Cheyenne guessed that Monkey King was reluctant even though he wore this heavy suit. He dared to say that it was almost negligible for Cheyenne to kill Monkey King in three minutes. However, he has been talking rubbish and provoking Monkey King to take advantage of his spare time. Monkey King never thought that he would be killed by a blow in the end.

Really fresh!
Onlookers are sighing. It’s always surprising to watch the big devil fight.
Cheyenne bid farewell to the enthusiastic audience and returned to the stall area. At this moment, he happened to see Chen Young running with excitement.
"It’s really a stranger in life. Let’s meet again." Cheyenne took the initiative to say hello to Chen Young
Chen Young looked at the big devil and didn’t have time to take a reason. He opened the booth directly, but the scene before him made him thunderstruck and roared, "Where’s the sword? What about the sword? "
"Aren’t you that bitch?" Cheyenne smirked interface way
At this time, I just closed the stall and didn’t even look at Chen Young. I turned to go.
"You give me my sword? Didn’t I tell you to keep it for me and not sell it to others? " Chen Young had a feeling that he was about to collapse. He begged his grandfather to tell his grandmother that he had finally got a gold, only to find that he wanted equipment gone!
It’s like getting married on the night of the wedding, and it’s no wonder that Yan Chen will be so mad. It’s estimated that any man’s wife will feel this way when she runs away with others. Even so many wives in Wei Xiaobao will react the same way-are you ready to get married when you want to run? How can you make it disappear when you run away?
"Did I promise you to keep it?" Yan lack of head also don’t back coldly said 1 Chen Young startled stay leng now in retrospect, the thief did not should at that time.
Cheyenne didn’t see Chen Young’s sullen face showing off. He took out a blue sword and swung it in his hand. He said, "Look at how I envy blue when I buy new equipment."
"Did you buy it?" Yan Chenshuang is going to fire and stare at Cheyenne. He is finally white.
"I just bought a sword. I forgot to ask the thief where the player came from. I’ll get dozens of them to set up a stall and sell them. Isn’t it going to be rich!"
"How about you transfer it to me?" Chen Young decided to get the weapon first, no matter whether it’s cheating or kidnapping!
Cheyenne hesitated for a moment and then nodded. "Well, I can see that you really love it, so I’ll give it to you!"
Chen Young suddenly one leng, he didn’t expect the big devil to be so accommodating. "You set up a stall, let’s pay cash on delivery."
Cheyenne quickly set up a booth and then put the blue sword away.
"Brother, thank you very much, and I can’t let you suffer and give you an extra gold …" Chen Young said to his lips, his face suddenly stopped laughing and his eyes became stiff, and he was dazzled by anger because the price of the sword of the Great Devil was not 1 gold, but 1 gold!
"Did you mark the wrong price?" Chen Young asked.
Cheyenne took a look at his head and said, "It’s wrong! Well, I changed it. "
Chen Young looked again and found that the price changed from 1 gold to 11 gold.
"Didn’t you say you would give me an extra gold just now?" Cheyenne shy way
"Are you sure it’s 1 gold?" Chen Young gnashing way
Cheyenne naturally said, "That’s right. Or what?"
"Then I want to ask you how much it costs?"
"1 gold."
"You buy 1 gold and give it to me for 1 gold?" Chen Young a face was furious.
Cheyenne kindly corrected, "It’s 11 gold! At this point, I still look at our friendship and you are holding my thigh and crying and begging me to sell it to you, otherwise it will not be the price! "
Chen Young looked at Cheyenne with a look of "you take a big advantage" and couldn’t wait for someone to round the goods on the spot. "Is there no discussion?"
"Also discuss? If you don’t have the money, you dare to learn from others to buy equipment. Go back to selling points and collect enough money before you come! " Cheyenne put away her booth with blue weapons and left with her head held high.
"Great Devil, wait for today’s revenge to return ten times!" Yan Chen looked at Cheyenne’s leaving back, his hands clenched tightly, his eyes straight for fire, and he gnashed his teeth and said
Cheyenne didn’t know that Chen Young had made a grand wish behind his back. He went back to the warehouse to see if there were any big fish. Before he got to the warehouse, Cheyenne saw a dark crowd. They all stretched their necks and looked around.
"Hey, what are you looking at?" Cheyenne curious asked.
"Waiting for the big devil, of course!" A player didn’t good the spirit said that when he looked up and saw that the person in front of him was the one they were waiting for the big devil, he quickly jumped and hugged Cheyenne.
"What’s wrong with you? Let go! You messed up my hair!"
Cheyenne didn’t call it okay, but this call immediately attracted the attention of others. When they found out that it was the Great Devil, they immediately descended like the tide.
Chapter 56 Don’t run. We’re here to deliver money.
Cheyenne made a quick decision and ran away. If everyone dies, he will also be seriously injured. Of course, the most important thing is that his hairstyle will definitely be lost.
"Stop it! I didn’t rob the bride in your bridal chamber, and I didn’t have the chives collection. Why are you doing this to me!" Cheyenne ran and shouted.
"Don’t run away, Devil! We are looking for you to send money!" Some people are very rational when they see that they can’t chase the devil-the rabbit must be ashamed to commit suicide when running in the race. Damn, it runs so fast!
"Send money? Do you think I’m stupid? How can this be so good? Or are you stupid? " Cheyenne is not properly far away call way
"We are asking you for help and asking you to promise that there will be rich rewards. Isn’t it just to send you money?"
So it’s so early. My hair style is all messed up. Cheyenne cut her hair and said, "I’ll take charge of other things tonight."
"Our Hongyan Building is a challenge opportunity!" As the player group divides into two, a beautiful woman walks out leisurely.
"Hongyan Building?" Hearing this name, Cheyenne waved his hand and said, "Okay, I’ll take this trip. Let’s all leave!"
Cheyenne, the famous beauty building, can be described as thunderous. Just by listening to the name, you can know that this is a society full of powder, but if anyone looks down on these beautiful girls for this, you will be stripped naked!
In the past, the beauty building was very famous because their team was all beautiful and popular. Cheyenne decided to pick them up without even asking the price because he was really tired tonight and wanted to finish it and go to bed as soon as possible. Oh, it hurts. Where did you turn your head? Okay, okay, don’t screw it up. Honestly, isn’t it enough? Cheyenne really wants to see the beautiful women in the red house again.
Cheyenne waved at the beauty of the beauty building and should leave.
Cheyenne stopped at a remote place and then turned to look at the beautiful woman who followed.
"It’s a little unexpected that your beauty building should ask me for help."
The beauty smiles appealed "oh? What? "
"Your guild is a woman, right? Then you must hate men-that’s what most ordinary players think. Otherwise, why not accept men? And I’m the most pure man in the world, so I feel strange. "
"You are wrong!" The beauty shook her head.
Cheyenne was curious. "I wonder what I did wrong?"
"First of all, we don’t hate men. We are all women with normal orientation and beautiful women. This can only be played when facing men. Second, we never treat you as a man."
Summer is quiet and waiting, but the woman’s hands are spread out to signal that she has finished.
"What? That’s it? You said I wasn’t a man, so there was no more? Shouldn’t there be a turning point? " Cheyenne is in a hurry. What’s more irritating than women not treating you like a man? How can you be sure that I’m not a man without trying? Try it if you dare! Oh, well, if a woman comes, she won’t have the guts. If she is a woman, just try it!
"If you have to be classified, you should be regarded as a thug hired by us, and it doesn’t matter whether you are a man or a woman, a demon or a monster."

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