So he said to Mr. Wu Zhihua naively, "I don’t know that I was framed inexplicably, and that girl I didn’t know before didn’t even know what she was trying to frame me."

After all, Mr. Wu Zhihua has seen the world, and he quickly recognized his innocence from Wu Liang’s tone, so he changed his tone to comfort him and said, "Anyway, now you must not panic and make mistakes easily. You must never make any more mistakes now and never give those people a chance to catch you."
This sentence is very calm Wu Liangyuan’s impetuous heart. He feels that the teacher is right. The more you can’t panic at this time, the more likely it is to have an accident.
After Mr. Wu Zhihua, Lu Xiaoyun, Lin Jinchen and others also called. These people are all his fans and naturally believe in him. After hearing Wu Liang’s explanation, they all comforted him and went to find a way for him.
Then I received the words of Jinlong Platform.
It was still Xu Liang, the director of Jinlong live broadcast. He sounded anxious and suppressed some anger and asked Wu Liang, "Mr. Wu, what the hell is going on? Is it true in the newspaper?"
Wu Liang, of course, denied it and asked him, "Is that Haitang Heart really our live broadcast anchor of Jinlong?"
Wu Liang seldom makes rounds and doesn’t deal with other anchors on the platform, but he doesn’t know that Jinlong broadcasts the famous begonia heart.
Xu Liang replied very sincerely, "Yes, but you said she set you up. Why should she set you up?"
Wu Liang thought for a moment, too, "Don’t kill the sheep." He suddenly had an epiphany and asked, "Did she also take part in this competition?"
Xu Liang quickly replied, "Yes, she is also a famous singing anchor on our platform. This time, she ranks very high, not much worse than Duda."
When Wu Liang heard this sentence, he immediately guessed a little more about himself. He must have quickly asked, "What about her and an anchor named Long Jiu Ge? Do they know each other?"
"Dragon Jiu Ge?" Xu Liang stared blankly for a moment. He remembered those little characters like Long Jiu Ge, a slightly famous anchor in the live broadcast platform. He really didn’t remember.
So he went to check and replied to Wu Liangdao, "I don’t know if they know each other, but they both belong to the same guild and may have dealt with each other."
Wu Liang, a guild member, has heard that this is a very fresh product after the live broadcast industry has developed to a certain extent.
Guild was originally a name appearing in online games, which refers to a group of like-minded friends who organize themselves to form an alliance or body and then play games together to share resources to deal with foreign enemies.
Later, the term guild appeared in the live broadcast industry, but unlike the guild in online games, the live broadcast industry guild is not an organization of like-minded friends. They are purely for profit-making purposes to form a commercial organization. They are responsible for training, planning and packaging flags. Each anchor will make their major live broadcast platforms popular and then win profits by drawing.
Compared with individual anchors, guilds have the advantage that they can make a lot of upfront investment to make a previously unknown anchor popular, and then recover money through his running water to continue to make an anchor popular.
For example, if a new anchor on a live broadcast platform wants to stand out, you must have good luck or extraordinary strength, otherwise everything will be useless. However, if you join a powerful guild, the guild can make an upfront investment for you, such as brushing gifts and popularity for you, so that you can quickly appear in the leaderboard of the live broadcast platform. Most viewers have a herd mentality. When they see the anchor at the top of the leaderboard, of course, they will think that this is a powerful anchor, so they will click in to watch it, so that you will avoid the painful process of gathering popularity in the early stage.
It is through this means that the guild live broadcast platform has occupied the mainstream, and they have squeezed out most solo anchors and occupied the most important resources in the live broadcast circle. Later, if a newcomer wants to join the live broadcast industry, he must join the guild first, otherwise there will be no chance of becoming popular.
The guild is so strong, but it is also inseparable from the live broadcast platform
So what does the live broadcast platform want to do with these guilds?
A simple reason is because they don’t want to bear legal responsibility.
If there is any violation of laws and regulations on the personal anchor live broadcast platform, such as pornography, then the network supervision bureau will not only hold the anchor responsible, but also hold the live broadcast platform responsible for your live broadcast platform.
But it’s different if you sign a contract with the anchor through the guild.
The live broadcast platform directly signs a contract with the guild instead of a specific anchor, so that if similar illegal incidents occur again, all legal responsibilities will be borne by the guild, and the live broadcast platform will not be accounted for by the network supervision bureau.
It is precisely because of this that the live broadcast platform has turned a blind eye to the development and growth of the guild, and it is suspected that it has secretly supported many live broadcast platforms. Many live broadcast platforms have been rounded up by some guilds or guilds. Without the roots of these guild members, these live broadcast platforms would not be popular.
The live broadcast of Jinlong is obviously in line with some guilds.
However, Wu Liang is lucky. First, he does have the strength. He can’t copy the roots of others, which leads to his irreplaceability. That’s why he has the opportunity to bypass the guild and directly sign a contract with Jinlong Live.
The second is that he rose so fast that in less than a month, he not only had tens of millions of viewers, but also made contact with Liu Yunxiao, He Yu and other pop stars, which made those guilds who were very dissatisfied with him have scruples. These people did not dare to secretly use some dirty means to deal with him.
It is a miracle that Wu Liang can develop smoothly until now.
I didn’t expect Mu Xiu to destroy Wu Liang in Lin Feng and quickly become a brother of Jinlong Live. Finally, he attracted some people to be jealous of him.
Hearing Xu Liang say that Haitang Heart and Long Jiu Ge belong to the same guild, Wu Liang’s guess in his heart is even more certain.
Then he’s going to test his guess.
So he asked Xu Liang again, "Can you give me one of the dragon-Jiu Ge connection methods?"
"What?" Xu Liang is talking about Haitang’s heart. Why does he want that dragon-Jiu Ge couplet?
Wu Liang couldn’t explain it to him in detail and said, "I doubt that this matter has anything to do with Long Jiu Ge. I’ll call him myself."
Xu Liang thought about the anchor words, and it didn’t seem to be a top secret message. It didn’t matter if he gave them to Wu Liang, so he found Long Jiu Ge’s private message from the information and sent it to Wu Liang.
Wu Liang got the number and perfunctory Xu Liang, then hung up. He dialed Long Jiu Ge’s words.
A moment later, a lazy voice came on the other end. "Hello?"
Wu Liang took a deep breath and calmed down a mood and said, "It’s Wu Liang."

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