Ding Qiunan smiled and smoothed Wang Yueyue’s messy hair and said, "Don’t worry, Qiu Nan’s mother washed her hands and taught you to tell you secretly. Don’t tell Wenxuan later that he knows that you also like to eat saute spicy chicken. It should be almost time to come back and let him cook it for you."

"Really?" Wang Yueyue stared at Ding Qiunan with big eyes.
"Of course it’s true. You can tell him you want to eat saute spicy chicken when they come back this weekend."
"Hey hey ….." Wang Yueyue heart eyes narrowed into a crack.
After laughing, she scratched her hair with some annoyance. "Brother Xuan can do it, and I can’t even chop the chicken."
"Don’t worry, silly girl. Qiu Nan’s mother will teach you to learn a few more times slowly. Don’t worry about it."
Ding Qiunan took off her cotton coat and handed it to her husband, then rolled up her sleeves and washed her hands.
Chapter four hundred and ten Not enough
Because I want to teach Wang Yueyue, I have already ordered more than dinner tonight.
After dinner, Wang Yueyue patted her belly and burped.
"Qiu Nan, mom, I’m going to write. Keep teaching me!"
"ah? Do you still want to eat saute spicy chicken? "
"Yes, always teach me, or I will forget it in a couple of days," said Wang Yueyue naturally when she got up.
"You can’t eat a big dish every day, or you’ll get tired of it before Wenxuan comes back. Isn’t he learning for nothing?"
"Er … well, that day, Dad Chu taught me to roll noodles."
Li Chu some nai stroked his forehead to tell the truth Wang Yueyue is really no talent for cooking.
Just now Ding Qiunan in the kitchen taught her by hand that she could hardly eat her mouth.
Fortunately, she came back from school late today. If she stays home all day, she can probably tear down the kitchen.
It is only necessary for a child to have this heart, so she must be discouraged from continuing to learn to cook.
Otherwise, his family will suffer sooner or later
I thought so in my heart, but I said, "No problem. I’ll teach you how to roll noodles in the evening, but you should write your homework when you come back from school, and then learn it when we come back."
"Good Chu dad, I’m going to write."
Ding Qiunan sat on the sofa after Wang Yueyue returned to his room and said, "Dear, I didn’t expect anyone to learn things more slowly than me. Learning to cook every month almost killed me."
"Wife, how dare you compare with the month? At least you can cook in front. She can’t even take a knife." Li Chu looked at his wife with disdain.
At this glance, let Ding Qiunan fry Mao directly, and a tiger pounced on Li Chu, who was sitting not far from her.
"Yeah, how dare you look down on me? I’ll bite you to death …"
"PSST … okay, okay, I didn’t look down on you. I was wrong. I was wrong … you really bite! Then don’t blame me for being rude. Look at me scratching you! "
"Ah … don’t scratch me not to bite! Ah ha ha ha … I don’t bite, ha ha ha ha ha … "
Laughter floated into the yard through the cotton curtain, and Wang Yueyue, who had just sat down at the table to write, heard Ding Qiunan laugh and she left the pie mouth.
In the future, my parents-in-law will be fine, but they are too playful, just like growing up.
I couldn’t help thinking about returning to school again. Li Wenxuan doesn’t know if the life after the two of them will look so happy and kind.
Late at night, the bed in the bedroom of the main house.
Ding Qiunan lay on his own man and spit out a sigh of relief.
Li Chu picked up a small table towel next to her and wiped her forehead sweat.
She lay there motionless and closed her eyes as if remembering something.
After a while, she wrote, "dear, why have you been so physically strong?" Our pharmacy’s great sister said that her man didn’t touch her once for half a month, and it was hard to come once, or it was the kind of thing that made her do it every time. "
Li Chu stroked his wife’s smooth back and smiled. "I exercise every day. If I don’t exercise, I can’t hold on. You can tell that Zeng Jie that it is absolutely effective to let her go back and supervise her man to do twenty squats every day for a month."
"Hey," Ding Qiunan looked up at her husband. "Is that all?"
"Don’t you believe me? Absolutely, but you must stick to it. You can’t fish for three days and dry the net for two days. "
"Uh-huh, uh-huh. I told him that Zeng Jie would definitely supervise her happy life."
These women, especially those who are married and a little old, get together and talk about what it is every day. Are the topics so hot? Li Chu some nai thinking.
However, it is not without benefits. For example, his wife is showing more and more tricks.
Before, he took the initiative to change the dynamic roots, so he didn’t need to say anything. People were more active than him in asking for the change.
When the sweat is almost gone, he picks up his wife and goes to bed to take a bath, otherwise he will be sticky and uncomfortable.
When he came back from the shower, Ding Qiunan was already in his arms and some squinted.
An old married woman is always so clingy when she goes to bed late every day. She has been talking about correcting her habit of going to bed late for twenty years, but she hasn’t corrected it.

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