"What? Is there any movement? Have you been found? I’m coming! " Leighton took up his weapon without saying anything and planned to run towards the wreckage of the building.

"Don’t come here! We seem to have not been discovered yet! " Kelan hurriedly stopped Leighton’s move.
"Can you determine what it is? Could it be some indigenous creatures who regard the wreckage of the building as a nest? " Ivan could not help but ask.
"There are no indigenous creatures in the lava mining area." Aya immediately denied this judgment. "Of course, I’m not saying that this environment is not suitable for indigenous creatures to live. Even if the conditions are worse, some biological traces can be found … But even insects in the lava mining area are very rare. Alpha seems to have cleared all the creatures in this area and set up a’ barrier’ to prevent indigenous creatures outside the mining area from entering the mining area."
"If it’s not an indigenous creature, it can be a human being." The hound sank its gun and leaned on the ground. "Let’s get ready for the battle. It will come anyway."
The reconnaissance team carefully leaned toward the wreckage of the building, and a dozen dark guns were aimed at the ten-meter-long crack on the outer wall of the building.
"Leighton, take out the mechanical snake that you improved" Kelan low charged.
"Understand" Leighton nodded his arm, and a small metal snake with the thickness of a little finger crawled out of the outer armor and swam to the edge of the crack.
This small metal snake is actually designed by a snake-shaped human machine. This shape is hidden. Second, it can be drilled into some conventional man-machine chart to enter gaps and holes. Mechanical snakes like this are sold in shopping malls and black markets, but the flexibility of those original mechanical snakes is not as strong as this modification, and the function is also much more.
Leighton changed the "snake eye" camera to the low light mode and shared the images seen by the camera with everyone in the reconnaissance team, then manipulated the mechanical snake into the crack.
"The middle section of the moving and static debris is about 45 meters from the 17th floor to the 19th floor from the top." Asano Akira told Leighton that the mechanical snake guides the direction.
Some places that are hard for human beings to reach are flat on the ground for the mechanical snake that can adsorb the wall-it didn’t take long for the little snake to reach the position where it made a noise, and the reconnaissance team also used its eyes to see the things in the wreckage of the dormant building.
For thirty mature erosion species!
But also including the three-headed Koran has never seen a mutant!
The most conspicuous of these three mutant species is the one that is guarded by many eroded species-it is more than four meters tall and slim, and its neck alone occupies one-third of its height. From a distance, it looks like a creature called giraffe on the earth. This mutant head also has more than a dozen slender tentacles like flexible antennas, and a strange rhythm is slow and rhythmic.
"It’s an S-shaped mutant … this is troublesome." Aya murmured after seeing the appearance of this mutant.
Chapter four hundred and twenty-one Classification of variation species
"’s variant’? What the hell is that? " The hound asked consciously, "have your security bureau classified these monsters so carefully?"
"’S-type mutant” S’ is the abbreviation of’ SU’, also known as reconnaissance mutant, which has far superior perception ability to common erosive species, and can also facilitate the head tentacles to send a very special wave signal to the outside world to keep in touch with other S-type mutants in a certain range. The frequency of this wave signal is very special and will change regularly. We can barely intercept it in the existing technology, but we can decipher it," Aya explained.
"But if we intercept this east-west line wave, it is tantamount to actively exposing ourselves. Not only this S-type mutant will find that all our S-type mutants that are in contact with it can instantly locate our coordinates," said Ke Lan. "I suggest going around."
"The S-type mutant is very sensitive to sound, smell and vibration, and there are a large number of eyeball-like visual organs on the surface of its body and tentacles. These organs all have infrared vision and have no dead angle of vision because of the number-we would have been discovered by it if it hadn’t been disturbed by the mining environment," Aya said. "I’m a little curious. How did you find them?"
"Very sensitive to sound?" There was a light smile on the hound communication channel. "It seems that it is not as good as our Asano ears."
"Can you hear them at this distance?" Aya glanced at Asano Akira’s personal file in her limited reading materials in shock. It can be said that it is so simple that it is almost impossible to lack two words. Although the Security Bureau knows about the "Mindfulness Living Experiment Project", there are also people who can access this information, and field workers like Ayabria are not aware of it.
The part of Asano Zhao’s file that was sealed will naturally not be released to her.
There is noise everywhere in the melting fire mining area, and there will be aftershocks in the distance from time to time, accompanied by a rumbling sound when the rock stratum collides with the rock stratum. Even the S-type mutant can’t catch the subtle noise nearly 50 meters away in this environment.
That is to say, but from this ability, the S-type erosion species was really completely exploded by Asano Akira.
"You can’t explain the secrets too much, I hope you can understand," Kelan said to Aya.
"Er … I’m white." The latter paused and then nodded gently.
Anyway, Asano’s ability is not a secret to the undead crew, and Koran doesn’t care what this woman will write the report after this trip back.
"The other erosion species? This guy has two obvious variants around him. Do these have models? " Ivan asked.
The common erosive species is a mass of intertwined fleshy tentacles, but the variation species is different. Most of the variation species will merge with the "organ" to a certain extent, and will retain most of the characteristics of the "organ" after going through the "sudden change period" and entering the "mature period". For example, the original body of the "sumo wrestlers" organ that Kelan met in the East Ninth District was not abandoned by the erosive species, but also integrated into a thick layer of "living armor".
"The two ends are’ B-type mutants’, which are called’ Bale’ fighting mutants. There is nothing special about this mutant, but its fighting power is stronger than that of ordinary erosive species. Generally, it is about three to five times that of ordinary erosive species," Aya said.
"It is very strong to be equivalent to five common erosive species. After all, without restraint, ordinary species are a headache … Do you call these common erosive species’ N-type’?" Kelan asked
"Why do you say that?" Aya was a little surprised.
"This naming method is very straightforward. The common species’ NRAL’ is naturally N-type."
"… real initials naming method is to set the common species for the variation species, that is, the common species has no special title, but when you say’ N-type variation species’, it mainly refers to those variation species that have no obvious advantages and can be accurately classified … Most of these variation species are natural variation products."
"Natural variation? Do you mean that these’ S-type’ and’ B-type’ variants are all directional mutations? " Kelan changed the subject before the awkward atmosphere appeared.
"Well, this classification method has been applied in practice six months ago, and these divisions of labor have indeed appeared earlier. I think heretics have mastered the means of inducing them to produce directional variation."
"What kind of gatekeeper did I meet in the East Ninth District?"
"SP-type mutant No.59′ special species, SP-type solid and N-type, are some difficult-to-classify mutants, but unlike N-type, SP-type mutants are extremely dangerous and rarely occur. Each SP-type mutant has an independent number, and the SP-type mutant you met in the East Ninth District Square is No.59."
"So there are fifty different SP variants in front of it?"
"Yeah, but I can’t always say for a moment that every time SP mutant appears, it will be considered as the highest threat, and a special agent team must be sent to clear it immediately."
"So what do you usually do when you meet this kind of’ S type’,’ B type’ and common species mixed erosion team?" Kelan refers to the "mixed squad". Naturally, they met these guys.
"From the point of view of our firepower configuration, I have the same opinion as you," Aya said. "S-type mutants never appear alone, and so do they control mixed teams. Since we have found them here, we say that there are several core teams of S-type mutants in this area, which are generally distributed in a network. One team will find out the enemy situation or be attacked, and other teams will quickly support them."
"And there must be a’ C-type mutant’ among these S-type mutants, which we generally call’ Cnrl)’ or’ Cander)’"
Chapter four hundred and twenty-two "startle"
"How to come up with a’ C variant’? I am a little dizzy? " The hound chimed in.
"There is no difference in appearance and ability between the C-type mutant and the S-type mutant, but its intelligence level is much higher than that of the conventional S-type mutant, and it also has the ability to control other species. Just like literally’ ander’, the C-type mutant is their commander," Aya explained. "And the heretics also control these monsters through the C-type mutant to communicate normally."
"Is it necessary to kill this’ commander’ and these erosive species will get out of control?" Leighton asked.
"But we can determine whether this end is disguised as an S-type mutant or a C-type mutant. Not only that, but even if we find out all the S-type mutants in this area, we can’t see who is the commander. This is just like a lottery …" Ivan said.
"I think we’d better go around and leave these monsters to the big army to solve. Anyway, we are reconnaissance. It’s enough to record these coordinates," suggested the hound
"I’m afraid I can’t bypass" then Koran is shook his head.
"Didn’t you say you wanted to go around first? How can you say no now? " The hound looked puzzled. "Kelan, don’t start with this thing. If we guess wrong, we will be surrounded by hundreds of eroded species."
It’s a bit inappropriate to tell the truth about this sentence.
"Don’t worry about this at this time, as long as you know what I mean," said the hound. "Is there any way you can get rid of these erosive species quietly without going around?"
"Even if these erosive species are solved quietly, if the S-type mutant dies, other S-type mutants in this area will still come this way if they find that the communication network is short," Aya said
"I didn’t say to get rid of them either …" Kelan said, "It’s a detour that can’t solve the problem-if we hadn’t come to detect the strength of the building wreckage and Asano Aki had far superior hearing, we wouldn’t have found this group of dormant debris erosion species. Similarly, most of the erosion in other places in this area is hidden by the terrain. Do you think we can find them twice or three times if we can find them once? Not many times, if they find us first, everything will be over, so it is better to take the initiative to fight for luck. "
"Proactive attack? How do you want to take the initiative? The key point of the problem is that you can’t find the’ commander’ here. Everything is no use! " The hound questioned.
"When I say take the initiative to attack, I don’t mean to kill the commander and make all the erosive species out of control, but to try to make the commander make a wrong judgment and make them give way to us." Ke Lan said unhurriedly, "Do you remember the battle at the bottom of the sinkhole when we tried to lure those exiles and then attack them from behind?"
"You mean … going to bait tactics? But … who are you going to let as bait? " The hound consciousness set its sights on the agents at Aya’s hand. "The situation here is different from that at the bottom of the sinkhole. I’m afraid that the bait person will die ten times."
"There is no need for bait. If Miss Aya just said that the information is accurate and wrong, she can lead them without bait."
"Don’t sell it at this time and just say what to do?"
"First detour" Kelan erected an index finger.
"You his mama … how to detour again? Are you kidding me? "

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