"Yes, it’s an ancient sound, it’s her, it’s her."

Mrs. Yan’s pale face became sickly flushed and her limbs showed unusual agitation during the grand sound wave shock.
She finally earned Li Jue, holding her hands and looking around, unconsciously repeating "Gu Yin, get out of here!"
Li Xun pursed his lips and stared at the battlefield.
Qingluan’s injury was complicated by external injury, but he had to worry about Lin’s back, showing that he had little strength to fight back, and his opponent would cling to this point and give up what he was best at, chasing Qingluan to attack.
At this time, Li Jue finally captured the figure of the man because of the violent friction between the nine deep and remote places in the high-speed flight, and the figure was trance-blurred and the light was refracted and gray, and the shape could not be seen clearly.
Although the man chased after him tightly, the distance between Yaofeng and Qingluan was too close, but in the blink of an eye, the Yaofeng staggered in shape like a burning fire cloud passed by Qingyang’s side.
When the two men touched each other, they didn’t repel the impact, but they were in perfect harmony. The man was exposed by the joint efforts of the two demons to open an air cover bomb.
Whistling in the atmosphere, the demon phoenix robe sleeves float in the sky and gush like a waterfall for nine days, and instantly engulf the man, which is triggered by a tidal wave that has swept through more than half a day. Just a little relaxation of the customs environment has once again fallen into the border fire.
Li Jue Zhang’s protective body really stops this wave of fire, and his heart suddenly feels something. He turns his head and looks at the distance. His face is livid and his back is clenched into a fist, but he doesn’t move. Li Jue can understand that he is overwhelmed at this time and will never feel good.
With a sigh, he turned to dig more news from Mrs. Yan’s mouth, but suddenly a red shadow passed by in the line of sight movement. He froze and suddenly remembered something, narrowed his eyes and scanned halfway, and soon caught the target again.
"Cats?" Li Jian raised his hand and touched the "broken soul shuttle" in his arms through the bra.
A few days ago, Qin Wanru sent someone to send it. He also lamented that the cheap teacher elder sister was thoughtful, but now he is simply grateful.
"Good chance …"
While thinking, a golden light attracted Li Xun’s attention. It was a little light when the cat flew by. Because of the fast speed, it almost became shining. The background was quite eye-catching.
But that’s all Li Jue saw. The cat was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, it passed through the burning wall and disappeared into the burning jungle.
Li Xun again did not consider that Mrs. Yan’s figure suddenly shifted around a big circle and flew to the cat’s hiding direction.
When his figure just moved, it was a crashing explosion. generate’s massive force expanded from the epicenter to all directions, and more than ten circles were printed in the thick tide of Yin qi, which was like a substantial ripple spreading to a certain extent, and then it was terrible that the things touched did not become dust.
Li Jue’s ripple diffusion range was also in a hurry, and the ghost ring turned thousands of times to remove this terrorist force.
The shock caused the Yin fire storm to seal the boundary and stir back and forth, and the induction of Li Juegang was interrupted.
He looked up again and saw that the demon phoenix was towering and imaginary, and the whole body was suffused with flames. Occasionally, a slender inflammatory flow burst through the body, and it was breathtaking. However, there was a man in front of her who was comparable to her.
The male figure is tall, long and gray, and his face is not bright. There are also silver-gray body fluids from Mrs. Yan’s puppet. However, he is as indifferent as a towering cliff, dismissing the flames and flames on all sides, and has his own loneliness and loneliness.
It was him!
Li Jue spat and wanted to scold a few more words, but suddenly he felt that the present situation was funnier than that of Tiannan, who was just a walking corpse.
"Ancient records and mysterious jade scattered people … hey!"
Li Xun sneered and looked at the cat again into the forest of fire.
Although the puppet spirit can’t fight again, it still needs someone to control it. Li Xun, a great expert, denies that the ancient sound can be manipulated freely through a layer of seal, so …
Zhi Zhu holds Li Xun again and starts to jump on the other side of the burning jungle. The high-temperature heat wave is coming on my face and he protects me and rushes to both sides.
In the middle, there was another huge explosion. sonic boom didn’t stop, and it was even a cross-breath. sonic boom rolled over wave after wave, and the demon phoenix and the puppet confronted each other head-on. Li Xun was not disturbed, and the speed was not reduced and he rushed into the fire.
After entering the forest, the cat’s distance has been significantly shortened. Li Xun has recovered his sense of life pulsation. He smiled and was about to fold and fly away, and his heart suddenly tightened.
Earlier, the dark shadow seemed to jump out of a nightmare and flash into the shadow of twisted fire.
Li Jue’s eyes couldn’t catch up with the shadow track, but he quickly split into his mind like a familiar fierce breath. He set up the most conspicuous logo
That’s … QingLuan front!
The huge body almost jumped out against Qingluan, and the volume could almost swallow her and Lin You whole. Without buffering each other’s protection, they carried out the most violent friction and impact, and the fire reflected the ferocious and ugly signs of the magic shadow.
"Magic Luo Hou!"
The voice came out through Li Jue’s teeth, and the two demons in the sky also actually fought against each other. To everyone’s surprise, it should be an earth-shattering impact, but the two sides collided with the central virtual collapse, and the magic Luo Hou figure was like a virtual crack, and the huge body was instantly blurred
"Shadow-eating Dafa!"
Li Jue’s cheek muscles twitch. There is no doubt that the magic Luo Hou is the purest solution at this time.
The so-called "virtual bite night charm shadow" avatar was vividly displayed by him, even if a generation of intensive cultivation of this road, I am afraid it will be so much.
Qingluan was seriously injured and caught off guard. She immediately suffered a big loss. She swung out her knife but cut the collapsed virtual place. When she tried to collect the force, she felt that a circle of twisting force rose sharply, and it spread directly to the pulse through the palm of her hand.
At the moment is the magic Luo Hou real power!
Qingluan face transient than ugly.
At this time, the power of the shadow-eating solution is fully displayed, not only the method of moving and flying, but also the rather terrible killing technique
The twisting force penetrates through the body, and while the Qingluan Qi pulse floats, it instantly penetrates into the Jing Yuan Qiao point of her body, and then it is violently pumped.
Qingluan frowns involuntarily, and her face is green and red, and the yin and yang rise and fall, and she is completely confused. In this process, tens of thousands of fine yuan have been lost, which has damaged her foundation more painfully than the heavy losses outside the capital of Song Dynasty.
Luo Hou, a demon in the virtual world, gives out an excited howl. The body is a virtual pole mouse. She is born with the ability to devour others’ essence, and this ability eats the shadow solution to complement each other. Whether it was the Nine Bodhisattvas in those days or the Qing Luan is broken now, they all suffered a great loss.
Although its intelligence is not as clear as human reason because of its innate influence, it is based on the fierceness and keenness of animal nature and far exceeds the huge body of contemporary masters, so it does not give Qingluan a breathing space
Seriously injured and holding Youqingluan is really bound hands and feet, even the opportunity to escape has been deadlocked, and the magic Luo Hou’s huge hand slaps the whole body pulse point to shake and shift the injury, which is even heavier.
Look at the enemy consumption Li Xun don’t mind huge doubts like clouds hanging over the head "magic Luo Hou how is magic Luo Hou? Didn’t the demon phoenix say that its Yuan Shen and Jing Yuan were all sealed in the golden pill? "
He held his lips and his heart flowed like a lantern in all kinds of scenes.
Lin you picked up the gold ball from Mrs. Yan’s chest and handed it to Qingluan and then … the cat; And that shiny gold thread.

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