Did you hear that? I confess … maybe you will never know, maybe you will not accept it, but everything is gone … I’m dying. Thank you for letting me die a fair death.

Ziyunyao kept falling, and tears came out of her eyes.
Sister Aoer, who will you believe?
She closed her eyes and felt lonely and helpful.
Even if you don’t believe me, it’s understandable. I’ve done so many wrong things before, but I don’t want you to get hurt because of her. Maybe it’s painful to be betrayed. Even I don’t want to get out of that pain and choose to forgive. But sometimes some things have to be faced after all …
I believe you can tell who is right and who is wrong, even if I die here, I will be satisfied.
Sister Yunchen, I finally understand your pain, but you can’t hear it, can you?
Ziyunyao’s escape attracted a large crowd.
Ziyun ao was dizzy in the crowd for a moment. She saw Ziyun Yao fall with her own eyes, but she couldn’t catch her.
Maybe catching her is the death sentence for her?
The cliff is a river, which may be why Junya brought her here, so she still has a chance.
Even Junya can trust her without reservation. What can’t she do? Because it involves my sister, she can think calmly … Anyway, it doesn’t matter if you die, so you will feel at ease.
But ziyunyao …
If she is not mistaken, her lip words about falling off a cliff seem to be a confession to Junya, right? Did she do something she shouldn’t have done—
She looked at Junya with some difficulty.
At this moment, Junya lightly withdrew his finger, and he slowly got up without any expression. He looked so quiet as if everything had just happened with him.
However, the more he was indifferent, the more he made Ziyun proud feel inexplicably shocked. She was even more terrible than I thought, and she pushed me into the abyss step by step.
But I can’t be content.
I didn’t steal Dan medicine and I didn’t want to leave school.
How can I part with you here …
Will you believe me? Maybe you don’t believe it, but thank you very much for letting me live even though you don’t believe it …
It’s a pity that my fate has not changed after all.
If I am lucky enough to fall into the abyss and become a ghost, I must expose the true face of Ziyunxi before I can die and regret it.
Otherwise, how can I live up to Sister Yunchen …
I’m sorry for her …
I personally fed her poison, but I didn’t know that I kept saying in her ear that Ziyunxi was good. I don’t know, I don’t know, I really don’t know anything.
This pain is deeply felt by me at the moment.
I think one day, you will know that I am in pain at the moment. I hope that when you think of me at that time, you will stop looking at me with such a disappointed expression.
I never want to see the slightest disappointment in your eyes.
Jun-fu, do you know?
You hate this taboo place, and I dare to bury it in my heart.

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