He said that it was almost all over the mountain, and the surrounding areas were scattered and heard of the uproar. When there were no more words, fierce battles broke out again.

Li Xun didn’t meet him immediately, but grabbed Wenhai and whispered, "I’ve arranged a ban around me and brought this orphan girl with me!"
Wen Hai was delighted when he heard the words. Who didn’t know that Li Xun was forbidden to practice dharma and had been in the same school for so many years? He also knew that this younger brother had always made a decision before moving.
This statement is obviously well-thought-out.
He nodded and said nothing more. He turned around and let several younger brothers and orphans fight and go.
Wen Haixiu, the most promising eldest brother, is definitely a standout among the three generations of younger brothers. He had to take care of his classmates before, and he was too timid to contribute. At this time, Li Xun came to help and liberated him immediately.
He drank heavily in one hand from Luonanchuan Xuan Ming Excalibur’s humming sound, and moved several angles in a very subtle way, forcing the high-voltage traction from all sides to disperse, and then the sword awn soared dozens of feet away, that is, in the middle and side, one person’s chest and abdomen asked to beat the other person’s dirty and broken eyes.
This skill is more powerful than Li Jue’s melee swordsmanship.
Even the four people were folded, and this group of temporary people put together to practice, and their hearts were a little empty.
Li Xun saw the score when the sword and the awn were shooting invincible. Although no one was killed, it also led to chaos
At this time, Li Xun’s eyes paid attention to Qin Wanru and made a secret expression of eyes.
What he meant was to let Qin Wanru wait for an opportunity to rob the so-called "Ruyi Yuying" and leave.
And it’s his painstaking efforts to protect his classmates and make everyone so happy
But unexpectedly, Qin Wanru didn’t seem to understand his gesture, but shrank back and acted more quietly.
What attracted Li Xun’s attention was that her eyes often glanced at the northern mountains, and her eyebrows often puckered after spinning, as if she had found something not so good.
After a few breaths, Li Xun’s guess came true. Qin Wanru’s eyes, which were almost able to speak, flashed in the opposite direction. He winked and didn’t wait for Li Xun to come over. She suddenly moved back and took off the battle circle, but she flew away.
"bad!" Li Xun can raise this idea clearly in his heart, but he doesn’t know what’s worse.
He waved his sword and swept several times, but he also looked north. At first glance, there was nothing special about it. At second glance … What was that?
The fourth chapter mad cow
A monster suddenly swelled up among the craggy rocks in the distance.
Although it is difficult to estimate the actual size at a distance, the huge "thing" explodes and howls at the same time, but it makes the mountains rumble and shake miles away and the rocks splash, which makes people’s blood churn and their brains hum. Some people have bleeding in their eardrums.
Everyone was shocked, and they all looked back.
If it weren’t for the blind people, everyone could see the culprit of the loud noise.
However, few people will find the faint skylight flashing behind the giant as carefully as Li Xun.
Li Jue swallowed a mouthful of saliva. If he didn’t guess wrong, this monster abruptly penetrated the towering mountain behind him-pay attention to penetration, not everyone can make evasion!
The penetration path must be a straight line, otherwise the skylight there will never be exposed here.
Jesus, what kind of monster is that?
"Niu Lishi!" Wen Haijiang spit out this name with a calm tone.
Niu Lishi?
Of the hundreds of thousands of demons in the Tong Xuan world, only Yu Qi Demon ranks among the top ten of the Sanxiu Alliance.
If you can hear wenheim’s voice without taking a gasp, the shock will come from this murderous name that has accumulated for thousands of years.
Compared with the former Li Xun, the impact was completely uncompetitive, but Li Xun was surprised and even more surprised that Wen Hai answered quickly. Is his eyesight that good?
Meet Li Xun asked eyes wenheim wry smile way "I come out this time because of him …"
Words haven’t say that finish is a thunder howl swept Liuhe.
This explosive force is far stronger than the previous impact.
The mountains in the middle are almost visible to the naked eye, and large chunks of falling rocks tumble down the mountain stream, causing sparks to flash and be shocked.
At least four or five monks on Li Xun’s side were stunned by the shock wave at first sight.
And there is no one in the heart of the sword.
This is not to say that they practice better than others, but that Xuanmen is far more effective than other methods in calming the mind.
But even so, most people are in pain, and it would be great to have another music.
At this time, there was no time to get to the bottom of the matter. Li Xun decided to call out "Let’s go" and led the people to hurry along the hillside through those scattered repairs.
There were dozens of steps left before they reacted to detain them, but they were chased by Li Xun and Wenheim, killing a scene and making a mess.
At this time, the distant waves started again, but it was a rough and hoarse voice shouting, "Sao bitch, I know what you can do to me?"
This sound has no effect of shaking people’s minds, but every word is like thunder and power, and it has not been reduced much, which has attracted people’s attention.
But no one knows what this sentence means.
Li Xun’s brow wrinkled and he felt that this seemed to be rich in meaning. Since Wenheim knew more, he naturally turned his eyes to his face.
Seeing his questioning eyes, Wen Hai looked serious and said, "Niu Lishi is crazy!"
Nilux is crazy!
This news came out from the headquarters of the North Pole Night Skyscraper Sanxiu Alliance five days ago. It was said that Nilux was possessed when he was practicing, and he was crazy and angry. Unexpectedly, the night skyscraper got into trouble and was injured by the demon phoenix and others, and then fled south with injuries.
As the name suggests, the original body of Niu Lishi is a wild and heterogeneous "thunder rhinoceros", which looks like a cow. When he is irritable and prone to madness, he will not rest until he is exhausted by vandalism.
These characteristics have not been erased after his successful practice.
And this madness is worse.
In the Arctic, he wantonly destroyed people’s lives and finally provoked demons such as Demon Phoenix and Kunpeng to kill them.
It’s this Niu Lishi who is really severe. Although he was fatally injured, he just rushed around with a brute strength.
It is precisely because of this that the potential he inspired before he died is not to be underestimated.
At this time, he has come all the way from the enemy to the enemy to touch his brother, and he will die miserably.

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