knot’ will still be effective even after hundreds of millions of miles, or the reaction at the other end will be slightly delayed. Well, has it been a while? "
She obviously intends to change the subject, but Li Xun doesn’t want to control what she wants to do. Anyway, Shuidielan won’t do anything stupid in this hundred years.
But on the other hand, he is quite clear that as Gu Ying and Shui Butterfly Lan have left the southeast forest, although they are still killed by all parties, it has gradually become meaningless to him.
It is suspected that he is the biggest winner in this chaotic war, which also makes him qualified to look down at the rising farce in the beautiful forest.
This feeling is very good!
Now he has a misty hidden porch in his hand, which is the foundation that makes him invincible.
His status as a swordsman and a ghost eater is also rising day by day, which is his gradual accumulation of information. What’s more, the horse has to face huge resources that can make him make a qualitative leap
Thought of here, his heart should move as he thought. Two slender fingers flicked a fragrant note and leaned out of the empty Li Xun’s hand and took the beautiful handwriting that could be memorized.
"Mo Cangling has made an appointment for his younger brother to take the Yin Fu Jing to see his teacher."
"Mo Cangling …" Li Xun took a deep breath, and then he grabbed Youer, who had not yet retracted his hands, and forcefully pulled the puppet out of the void.
As he expected, Youer was still calm by this change.
No living person should have breath in this situation!
Stretching out his hand and gently holding you two small and exquisite, he looked at the calm or callous face. He bit his teeth and made up his mind. "Sixty years must be over! At most, it’s just a tough job! "
Pass the incense paper back to his cold mouth. "Write back and say interview!"
The last two words are like two ice beads rolling down.
Qin Wanru’s "couplet" has been nearly thirty years.
After Youer regained her memories of the past, Li Xun decided to "restore the union" regardless of her immature mind.
It turns out that this is a very effective move.
Through a special channel known only to master and apprentice, Li Xun concocted a letter and sent it, which made Qin Wanru firm for decades and gradually swayed her confidence, making her believe that Yin Sanren was still alive in this world and that she would come back from somewhere.
In the following days, the mentoring alliance was never cut off.
Although "Yin San Ren" has been closed for three years and five years, there has been no news, but over the past few decades, Li Xun has accumulated nearly 700 letters here.
In these letters, Qin Wan confessed her present situation without reservation, including her progress in repairing, family affairs and even some trivial things in life.
Of course, it also includes the fact that she threatened Li Xun to plot the Yin Fu Jing.
From this kind of letters, Li Jue finds out her impressions, understanding and evaluation of herself, and then makes corresponding arrangements. It is precisely because Li Jue’s arrangement is perfect that she can be as clever as Qin Wan, and even those who are as clever as Qin Wan can’t see any flaws.
However, it will eventually be suspicious if it is too long.
In recent times, when I contacted Qin Wanru, I often asked about such things as "My teacher was injured", "When he came out of the mountain" and "My brother went to visit", which all showed that the situation was tense and I wanted to invite Yin San to come out of the mountain to take charge of the overall situation.
I’m afraid Qin Wanru’s suspicion will rise again if she keeps avoiding it, and once it sprouts, it will be out of control.
Li Xun’s heart is white, but it is precisely because of this that he ordered the Mocangling Club by returning the Yinfu Jing.
Li Xun walked on the rugged and steep mountain road in Mochangling with his hands in his hands, and his mood was very complicated. At this time, he had turned into the image of "bamboo of the soul" to welcome the coming date.

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