Believers generally regard heretics and infidels as enemies, but for those who don’t believe in anything, they maintain a subtle neutral attitude, which may be the reason why the "No.1197" experiment did not destroy the ark after it got out of trouble.

Believers are often regarded as potential development objects by believers … But the Ark text is too weak for the "No.1197 experimental body" to be "developed", just like the one that keeps Alpha text in captivity and lets it "develop by itself". Maybe the No.1197 experimental body will reappear after the Ark is strong enough to pull Ark text into that strange camp.
For a man who has no threat and may be an ally in the future, the No.1197 experimental body has maintained the lowest degree of goodwill … It not only chatted with Kelan for fifty cents a day, but also lifted the Alpha detention facility in the pit, so that Kelan and his companions had to take the ladder to escape.
From Curran’s standpoint, the No.1197 experimental body is not the enemy, at least not yet.
However, the situation is different for the crew members who have been eroded to death.
"Enemies are allies." If the No.1197 experimental body still stays in Alpha Star or the nearby main domain at this time, it is found that the undead crew will completely take refuge in that one and may directly kill it and destroy the ark …
It is impossible for it to stand by and watch the undead crew sacrifice the whole Wen and the whole planet to that force.
"It’s a pity … it’s a pity." Kelan sighed wildly. "If only this guy hadn’t got out of trouble at that time. Now, if you let it out, everything will be solved."
Just when Kelan was depressed that a good opportunity of Bai Piao’s powerful combat power was missed, Levi thought of a new point: "Is Miss valentina equipped with weapons such as annihilation bombs when manipulating the blasphemer mecha?"
"No" against the door valentina immediately replied.
"The annihilation bomb is specially prepared to blow up the ash crown. It should not be considered as the standing armed force of the blasphemer mecha." Koran replied, "This kind of thing is too dangerous. If you are not careful, you can take the whole Mukah base to pieces."
"The alpha star and annihilation play now? Will there be some goods in those relics that have not been distributed? Maybe we can copy the once Alpha blew up the ashes? "
"I’m afraid I’ll have to ask the owner of the nest … it’s the place where I’m afraid I won’t come back now." Kelan sighed. "I also have a lot of things to ask him except to annihilate the ashes … at that time, I had forgotten the ashes, but I didn’t expect the undead crew to be able to make such a regret and couldn’t come."
The owner of the nest is easy to get out but difficult to get in. If Kelan hadn’t crashed into that special node for the first time by luck, he might have to stay in it for a long time before he could find the owner’s will.
And when the current speed is synchronized with the outside world, the outside world will pass as much as he spends in the debris … At that time, I’m afraid that the giant trees growing out of the ark have already "flowered and borne fruit" …
Chapter nine hundred and seventeen Bold escape plan
Hours ago, Fang Zhou Bu Dong Jiu Qu
While those men in black were at war with the behemoth that suddenly appeared from the ground-inaccurately, the behemoth killed the men in black unilaterally-Bianca quickly escaped from the ruins by relying on the residual energy of Cybertron’s righteous body, and went through the eastern ninth district and the eastern boundary line and plunged into the bustling commercial street in the eastern district.
She doesn’t know why those behemoths will attack men in black … Shouldn’t these behemoths and men in black be in the same camp? Can it be said that these behemoths are not intelligent and difficult to control? They don’t specifically attack men in black, but make differential attacks on all living things they see?
I was lucky enough to finish because of luck and running fast …
After thinking about it, Bianca thinks that this explanation is probably the most reasonable.
Although there is a boundary line with a width of no more than 20 meters between the East District and the East Ninth District, the degree of prosperity is very different. Before the accident, the East District was much stronger in terms of population, economy and public security than the East Ninth District (of course, the poor public security in the East District is also likely to be related to various street gangs raised by the Arasaka Consortium), and after the destruction and reconstruction of the East Ninth District, the two cannot be compared.
This commercial street in the East District, except for the famous "kabukicho Yifan Street", there is no place as prosperous as the dense shops on both sides of the street, with colorful signs and various projection advertisements full of Cyberpunk breath.
The street and the end of the street are two large shopping malls with an area of 10,000 square meters. The shopping mall department is like a maze. Even if you follow the navigation for the first time, you will often get lost.
Then there is a large business district office building hundreds of meters high, which is directly connected with the dome, suspended by trains, tracks and buildings.
This commercial street can reach 30 thousand passengers on holidays, but now it is as quiet as a ghost town.
"There is no lucky one …"
Bianca limped along the first floor of the street, and the energy indicator light of the Cybernetic Body flashed dim red … This is a signal of energy exhaustion. If Bianca can’t find energy crystallization or other means of recharging, she is not supported. Cybernetic Body will soon turn into a heavy burden.
"Need to replenish energy … and food and medicine" Bianca thought.
One thing about the East Commercial Street is better than that of the East Ninth District, that is, the temperature control system is still working-although the temperature is somewhat unstable due to the influence of the East Ninth District, it will not freeze people to death like that ruins at night.
Bianca’s sight searched the street, and soon she locked in a luxury car parked on the roadside. This luxury car is different from ordinary cars that charge or make synthetic chemical fuels, which shows that its high-end is equipped with small energy converters, energy crystals and energy vehicles, and nine times out of ten there will be a crystal safe in the trunk.
Bianca inserted a picked crowbar into the crack of the trunk lid, and when she pried it, the alarm was loud. She couldn’t help cursing and looked up and smashed the horn of the luxury car with a gun.
Bianca’s consciousness has been at the edge of freedom. At the moment she saw the luxury car, she completely forgot the alarm … This harsh alarm is particularly harsh in this quiet commercial street.
She quickly retreated into the one-person self-service convenience store and squatted behind the glass to observe-she waited for twenty minutes and saw a living thing attracted by the alarm.
"It seems that those men in black didn’t follow us … were they wiped out by the beast?" Bianca turned her head and glanced at the bread in the counter. Although the bread had passed the shelf life from the packaging, there was no obvious deterioration. Bianca couldn’t help swallowing a mouthful of saliva when she was hungry to the extreme … After confirming that there was no alarm at this counter, she smashed the glass directly with a crowbar, took out the bread, and tore the package in three, five, two and tore it up.
Bianca’s hunger disappeared completely after eating four expired breads, a whole jar of salad dressing and a Russian sausage with a small arm thickness. She searched the counter for some small, high-calorie and portable food, stuffed her backpack and walked out of the convenience store.
Look around and make sure that no one is there, then continue to pry into the trunk of the luxury car without saying anything-the beautiful metallic paint crowbar of the luxury car and the Cybertron prosthesis exert double force to crack and peel in a large area. For this level of luxury car, the price of paint repair and maintenance is much more valuable than the energy crystallization in the trunk … However, for Bianca now, even if there is no more money, there is no money.
The ark has been destroyed, and the human culture has been destroyed … Now this commercial street is a wild world, although it vaguely retains the bustling shadow of the past. Without money, it is meaningless, and it has no real luxury, and it is even worse than a coarse grain steamed bread.
Bianca didn’t think about giving this car away, but she gave up the idea after she found that it was not bulletproof at all … This car is worth one-third of the logo, and its appearance is not as good as expected. It’s not as good as the off-road vehicle they came out of Mukahe fortress.

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    导语:随着生活节奏的加快,人们越来越注重身心健康。在杭州,桑拿作为一种休闲养生的方式,越来越受到家庭的青睐。今天,就为大家推荐几家杭州亲子桑拿体验馆,让您在享受健康的同时,与家人共度美好时光。 一、杭州亲子桑拿体验馆推荐 1. 杭州悦榕庄亲子桑拿体验馆 悦榕庄位于杭州市西湖区,是一家集餐饮、住宿、休闲娱乐于一体的豪华酒店。其亲子桑拿体验馆设施齐全,环境优雅,服务周到。在这里,家长和孩子们可以一起享受桑拿带来的健康与舒适。 设施:悦榕庄亲子桑拿体验馆设有干蒸、湿蒸、水疗、按摩等多种项目,满足不同年龄段的需求。 特色:酒店还提供特色亲子套餐,如亲子按摩、亲子水疗等,让家庭在享受桑拿的同时,增进亲子感情。 2. 杭州世贸君澜大饭店亲子桑拿体验馆 世贸君澜大饭店位于杭州市江干区,是一家集客房、餐饮、会议、休闲娱乐于一体的五星级酒店。其亲子桑拿体验馆设施先进,环境舒适,是家庭休闲养生的理想之地。 设施:亲子桑拿体验馆设有干蒸、湿蒸、水疗、按摩等多种项目,同时还提供足浴、美容等服务。 特色:酒店特别推出亲子桑拿套餐,包括亲子按摩、亲子水疗、亲子足浴等,让家庭在轻松愉快的氛围中享受健康生活。 3. 杭州四季酒店亲子桑拿体验馆 四季酒店位于杭州市西湖区,是一家豪华五星级酒店。其亲子桑拿体验馆环境优雅,设施齐全,是家庭休闲娱乐的好去处。 设施:亲子桑拿体验馆设有干蒸、湿蒸、水疗、按摩等多种项目,同时还提供茶歇、水果等服务。 特色:酒店特别推出亲子桑拿套餐,包括亲子按摩、亲子水疗、亲子茶歇等,让家庭在享受桑拿的同时,品味生活。 二、亲子桑拿体验注意事项 1. 亲子桑拿体验前,家长要了解孩子的身体状况,确保孩子适合桑拿。 2. 亲子桑拿过程中,家长要时刻关注孩子的反应,如有不适,应立即停止。 3. 桑拿结束后,家长要帮助孩子做好身体恢复,如喝水、休息等。 4. 选择亲子桑拿体验馆时,要关注卫生状况,确保家人健康。 结语:在忙碌的生活中,让我们抓住每一个与家人共度的时光。杭州亲子桑拿体验馆,为您和家人提供一个休闲养生的好去处,让健康与快乐陪伴左右。

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