"Maybe it’s also a parasitic cat …"

Lin Chong sighed with a sigh. Xu Junhu walked the same way as Monty. My body was born out of parasitic providence.
At this moment, Xu Junhu should be in a secret?
This time, I searched the world and I couldn’t find anything else.
Monty Heart Sutra is a worldly practice. Wan Mizhai may not be able to learn it now, but he can.
"I don’t want to take this step, but the little tiger …" If Lin Chong can sometimes find another dead robbery practitioner to cut off the robbery force from his body and put Xu Junhu’s help to wake up from the virtual reality, but the three-month period is not allowed, and it is also the last breathing space for the cat.
If the cat is occupied, Lin Chong feels that the tiger’s life is in danger.
I didn’t see that follwed took up part of the secret and let Xu Junhu wake up.
Now Xu Junhu and Wang Mang are two parasites. If you have more resources, I will have fewer possibilities.
Lin Chong sighed again.
At this time, outside the wall of the plane, Qingluan suddenly said, "Hey, Lin Wei?"
Qingluan has long looked at Wan Mizhai for fun, but she was warned that she would have no food for three days if she dared to move a finger.
Lin Chong really broke her grain, and she didn’t expect anything.
Now I look at Lin Chong sighing at this strange doll and finally I can’t help but ask.
Lin Xun is her name for Lin Chong.
Needless to say, Lin Chong was badly taught to turn around several times and couldn’t turn back. Just call it.
And this sentence means asking what Lin Chong is not interested in.
"Nothing, just a little worried and a little angry," Lin told Qingluan. "I’m a little angry that a bear child fell into the well."
"Hey, hey, hey ~" Qingluan put a red hair together, which means you can feel my head.
"No need, no need." Lin Chong waved his hand at the snow valley in the middle of the night, seemingly silent, but he didn’t know who was spying behind it. "Another day."
Huh? Qingluan yawned and got ready for bed.
Looking at qingluan’s anxiety, Lin chong deeply felt that it was good to live simply.
After dealing with monty, he will shut up and play games for three years and never get involved in this world again.
"Little Tiger wants you to bless yourself and live through this method."
As he spoke, Lin Chong condensed his thoughts with the method of three thousand incarnations and turned Wan Mizhai into his own incarnation.
Wan Mizhai is a natural incarnation material.
He is a man and turned into a magic weapon.
First of all, the condition that three thousand incarnations can attune’ things’ is combined.
You don’t have to work hard to make things into people.
Transforming the body is equivalent to having one more immortal avatar who can cultivate high skills and let Tailaojun personally make moves.
But is the situation really so beautiful?
But not necessarily.
Qingyun has been in charge of Wan Fa Xian Zong for decades. If Wan Mizhai had been so suitable and enlightened, there would have been no hair left.
After the immortal dust, if Five Blessingg points out an immortal incarnation, he would have swept through the mortal world and played with Lin Chong to waste something, and what a "hidden" plan was made.
Suo Linchong knows that it is absolutely dangerous to touch Wan Mizhai.
It is also possible that the root will not succeed.
"I am an extraterrestrial who will never die. Five Blessingg will be afraid of me, but not necessarily …" Lin Chong kept pouring his thoughts into Wan Mizhai while chanting.
The method of three thousand incarnations is to incarnate and share one’s life. Five Blessingg can’t understand this method, but Lin Chong can have tens of thousands of incarnations, which is what Lin Chong relies on.
In addition, there is really no way.
Lin Chongshi can’t think of any tricks to awaken Xu Junhu from the state of nirvana. The chaotic little world keeps responding to the perfusion, and it may have to be robbed to "feed".
And who can practice robbery in this world except monty?
Even if Lin Chong gets the practice of death robbery, how long will it take to create another practitioner of death robbery?
Can’t wait.
Seven days later
Wan Mizhai is alive.
The first sentence he said to Lin Chong was "What dynasty is this?"
Chapter three hundred and thirty-nine Thought War
On the work of cultivating the output idea of the three thousand thoughts incarnation method and enlightening the incarnation.
Perhaps there is no immortal more skilled than Lin Chong after traveling around the world for more than ten million years.
He has created nearly 60,000 incarnations in just a few decades, and directly crushed Five Blessingg to no temper.
If you are lucky enough to meet, Five Blessingg will probably point at Lin Chong’s nose and scold you for being an old sow and giving birth. Are you so abnormal? !
The difficulty of transforming Wan Mizhai is more complicated than that of all incarnations before Lin Chong.
What Qian Linchong pointed out is that the white body has a little consciousness, but it is not that I am a floating consciousness. A little floating foam in the sea can easily blow it away.
Compared with Wan Mizhai, it is simply a bottomless dead sea demon.
Lin Chong saw several incredible scenes, experiences and situations in his consciousness.
So bizarre
Yu Linchong doesn’t know whether this is Wan Mizhai’s dream or a real experience.
For example, Wan Mizhai once killed several of himself.
For example, Wan Mizhai has traveled through several reincarnation.
For example, Wan Mizhai once devoted himself to heaven and earth and robbed him of his fortune before he was monarch.
For example, Wan Mizhai was able to practice all the martial arts not because he learned quickly, but because he knew all the laws of the world in a few years.

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