"Small four elder brother what we recently want to move so much power to check the qingcheng mountain movement! ! !” Wang Wei gave Xiao Si the information he had just sorted out. Since he came back, Wang Wei felt that Xiao Si was sometimes very strange.

I lost interest in the things I was interested in before, and suddenly I spent a lot of energy to check the Qingcheng School to pay attention to the treasure things, and it was the kind that they didn’t dare to touch or touch. What they can live up to now is not because of their strength, but because they knew it when they spoke.
They don’t even think about things that are too high-end treasures, like cutting dragons and swords. They don’t even think about him. They can’t accept some business, and they don’t accept it. This is why they have been saving their lives.
They set rules for themselves with thieves in the secular world, and doing nothing is a strategy of making big mistakes and not making small mistakes.
"Someone wants to buy" saw Wang Wei finally couldn’t help but ask Xiao Si to tell him the answer he had already prepared.
"oh! ! I said … "Wang Wei didn’t think much about it when he heard it, but he was also a little worried. After all, even if he made a message, if he touched it, it would be fatal.
However, it’s also necessary to see Xiao Si’s seriousness to ensure that Xiaotian robs Wang Wei and doesn’t say anything more.
"Doctor Wen …" At this time, the consultation distance has ended. Wentao broke Lingyunzhi’s flying sword. After the consultation has ended in the past two days, Yanlin went to the floor and came to Wentao again. The sound was slightly timid and some people felt unconfident.
Wentao looked up for a long time and didn’t hear YanLin’s voice. As she was with her, she experienced more and more things. YanLin’s ability in all aspects has also improved. She spoke a lot and rarely became timid. What happened today?
When I looked up, Wentao was happy. He was already white. What happened?
A new dress is obviously a heart dress that looks brighter than usual
"good-looking! !”
Hearing Wen Tao say that Yan Lin’s face is slightly red, she is a little unsure. "I don’t like Dr. Wen when I went to see him yesterday … Is it ok to wear this dress?"
It’s true that Yanlin’s good-looking body is good-looking, but it’s just that beautiful little jasper feeling.
Wen Tao smiled faintly. "You know I don’t know anything about girls’ clothes, but I think it’s very good. You know my personality. I never change myself by telling others, just as I don’t explain to some people what I do except my relatives and friends. I will explain what others think and I never pay attention to that."
What Wen Tao said made Yanlin lose confidence instantly, as if she had an anchor.
"yeah!" Yanlin nods, "Then I’ll go like this."
"Good!" Wen Tao said, putting things away in a simple way, and I almost forgot that there was such a charity auction.
"Is the boss coming back tonight?" Luo Zhenfeng is busy outside with the tsunami. In recent days, Linglan doesn’t have many things to do, but Yanlin does. Luo Zhenfeng can also help a lot now. Seeing Wentao and Yanlin going out, Luo Zhenfeng waved goodbye, but naturally he had to say a few words.
Seeing Wen Tao stop in front of him, Luo Zhenfeng felt a quiver in his heart. God knows what the boss will decide in a second. He just wanted to put it in and found that the tsunami just stood in his way behind him.
"It seems that you are still free," Wen Tao said. "Send a cup of hot water to each waiting patient and talk to no one less than five words."
"Ah …" It seems that this sentence is a little early to ask if the boss didn’t turn around. Is it shy? Luo Zhenfeng is still speculating about seemingly simple things in his heart. He did nothing this night and could finish these things in ten hours.
Although it is a charity auction, it is also different from the general auction.
After all, it’s a rich cloud, just like everyone sitting together for a reunion dinner. Every table can seat five or six people, which is very spacious. There are fifty tables in the whole hall, and one or two people can sit there.
Apparently, someone had told Wentao that Huang Yunshu had just arrived at the door by taxi and had hurried to the front of the car to pull the door himself.
Chapter one hundred and forty Like it, just do it
This kind of treatment makes Wentao have some unexpected faint smiles. "I can’t afford this taxi when Mr. Huang comes to give me the door. I’m afraid I can’t afford it even more. It would be in trouble if I get excited and then fall apart."
"Ah … Doctor Wen is really funny" Huang Yunshu smiled and made a gesture of "Doctor Wen, please".
There are two exquisite round tables facing the auction table, followed by three, then four and six, and the last few rows are all horizontal tables. The status and status of these tables are all reflected incisively and vividly, and as soon as Yanlin came in, she found that the stars in her eyes were dignified and elegant, sitting next to a man talking and laughing.

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