Li Xun did not think of locking the breath behind him for a while, and he became more and more cautious to prevent Qingyin from coming to his head to change his target and winding him in.

The speed of blood shadow demon body is fast, but it hasn’t hit the chaotic area in more than ten miles. The distance between the two sides is close again, and Li Jue’s heart is alive again, thinking about whether to kill Qingyin and forget the peak.
Although the rear Ji is also struggling to catch up for a while, it is also rushing.
"It’s better to beat this time …" Li Jue put out the last point of hesitation, and the dangers reappeared in his heart.
Qing Yin also seems to feel the danger, but it’s a pity that her figure has not been hidden. Li Xun’s eyes are locked in his heart, and he calculates the distance change between the two sides and accumulates a fatal force.
At this moment, Li Xun’s ear suddenly penetrated into a clear sword, and it was very familiar with the slow whisper, "Even though the Xiashan Mountain is big, it doesn’t like evil guests." Li Xun’s voice fell, and a little cold star appeared in front of him, as if he had been waiting there for a long time to rest quietly. When the stars flashed, Li Xun’s ear could no longer hear the sound.
The turbulent flow of primordial energy and the long roar are due to the flow of blood itself, whether the blood nucleus is grand or subtle, and all sounds are instantly cut off.
Li Xun’s deputy mind was rudely moved back from other places and then fell into the starlight in front of him, almost dying.
Of course, it is also "almost"
It’s just a blink of an eye to shake one’s mind. When that little cold star is embedded in Li Jue’s trembling head, the fiery poison fire erupts from the deepest part of the blood nucleus and instantly covers every corner. His eyes blink and he suddenly shoots a few feet with lotus flower.
The other party’s firm but gentle pressure on the mind collapsed at the moment, and at the same time, Li Jue finally cut off the interest rate suddenly.
The newcomer’s sword can actually comb the ten miles of mountains and rivers to restore peace from madness, and even control his vitality, which leads to such incredible results.
"The secret sword of the hidden star is clear!" As he thought in his heart, his right arm was broken. When he waved halfway, the lotus flower was thick as soup, and a white finger came out from the lotus flower. When the imaginary blood robbed Yuan Shen, the light flew out, and the fingers, palms, wrists, arms and other limbs were condensed into the first two.
When the shadow rolls again, even the broken robe sleeves are connected, and when stretched, the arms are covered.
Five miles ahead, it’s clear and motionless with a sword, but it’s dark and fluttering gently in the breeze.
He got the news of the flying sword, and he was afraid that his lover would lose it. He also got stuck just right when he left immediately.
At this time, he made Li Xun have to face the patriarch in a straight way.
The fifth chapter Excalibur
The blood robbed the Yuan God, and the light was ten feet away from the body of Qing Ai, and then it was "bang" and it was shocked into a blood fog, and then it was rushed clean by the firm but gentle.
Li Xun was not prepared for it, so he chuckled, "Your Sect doesn’t like evil guests. Why don’t you even let passers-by go?" Qing Ming’s eyes are warm and sharp, and he’s different. If he can’t come, he’ll be killed and killed. He has to give an account. But he doesn’t care. He said, "I’m ignorant, but I haven’t seen anyone who breaks into the courtyard. Is Mr. Baigui also a contemporary person who must put on airs?"
He called Li Xun "a hundred ghosts" and said that The Hunger’s identity of Razor Peak after World War I had been made known to everyone.
However, Li Xun was still not used to it before he smiled. "As the patriarch said, people need to put on airs. If you say that you are passing by, you are not passing by. Is there anything worth stealing and robbing in Guizong?" The rear Ji also chased him to stop. Behind him, Xu Xiang made a salute to Qing Ying.
Qing styles has always admired this younger brother and disliked The Hunger, so she threw her eyes at the enemy and said with a smile, "That sword you just made is almost magical." Yao Yao responded, "My younger brother is still relying on external forces to succeed in ten years, and I’m afraid this move won’t be made again." She admitted that the ten-year period is fleeting. With this confidence, she can see that she has benefited from that sword.
Although it was cleaned and aired once, Li Jue was not angry.
At the moment, the flashing light of the sword in the distant sky should be the heart sword clan. When his master arrives, he will pester him again. He may be wrapped in dumplings.
At this time, Qingyin has already been traced, and it is more difficult for Li Xun to force her out than before.
"Presumably it’s just God’s will." Li Jue’s restless mind finally settled into a deeper place, and at this moment he was preoccupied with getting away.
The Qing dynasty’s repair is not comparable to that of the present Ji. Although he didn’t reach the real level until the robbery of the 49 th, it was not for nothing that tens of thousands of people were given.
See just now, the sword that flies like a fairy in the sky is just as good as the demon phoenix and qingluan.
"How can you easily use this sword if Gu Yin is bent on breaking up all the sects as she intended?" Li Xun deeply felt the huge gap between having a monk who inherited the Sect and a sect who practiced and practiced evil.
But now is not the time to delay the formation of the encirclement network. If he wants to break out again, he will have to kill the killer, and the consequences are not what he wants to see.
Just in time, a voice came from the rear. "Who was that just now?" Her doubt is that she should be righteous, but now she has helped Li Jue a lot.

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