The Three Virgin is calm when she hears these words. Looking at the sky, she looks a little embarrassed.

She doesn’t believe in heaven, but when she faces it, she always consciously shows her femininity from time to time. Just after listening to heaven, she made heaven swear, that’s all.
It was the words that made her calm down after the day.
God is noncommittal to the words of the Three Virgin, looking at her calmly and saying, "You came to the Moon Palace not to see my situation, but now that you have seen my situation, won’t you go?"
"Second brother, I still have some intimate words to say to Sister Chang ‘e!" Three Notre Dame did not refute the truth, but stopped and said
She did come to the Moon Palace to find out what the sky is like and when the injury will recover, but the Notre Dame is more than that. She also has the idea of meeting Chang ‘e specially.
In her heart, she always felt that Chang ‘e would suddenly help the sky and become very good with it because Chang ‘e was enchanted.
She wants to find a way to solve this kind of witchcraft.
Chapter VII Destiny His old and new dogma
"Buddha! What do you think? "
Chang ‘e looks to the sky.
Her identity naturally does not need to give the three virgin noodles.
If the Third Virgin wants to talk to her, she will talk to the Third Virgin, so where should she put her face? At this time, the first thing Chang ‘e wants to know is the attitude of heaven.
God’s attitude will determine her attitude towards the Three Notre Dames.
"Of course I see with my eyes."
The day took a cross at Chang ‘e and said casually
"It’s up to you what moths want to do. I don’t want to worry about those messy things anymore."
Chang ‘e’s attitude toward heaven is quite clear.
"Buddha, I know."
Chang ‘e smiled slightly, and then she looked at the Three Virgin. "Three Virgin, then I’ll talk with you."
The Third Virgin took Chang ‘e to the other end of the Moon Palace after a response.
She used to be best friends with Chang ‘e, and when she got tired of her Huashan Dojo, she often came to the Guanghan Palace to find Chang ‘e, and she knew the Guanghan Palace quite well.
Cold Yue Hui looks more beautiful and moving against Chang ‘e.
Chang ‘e looked at the Three Virgin with gentle eyes and asked, "What do you want to say, Three Virgin?"
The Third Virgin is a first-class beauty in the world, but she also has to admit that she can’t help but indulge in the beauty of Chang ‘e.
Since the birth of the Three Realms, the first beauty throughout the ages is really extraordinary.
"Sister Chang ‘e, why do you want to help my second brother?"
Three Notre Dame sipped her lips and then asked seriously.
"Didn’t I tell you that he is my good friend?"
Chang ‘e answered naturally.
"We have been good friends for a long time, and I worked for him."
Chang ‘e smiled when she thought about what happened in the world after Journey to the West.
The Third Virgin asked strangely, "Sister Chang ‘e, before that, my second brother liked you but you never responded to him."
Yang Jian’s liking for Chang ‘e may be a secret to most ghosts in the three realms, but many people know this secret.
The Third Virgin is an insider. Even Chang ‘e knew long ago that Yang Jian liked her.
In the past, when Yang Jian Heaven was a god of justice, he also said that he was willing to be the demon of Chang ‘e.
"How do you know I didn’t respond?" Chang ‘e smiled slightly.
Here, Chang ‘e stopped again. "And the former Yang Jian was Yang Jian, not the Buddha."
The virgin makes a puzzled look.
She has heard of Chang ‘e calling God Buddha more than once.
What exactly does this Buddha mean?
When I saw the sky outside Liu’s house, Chang ‘e called it Tian Shi Zun. The former Chang ‘e never called Yang Jian that way.
"The Buddha is a man of his word. He always keeps his word. He said he would never bother your family. You can rest assured."
"And he doesn’t need to tell a lie. As soon as Heilian, the Yuan God, came out of heaven, he blocked the Buddha from killing the Buddha."
"He really wants to deal with you. Your family had an accident long ago."
Chang ‘e said here with some disdain.
She can’t stand the idea that the Three Virgin is so prepared for heaven.
Although the rise of agarwood all the way is a fate, everything done in Yang Jian can be seen by the eye.
The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother are in the old gentleman, and they are all who see through.
Although the Three Virgin Mary didn’t reach that height, it was because she thought that she would break the dogma first.
A different fairy would have beheaded Sendai and gone away.
The Three Notre Dames were suppressed and Huashan was finished because of Yang Jian, a big backer.
As a result, the Three Virgin Mary was filled with hatred for Yang Jian, and Chang ‘e really didn’t know what to say.
Yang Jian’s kindness to the Three Notre Dames is really exhausted.
"Then what will he lose to agarwood?"
The Three Virgin is very interested in this topic because she has some entanglements.
"He didn’t lose to agarwood, he lost to his destiny, to your sister."
Chang ‘e said that she was a little disappointed here.
"He is destined to bring new hope, new weather, great god and new sky because of him."
"It’s a pity that he can’t break the blood relationship before being calculated."
Chang ‘e gently shook her head.
Yang Jian is indeed the destiny takes a hand’s new emperor. This is not her casual nonsense. Unfortunately, these mythical worlds are not absolute even if they are destiny.

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