Purple clothes man smiled and handed over, "Yue Qiuyang doesn’t know that teacher younger brother is Li Yan, right? I heard two Younger mention you."

Li Yan saw Wang Xinmei and Ningyue here.
"What’s the matter?"
Ning Yue said, "Well, Li Yan recently won a prize, which is amazing. Many younger brothers went out together to look for opportunities. We thought of Li Yan, and it seems that you are ready to invite you to go together."
“? What? " Li Yan asked that in recent days, the refining device has been closed and knows nothing about the outside world.
Fat Liu He was surprised. "No, Li Xiong didn’t even know this. Didn’t an ancient tomb appear near Tieyue Mountain last month? As the ancient tomb was beaten, the number of bronzes was found inside, which attracted many elders to compete for it. This matter has come to the ears of Lingyunmen Day. "
"I know that this matter seems to have come to an end. There is no need to start again." Li Yan said that he did not have much affection for these two people
Liu He shook his fat finger and said, "Li Xiong knows that there are two ancient tombs in Ertieyue Mountain, one of which was hit, but the other one was not hit. Many elders have explored the ancient tomb, which is surprisingly large in scale and almost built by digging millions of mountains. Unfortunately, the door is closed and Fa Bang can find the key to hit it."
"The key? ?” Li Yan seems to think of something.
"That’s it." Yue Qiuyang took out a pair of black roller. "This roller is the key, but I made a fake. The real thing should have been in the hands of three people, three masters and one maple in Tieyue Mountain at that time. He was the only monk who could possibly have the key, but it is said that he escaped from the undercurrent of the ancient tomb at that time. I don’t know where he went. Now Amen is mobilizing the whole sect to find this roller, and all the leaders have spoken. If anyone can get a pair or a half, they will get an amazing reward."
"It turned out to be the roller" Li Yan remembered that it was indeed taken away by Feng, and the red lady was still in the hands of Ke Fengyang.
"Go out, friar, since that’s so much, even with us, we can’t find any clues. It’s estimated that it’s also a waste of time in the end. I’d better settle down here and refine it. Help yourself," Li Yan said bluntly
Yue Qiuyang smiled. "So that’s it. In that case, don’t bother your younger brother. We’ll set off."
Wang Xinmei gave Li Yan a hesitant look "Goodbye Li Dage that time"
"Are you going too?" Li Yan can see that Wang Xinmei has broken through to the late stage of practice, which is not unpleasant. Even Ning Yue has the strength of practice in the middle stage.
Wang Xinmei nodded. "I can try my luck if I want to break through to the realm of refining gods in a short time."
Li Yan was short of breath and almost didn’t scold him. Two men and two women went out to do ghosts and knew what would happen. This girl was incredibly stupid and wanted to rely on this illusory breakthrough to refine her mind.
"Stupid, stupid, if Wang Kuiquan knows, he will jump out and strangle this Wang Xinmei."
Li Yan forced to calm down. He hung out with Amen. I haven’t seen anything dirty and initiative for six years. He’s sure that Wang Xinmei and Ningyue will definitely become slave girls after they go out with these two people and come back.
Ming Shi Yan fu
I don’t know how many female brothers who don’t know the depth have been deceived by the so-called senior brothers, and they have been bullied. Fortunately, they can come back, but unfortunately, they are directly sold to other sects as slaves by those senior brothers. Of course, some particularly beautiful and outstanding female brothers will train themselves well and become their own slaves, and they will be given the status of sale at will in the future like goods.
"The second tomb incident is too Amen. The female brother outside the door has suffered thousands of deaths and injuries. Nowadays, the female brother outside the door is seriously inadequate. For some hungry male brothers, the soup is too much and the meat is too little. No wonder even the Godsworn is out this time."
Li Yan calmly thought that he gave Ningyue a cold look. Wang Xinmei didn’t understand the hidden rules, but this Ningyue couldn’t understand it. Otherwise, when he went to the outer door, this person wouldn’t recommend himself to serve himself.
Ningyue mind a quiver eyes some dodge.
"It seems that Ningyue can make a short breakthrough to the middle of the practice condition. These two people have even helped a lot. The benefits have already been taken. No wonder they will help with things." Although Li Yan’s murder in his heart suddenly appeared, he said that he didn’t hate Ningyue, but for his own selfish interests, he betrayed his companions. This kind of practice really endured that he couldn’t think of a second way except sword and anger.
Chapter seventy-one Warning
Thinking of this, Li Yan forced himself to calm down. He asked again, "Are you really going?"
Wang Xinmei nodded firmly. "No matter how dangerous it is, I will go. I know that if I stay in Amen for a long time, I don’t know if I can become a monk in the realm of refining the gods, and I don’t know when my brother’s revenge will be repaid."
It’s true that the spiritual realm is a hurdle, and the seven-story spiritual realm will be stuck here until she dies of old age, and she can understand why she is so impatient.
"In that case, I’ll go with you." Li Yanshen said.
Wang Xinmei said, "Since Brother Li doesn’t want to go, don’t force yourself to have these two senior brothers to look after him. I believe it won’t be too dangerous."
Yue Qiuyang smiled faintly. "Yes, I’m a Godsworn. Can’t I even take care of a Godsworn? This younger brother’s refining method will take time, and he will become the foremost refining master in Amen. He must take risks to seize this wealth."
"Thank you for your kindness. I just figured it out. Why don’t you go out for a walk and see if you can meet any chance? Even if you don’t go out for air, it’s not bad." Li Yanxiao smiled
Fat Liu He nodded. "It seems that Li Xiong has changed his mind. In this case, let’s go together. Brother Yue has no opinion."
Yue Qiuyang squinted, "No, no, no, more people and more fun. Although Li Di’s strength is not as good as mine, it’s a very subtle way, so I can ask for advice."
"You’re welcome." Li Yan bowed his hand. "A few people wait for me to sell these Xuan wares to Zongmen and get some money to buy some Dan medicine in case of emergency."
"Hehe, it happened that brother wanted to go to the Taichu Temple for a preparation." Yue Qiuyang laughed.
"That’s good, but please let my black cat go," said Li Yan.
Yue Qiuyang apologized and smiled to recover his divine power. The black-striped unicorn leopard immediately resumed its action. Its eyes were fierce and it stared at this person and slowly retreated behind Li Yan. Its strength as a leopard king can be said to be in the late stage of practicing Qi, but the enemy unexpectedly planted this monk who had just entered the realm of refining God. This is very difficult for it to accept.
Li Yan patted its head. "Stop yi-tooth and go and help me transport those mysterious vessels to the Imperial Palace."
Tie up all the mysterious ropes and throw them into the black-striped one-horned leopard body. They all walked towards the Imperial Palace.
Passing by the monks all the way, I was shocked to see such a large number of Xuanqi, and my eyes were even hotter. I couldn’t wait to touch a few pieces. You know, this Xuanqi represents a lot of wealth.
"That Li Dage, you have refined so many xuanqi, can you give me one?" Ningyue couldn’t help coming over and said.
Brother Li?
Before asking for yourself, you can call yourself Li Dage, but you should call yourself Li Yan one by one.
How much affection does Li Yan have for this swing woman? It can be said that Wang Xinmei’s incident has already revealed her heart.
Li Yan didn’t refuse to "want? Go and get one yourself. "
"Great, thank you Li Dage." Ningyue showed joy and touched the black cat.
One-horned leopard with black stripes is wild, but for being blind and powerful, Bo Songyang, his brother would have been eaten by it. Besides, Li Yan has affirmed that the one-horned leopard with black stripes has been angry at this time, but he has been suppressed by himself and kept his hair. Ning Yue reached out at this time and simply touched the tiger’s ass and didn’t want to live.
"roar! !”

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