"damn it! Damn it! Damn it! "

"this damn world!"
He tried to wash away his feet, but he seemed to have taken root.
The dark monster Zhang Jukou spewed out black light beams, which were destroyed, tilted and collapsed along with the deafening explosion.
Huge concrete block falling
The mother cried and the little girl sat down. In her eyes, the reinforced concrete building was enlarged and the building was tilted more and more.
A figure appeared in front of the little girl, with black hair fluttering and eyes like water.
She crouched down and hugged the little girl gently, covering her eyes.
It’s like water in the eyes. generate’s body is like paint, like ink, and it spreads like a black hole leading to the underworld.
The hole was dark and the giant hand leaned out as if Optimus Prime had easily resisted the overturned building
An equally terrible monster is slowly recovering from the dark and nether world at this time.
Chapter one hundred and sixteen Against the stream of people!
Red crescent spray city is as cold as frost.
There is a huge dark monster coming from a distance, knocking down buildings to stop it and turning the surrounding buildings into absolute death.
Ann sees you staring into the distance.
She can clearly see that in addition to this terrible disaster, the evil’ black armor magic dragon’, there are many two-star and three-star evil spirits stepping on the dead road, leaving cold and dark traces step by step towards the center of the city.
Sow death
The shock of reason is like a gust of wind. It is still far from magic dragon in Black Armor, and some people have lost their minds and gone crazy.
The number of people who really die in the hands of evil spirits is far from being killed by self-mutilation or killing each other, trampling and so on because of madness.
It takes a long time to destroy an ordinary city, and it takes a long time to destroy an international metropolis like Langhua City.
However, the mysterious evils such as Black Armor and magic dragon are always emitting the intellectual impact. As they move forward, this intellectual force will become more and more rigid and turn the whole spray city into a dead city.
The whole time won’t be long.
This is a disaster!
I will stop the black armor magic dragon!’
Ann saw a dark blue brilliance in your eyes, and a black hair fluttered against gravity.
"It’s okay. Oh, good boy."
She comforted the little girl and gave it to her mother.
The little girl’s mother ran away without saying anything, hugging the child, and rushed into the chaotic fleeing crowd.
However, some people uncharacteristically picked up their mobile phones and took pictures of distant monsters with excitement.
But no one noticed that there was a giant black hand like Optimus Prime not far from them, which was being lifted and overturned while the building was slowly put down.
I didn’t even notice that Yu ‘an saw you spread like paint and black as ink.
This is the realm of the underworld!
After four senses, I see the secluded eyes, and there is also a qualitative change to continue the forward movement. She sent out the field.

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