There is no smell of the seal of Emperor Chen.

It’s even more ugly to induce the two great seals to retreat for a moment.
Xu tui first sensed the six royal seals through the seal of the Great Immortal Emperor of Antarctica, and he was able to sense that four people had been reincarnated in the small universe, which means that one of the six royal was really killed.
Only when you really die can even the breath of the six imperial seals disappear.
Otherwise, the six royal seals will eventually
Because each six-imperial seal represents a part of the will of the small universe in heaven.
Under normal circumstances, the will of the universe is that the law is shattered.
But now the smell of the seal of Emperor Chen has disappeared directly.
This also means that most of what the reincarnation universe said should be true.
When Xu tui stepped into Gouchen Tiangong, the whole Gouchen Tiangong suddenly dissipated like smoke because of the breath.
As if it had never happened before.
Xu tuibai, this is the reason why Gouchen Tiandi’s breath completely dissipated.
It’s like a dusty antique that turns to fly ash in a flash.
Gouchen Tiandi, the heavenly Wu Shen, was really killed.
Die in heaven!
It can also be said that he died because of his commitment.
This is all worthy of respect.
After a few breaths, Xu retired and quit. It has disappeared. Gouchen Tiangong bowed in the direction of the main hall of Gouchen Tiangong.
In an instant, Xu retreated and rushed out of the whole fly ash of Gouchen Tiangong, which was condensed again by Xu retreated and then condensed into a statue of Gouchen Tiandi.
But Xu tui can do it and have this step.
Gouchen Tiandi statue stands in the open place, holding Zhan Ji alone and brave!
Take a step back and bow again. "If I have the ability to decide you to restart the temple in the future."
Say that finish xu turned and disappeared in a flash.
In a flash, the Qinghua Palace appeared, that is, at the entrance of the East Pole Qinghua Changsheng Emperor Palace, and then the Great Seal Road marched straight in.
Tsinghua Palace is full of vitality, and it is very comfortable to enter.
Dongji Qinghua Changsheng Emperor is also known as Taiyi to save the suffering Buddha.
It is often said that the name of Taiyi to save the suffering Buddha can save the disaster!
Xu returned here with the seal of Qinghua Changsheng Emperor.
Because according to Gouchen Tiandi’s ancient celestial legacy, every six imperial seals are part of the will of the celestial universe.
It’s like reincarnation of the will of the small universe.
The more will there is to control the small universe in heaven, the greater the benefit and development will be to the small universe in heaven.
To some extent, controlling the will of the small universe in heaven is actually acquiring the heritage of ancient heaven.
If the Blue Star Terran has acquired the legacy of the ancient heaven, its strength will definitely explode.
If you want to control the ancient heaven to a certain extent, you must get at least three six royal seals according to the notes of the ancient heaven.
At this moment, Xu retired and came here.
The seal of Houtu has been forgotten, and the seal of Gouchen Tiandi has disappeared after he died.
Xu tui can take the seal, including the seal of Qinghua Changsheng Emperor and the seal of Yuhuang Emperor.
It was Xu who retired the Qinghua Palace and urged the two emperors to seal the main hall of the Qinghua Palace, but it was so.
Qinghua Changsheng Emperor Seal No!
Another imperial seal. No!
Frown, retreat, disappear again. There’s one last goal!
Chapter one thousand three hundred and thirty-four The Imperial Seal Mystery Bluestar Weird
Jade emperor extremely respected
It’s the six royal heads
In Chinese Taoist classics, the title of the Jade Emperor should be several hundred words.
But when it comes to talking again, the jade emperor is not like what most people think, that is, to decide everything in heaven in one word.
You see, the higher the system, the greater the deputy power. In some cases, the deputy and the chief can even break their wrists.
Among the six royal families, the Jade Emperor and its four royal families are about the same.
Each has its own share.
But the jade emperor is extremely respectful. There is no doubt about this.
It is also for this reason that the last one came to try Jade Emperor Zun to live in Yuqing Palace.
Xu tui’s two great seals, the seal of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor and the seal of the Arctic Zhongtian Zihui Emperor, are actually the deputy seals of Liuyuli.
It’s a bit of a suspense to rely on two deputy seals to hit the main seal gate and collect the main seal for a refund.
So I went to Gouchen Palace and Qinghua Palace first.

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