"Wocao … is this another crashed warship department?"

Chapter seven hundred and twelve The crew
"I was sent to another crashed warship?" Thirty-three touched his forehead and took a look at the end of the dark and deep corridor-the hull structure of the flying fish-class high-speed support ship Genoa was better than that of the "Shaojianggai" frigate, which was seriously damaged by the sympathetic explosion of the main gun.
Perhaps it is also because the hull has less "sexual trauma" that the speed of fog permeating the ship has also been slowed down … 33 thought.
"I just don’t know if this thing can fly … well, even if it can fly, I shouldn’t be able to start it. If only it were Kelan’s small place." The wall of the 33-hand barrel light corridor was swept again and soon found a printed wall road map.
Although this road map has faded and mottled, it can at least roughly distinguish the position and direction of each cabin.
Thirty-three waved and two black sharp swords immediately flew over and cleaned up the vines covering the road map, revealing the whole picture.
From the road map, we can know that the left side of the 33-storey facade leads to the stern, and the right side leads to the bow … This is exactly in line with one thing he knew. There is an unwritten rule that all the sanitary doors are set in the starboard direction.
Some people have analyzed this, saying that it is because most Ark warships are designed asymmetrically, and the number of turrets on the starboard side of the hull is far more than that on the port side. Most warship captains and commanders like to fill the rudder to the left when they meet the enemy, so that the firepower will be more rapid, and the starboard side will face the place, and the port side with weak barrage will be hidden.
With this exercise habit, most warships will turn left much more frequently than right. If sanitation is built on the right side, the filth in those pipes is likely to gush out from the toilet and play a farce of "throwing feces on the wall"
This argument seems to be well-founded, but it is actually untenable. Let’s not talk about whether the Ark warships really emphasize starboard firepower, and whether the captains and commanders have the habit of starboard to meet the enemy … The most important point is that the actual situation is only that the sanitary facade faces starboard, not that all sanitary facilities are set on the left side of the warship.
Those doors with the right side sanitation also facing starboard.
Besides, if centripetal force throws excrement out of the pipeline, it has nothing to do with the sanitary position and the orientation of the sanitary door. The only direct connection is the structural design of the sewage pipeline.
The people who published this article are completely stealing the concept … What’s more, warships are designed with special anti-seepage. If the crew’s excrement can be sprayed out of the toilet, the warship designer is estimated to be ashamed to apologize to himself.
Thirty-three I still remember when a military forum saw this article during my leisure time and shared it with my team comrades as a joke … But at that time, most of the brothers who laughed, scolded and vomited together could not … Many of them didn’t even get their identity nameplates back, let alone their bones.
Unlike the old dog Leighton, he never wants to call the soldier identification nameplate "dog tag" because he thinks that every soldier is a living person … they are an individual rather than a dog.
"Soldiers will always say this from the command … but don’t you think about what happened in the past? Not even as good as a dog. "This is a sentence that the old dog once said to thirty-three. It is because of this sentence that they almost got into a fight. Fortunately, Zorig Tu and Lei immediately pulled them.
Thirty-three shook his head slightly, put these messy memories aside and continued to observe the road map of the wall.
He is now located in the crew quarters and living quarters at the middle and rear of the warship, while the bridge is located in the front third of the warship. If you want to go to the bridge, you must walk in the direction of the bow on the right hand side.
Although thirty-three knew that he could not control the Genoa, he decided to go to the bridge.
On the bridge of "Shaojiang Reform", Kelan met the former captain of the warship. Even though the captain had turned into some kind of monster, Kelan still successfully communicated with him … Although thirty-three did not know the specific communication between the two sides, Kelan obviously got some important information from it.
It’s hard to manipulate the warship. The captain was "left" by the foggy forest. Maybe he is needed to manipulate the warship … So will there be a captain who has been transformed into a monster in the bridge of the Genoa?
If there is that "it", maybe it can communicate with itself?
"If you can talk about it, you can talk about it. If you can’t talk about it, there is nothing to be afraid of." Thirty-three made up his mind to turn right and walked along the corridor.
The corridor floor is covered with rust-these places should have been covered with anti-slip rubber mats, but now the rubber mats have aged and fallen off, exposing the bottom metal plate.
The special rubber boot soles step on the metal ground to launch a dull "thump". The "thump" corridor echoed with the quiet environment and immediately filled the atmosphere in the horror film.
Vaguely thirty-three, I feel as if I heard another step that is not an echo, and it is not far behind me. When I walk, that step will ring, and when I stop, that step will stop.
He is fast, the other side is fast, he is slow, and the other side is slow.
The thing that sends out footsteps is obviously an echo cover to thirty-three footsteps. I have to say that this trick is still more effective. Thirty-three was followed for nearly thirty meters before I noticed the difference
Compared with Kelan and Asano Zhao, their thirty-three perceptual abilities are slightly inferior, but as a retired veteran of a special force, his vigilance is still very high.
"What is it?"
Thirty-three stopped to pretend to look at the ceiling and the corridor on both sides. After scanning a circle, I stepped forward, but my front foot just landed and my back foot twisted my ankle. The whole person turned around and directly shone the hand lamp post behind me-
About ten meters away, there is a humanoid creature, but this humanoid creature is wrapped in a thin layer of gray fog, and even if it is directly illuminated by a high-flow tactical hand, it can’t see its true appearance clearly.
The only thing that is certain is that this man is dead.
A steel pipe with a length of more than one meter and a twisted fracture at the end penetrated through the chest of humanoid creatures. The fog did not wrap the steel pipe together. It can be clearly seen that there is a place not covered by rust and an inscription printed with the words "B16 cabin-gas pipeline".
"This guy … is it the crew of Genoa?"
Thirty-three mind immediately restored the simulated scene when the crew member died-Genoa broke the B16 cabin gas pipeline with strong impact when it fell, so that this steel pipe incarnation weapon directly penetrated the unprepared crew member … Of course, the crew member may have died before being pierced by the gas pipeline.
Thirty-three have also seen the images of those lucky warships that stayed to fight. I’m afraid that when the Genoa crashed, most of the warships were crushed and dirty by excessive G force … The battle happened so suddenly that these crew members didn’t have time to wear G-force protection.
(It is added that the protection setting draws lessons from the anti-load protection such as Gundam Plot, and at the same time, it also has various functions and styles of aerospace. After wearing it, the actions will be greatly affected. Generally, the crew of the ship will wear these things when the warships may be badly damaged and sunk, while the special operations fleet is suddenly attacked. The battle has been heated from the beginning and lasted until the whole fleet withdraws from the fog forest. Few people in the whole fleet have the opportunity to wear these life-saving protection.)
This humanoid creature, which is penetrated by a steel pipe, has shown a very uneasy state after being shrouded by the light beam of the hand barrel. It seems that it wants to cover its face with its hands before raising its arms … although it can’t see clearly what its face is like with 33 pieces.
"hey! You are the crew of the Genoa, aren’t you? Can you understand me? " Thirty-three shouted
He didn’t attack for the first time, but tried to communicate with each other.
After all, this guy just didn’t show hostility behind him … and he didn’t pounce after being discovered by 33-this is very different from those creepy shadows or creepy monsters in scary games when they are discovered by the protagonist.
Less than thirty-three feel that there is no need to regard "it" as an enemy for the time being.

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