Grizzly bear man said stiffly, "It’s really terrible. Just now I felt a huge will to resist and disobey as if it were God’s will."

Others have nodded their heads, and they are all concerned.
The golden eagle old man cried and laughed and said, "Is it always so big to watch the subjective action?" It gives me the feeling that it is like a super-strong skill to hit a small mosquito. "
More than one person glances also have this feeling. It’s not difficult to destroy the whole pale mountain range with just one thought. Finally, it’s a bit too sexual to put out a fire and leave.
Feng Tianyang said contemptuously, "You think the active hand is earth-shattering, but the main view is just to write a few words. How can a snake be a real dragon?"
What the golden eagle old man said to you is severe, and you are right.
Feng Tianyang’s eyes flashed a stern look and said, "It’s time for revenge. The matter of setting fire to the pale mountains will never be finished."
More than one person is also a face change eyes show fierce color.
A black fog floated out of the ground and condensed into a ghost and said, "Count me in."
"Bang ~" Zombies jump out of the cave and fly down in front of everyone. Two long fangs stick out of their mouths and their eyes shine with bloodthirsty light.
Chapter one hundred and seventy-one Samadhi True Fire
"Roar ~" and "Card ~" Dragon and Tiger flew from the clouds with flames and dragon and tiger paperweights on their left and right.
Close your eyes and breathe in the room. Li Pingan opened his eyes and showed surprise. This is coming back? So soon?
Courtyard clear snow Shi Hao and others have raised their heads to look at the sky hovering majestic sacred dragon and tiger.
Clear rain excited cried "come back! The fire must have been extinguished. "
Shi Hao proudly said, "Of course, how can Master fail?"
The dragon and tiger are getting smaller and smaller, protecting the dragon and tiger paperweights and a flame flying towards Li Pingan’s room. The door slammed, and the dragon and tiger just flew in and the door slammed again.
It’s clear snow outside, and Shi Hao and others are regretful and want to have a good look! Now we can wait for master to come out.
The room is one meter long and the dragon and tiger are suspended. In front of Li Pingan, the blue flames are floating and the paper is floating.
Li Pingan hasn’t looked at the flame carefully yet, and there is a sound in his mind. "Ding ~ Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mountain fire."
Reward samadhi true fire refining method
Comment on a mountain fire in Dingqu. Are you a pig? "
Li Pingan a hysteresis damn system and come out to call names immediately "not a paperweight, what shall I do? I asked you what else I could do if both yin and yang could not put out the mountain fire. ! Show me one if you have something to do! "
Li Pingan immediately came up with an illusion in his mind. In the illusion, he stepped on the Tai Chi map and set up a fire. The Tai Chi map easily covered hundreds of miles of areas, and the cyan flame was strangled and erased in the shadow of Yin and Yang circulation.
Tai Chi map rises and covers the side, and a big man roars and carries a huge mountain with a bang, and the flame goes out. The big man leaps over the mountain, and the khaki vitality spreads through the mountain and the blackened land rapidly, suppressing the flame from rekindling.
In the illusion, Li Pingan constantly obliterates the blue flame, and a figure leaps into the blackened land to suppress the ghost king, zombies, golden eagles, royal beasts, patriarchs, elders and many other strong people, and soon the fire will be suppressed.
"Amount ~ Can it still be like this?"
Li Pingan’s mind flashed and immediately shouted, "No, this is unscientific. Your Taiji map covers too much. I can’t cover such a large area."
Once again, there was a scene in my mind. Li Pingan commanded all the people to roar along the line of fire. All the human beings and monster beasts stepped forward to clear a wide isolation belt. Before the isolation belt was burned, there was no tree to support the burning of the fire, forming a flowing fire. Although the fire did not go out and spread rapidly, the fire came down. This time, it was easier to extinguish the fire.
The illusion disappeared. Li Pingan’s eyes flashed a few coughs and a surprise and said, "Hey ~ It turned out to be Samadhi Real Fire Quick Reward Samadhi Real Fire Refining Method."
The soul suddenly appeared like a shuttle, and an old man sat on the top of the mountain. In front of the futon on the top of the mountain, there were more than a dozen Taoist priests, big or small.
Lao Dao said slowly, "Samadhi true fire is the most common fire in our door alchemy and refining device. This is the body Samadhi igniting the body Samadhi melting unity, that is, Samadhi true fire."
A little Taoist couldn’t help but ask, "How did Master light the samadhi? Fire? "
Little Taoist Yu gave a suppressed smile.
Sophisticated nodded seriously and said, "You’re right, it’s really a fire point."
Isn’t it really a fire that a comedian disappears with a smile? How to order? Do you want to grill directly?
The old Taoist smoothed his beard and said slowly, "The fire in the heart is lit on the same day."
Shenchen Mountain is lit when the fire is in the stone.
Bladder grass is lit when the fire is in the wood. "
I asked the little Taoist priest before and asked curiously, "What is the fire in the flint and the fire in the wood?"
The old man walked over and said, "There are many, many phosphorus fires, which are medium fires, thunder fires, medium fires, big sun fires and medium fires."
Coal is a fire in stone, magma is a fire in stone, and wicked heart fire is a fire in stone.
The burning of ordinary wood is a fire in wood, and the phoenix is a fire in wood, and the hibiscus sacred tree is also a fire in wood after years.
Different kinds of fire are chosen, which eventually leads to samadhi. The power of real fire is also very different. Be careful when choosing the kind of fire. Are you all white? "
All the Taoist priests nodded in unison and said, "I am waiting for Bai!" "
The old Taoist nodded his head and said with satisfaction, "Good. Now the teacher will teach you how to ignite personal samadhi and smelt samadhi."
The old Taoist priest spoke seriously, and the young Taoist priests listened carefully.
I don’t know how long it took Li Pingan to return to absolute being, blink a few eyes confused and look at the blue flame in front of him and gradually become surprised and say, "Is this Samadhi’s fire in the wood?" Seeing that the power is not small, it is estimated that it is a kind of treasure. "
"Ha-ha ~ It’s really hard to get." Li Pingan looked at the blue flame with dribbling eyes. When Samadhi was successfully refined with real fire, he could try to refine and cherish the magic weapon. For example, the sun and the moon in the big pot of Gankun in the sleeve of the magic weapon have been greedy for Li Pingan for a long time.
Li Pingan looked around and put his eyes on a vase on the bedside table. Pick it up in front of it. The flowers in the vase in their room have withered long ago. It’s clear snow and rain. The flowers in the vase are bright every day. Even if one day there is suddenly a flower demon Li Pingan in the Taoist temple, it won’t be strange.
Li Pingan poured out the withered branches and took the vase to the table. Then he put the vase on the table with his hands wrapped in reiki, reached out and held up the cyan fire. Carefully put the fire in the vase, drew a golden symbol, quickly formed it, reached out and said, "Seal!"
The character seal immediately turns a streamer to print the vase. The vase is like a layer of golden light. A light film seals the bottle mouth.
Li Pingan put the bottle back in place with a satisfied smile.
Tickle a door and hit Li Pingan to walk out of the room.
"master ~"
"master ~"
Qing Xue Shi Hao and others immediately greeted him and trotted to the front of Li Pingan, curious and looking inside with their heads stretched out.
Chapter one hundred and seventy-two Inspection of disaster areas
Li Pingan came out and asked, "What are you looking at?"
Shi Hao hey hey smiled. "What was that just now, Master? It’s really awesome. "
Qingyu also nodded and stretched out his little head and looked curiously into the room.
"Don’t watch it, it has disappeared." Li Pingan said and stepped towards the hall.

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