"If there is a relatively universal achievement method that everyone can practice, then"

"Everyone in the world will have poor potential."
"I’m afraid the world will be more wonderful."
Ye mused with the wind that he came from different worlds and had different visions and concepts.
In my own time, there was something called basic education
Before high school, everyone received the same knowledge education and dabbled in all aspects of subjects.
In high school, it will be divided into two different directions: arts and sciences.
After entering the university, it will be further subdivided into many majors.
It will be further subdivided after graduate school.
Just like a big tree with many branches and leaves, each branch has a limited possibility of the future.
The most important part of this big tree is its trunk.
Ye wanted to create such a trunk with the wind.
"Let’s start with the aura."
Leaves stretch out their hands with the wind, and a white gentle breath appears in the palm of their hands, changing into various forms.
Reiki is actually a kind of energy.
A very strange energy.
This kind of energy can be absorbed by an object. If the absorbed object has spiritual wisdom, it will turn it into its own strength.
The gas refining period is mainly to absorb aura, open meridians and initially refine the body.
The gasification period is to further refine the aura and form a gas cloud in Dantian to control the aura power.
Leaves are ready to change with the wind from these two stages.
"All achievement methods are actually the operation mode of reiki in the body"
"A little difference in details will lead to a great difference in fruit when you run the week and day through different meridian routes."
"There are achievements that are rigid and overbearing, and the active laws are very soft, and some achievements have their own special attributes."
"And every human meridian has subtle differences, which is an extremely complicated thing when combined."
Leaves smiling with the wind is the most taboo and complicated.
Although the human meridians are like Skynet, there are nine main veins that everyone has.
If the nine main veins are based, there is a great possibility to create a training method that can be suitable for everyone.
"Each of the nine main veins is unusually wide, just like a broad road."
However, it also means that the absorbed energy will be quite complicated and there must be a pure body.
With a wave of his hand, the leaves in the wind thoughtfully form a huge screen in front of them, and the nine main veins of the human body are clearly visible on the surface.
They are connected to the center of the human body.
They are connected to the abdomen center of human body.
Behind them, there is a faint green energy.
That is the essence of human life.
A slight mistake may damage the quality of life, which is why no one dares to play nine main veins at the same time.
But the leaves are different with the wind, and the incalculable fascination can make him easily see through the most root things.
"The first stage is to get through these nine main veins."
"It just corresponds to the gas refining period in the unified cultivation body"
"Then the main pulse is used to feed back the realm of refining the body, refining the Dantian and transforming qi with energy."
Leaves with the wind eyes suddenly send out a little light.
Look carefully, it seems that there is a splendid Milky Way rising and falling in it, which is constantly being annihilated and reborn.
He has already started deduction.
Time goes by slowly
Ye stayed in the main room at home for nearly two months with the wind
It took only a cup of tea to raise the Nine Sword of Killing God to a higher level.
It can be seen how difficult this time is.
Ye Huang came to see him several times with the cloud, and once he wanted to meet Ye Feng, but he was prevented from entering the room by a force.
They guessed that the leaves were closed with the wind.
Two months later, in the eyes of the leaves and the wind, the star awn finally faded away, and the screen in front of it has become a luminous ancient book, slowly closing the last page.
"Hoo, it’s finally done."
Ye took a long breath with the wind. At first, he didn’t think it would take him so long to create this achievement method.
"Give it a name."
Ye smiled at the classics in front of him with the wind, just like looking at his own child.
This method is a brand-new practice.
The energy it benefits is not limited to aura.
The essence of heaven and earth, the source of everything is very evil, and the evil spirit can be absorbed and benefited by it.
After thinking, Ye stretched out his finger with the wind and carved three Chinese characters in the classics.
Yuan Shi Gong
Chapter 1 will do business
In the family room, Suiyun is reporting the situation to Ye Fengfeng.
Nothing important happened in the family after being closed for two months.
The animal tide base in the border area has subsided, and most of the backbone members have withdrawn back.
Leave the younger generation to clean up the monster ginseng and follow Ye Feng’s will to establish a good relationship with ordinary monks.
Since no one has done this, the effect is very obvious.
Add it up to less than three months, and the city’s evaluation of Ye Jia has risen several grades. In some places, Ye Jia has become sacred.

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