See those ghosts flying entropy are coming towards their dozen riding around.

"Give it to me"
Gu Qingshan sink a way
He was all LeiLingLi move directly toward the sword array too b perfusion.
In a flash, Lei Guang burst out from the sword of the six sacred mountains deep in the sky.
The sky is blowing and the sword wind is gradually bringing a bit of blue ray.
The gods in this world set the highest punishment!
Coupled with the six realms of Shenshan sword breaking feature, the thunder power has been raised to the highest degree!
Entropy ghosts are very keen. They turn around and run as soon as they sense the thunder.
Joke, they’re not afraid of anything. That’s what they’re afraid of.
Tianyi Qing
Gu Qingshan took back LeiLingLi a clap bag and pulled out a good reply LingLiDan medicine and stuffed it directly into the mouth.
Demon ghost army gave up siege and rushed towards a dozen riding teams.
Gu Qingshan glanced at the sword array in the sky.
Now is the moment when the power of sword array reaches its highest point.
When there are about twelve breath, Taiyi Sword Array will dissipate completely.
That is to say, Twelve Breaths must end this battle!
Gu Qingshan made up his mind.
He put Lola on Dark Horse Avenue. "Please pay attention to protecting the princess!"
"Defend the Princess Hall!" The guards crashing should way
They rode their mounts and galloped close to the dark horse to protect Lola tightly.
Gu Qingshan jumped from his horse and crashed into the sky.
He’s riding a sword, and his mind is moving!
"Skillfully shrink into inches (advanced), specify the position at will or break through the restrictions by capturing and locking the enemy’s breath, and directly appear in the corresponding position."
"display the range of distance"
In the past, the Magic Cloud River Baihua Fairy robbed the tangible Monty Holy King Monty jar and directly crossed the whole river to blow each other away.
At the moment Gu Qingshan wrapped all over the sky firm but gentle condensed into a hurricane also launched this magic skill.
He disappeared from the sky—
Then suddenly appeared in the demon army.

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