Xiao Jing’s alarm bell was wide open and she couldn’t speak neatly. "Jiang … I didn’t always …"

"Jiang zong? I’m afraid it’s a river dog? "
The man’s tone is too serious. Xiao Jing didn’t resist a snow smile.
For a moment, his mind was in a hurry and he pretended to be crying.
The teenager’s expression is like laughing and crying, which is ugly.
"Did you laugh?"
Jiang Yuan’s angry smile tugged at his slender wrist and looked at him as if to pierce him. "You’d better not."
Otherwise he will pay the price.
Xiao Jing smiled and shook his head, knowing that it was more wrong to say more.
Suddenly Jiang Yuanhua got up and dragged him striding toward the door.
"Go … where?"
"Go and meet your little lover."
Xiao Jing "? ?”
It’s over, it’s over, that little fool is going to roll over, and it’s time to throw himself on the street.
Outside the door, I am still unwilling to give up. I am anxious to ring the doorbell frequently.
Suddenly the door opened.
Fang Yuan was ecstatic and greeted him with a smile but stagnated "Jiang … Jiang Zong …"
"Oh, tell me if I am a man or a dog?" An opening is a stern reprimand.
Fang Yuan smiled awkwardly and looked at the boy.
Xiao Jing looked down and pretended not to see his questioning eyes.
Make your own mistakes and carry them yourself.
In the heart of the bully’s general deterrent, he became more and more frustrated and brave, and he gave birth to inexplicable courage and said, "I want to take Xiao Jing away!"
Xiao Jing suddenly looked at him and shook his head gently.
Unexpectedly, Fang Yuan misunderstood the teenager and asked him not to fight hard. He was deeply moved to see his one eye and nodded silently.
The two people’s eyes met in different channels, but the ambiguous atmosphere made Jiang Yuanhua misunderstand.
A pot of hot oil poured anger and rose three levels, which made Jiang Yuanhua go on the rampage.
Some people are angry but don’t make a hullabaloo about. It’s chilling to narrow their eyes slightly and explode the veins stood out.
At this moment, Jiang Yuanhua is like a beast in hibernation, and a blow bites the enemy’s neck.
In the bully, the total deterrent Fang Yuan finally woke up and stared at him seriously for fear of death.
Little did he know that he was a bully in Jiang Yuanhua’s view, but it was ridiculous for a small animal to wave its claws.
Xiao Jing shook his head secretly and didn’t want to implicate him after all. "Brother Yuan, go home. I’m having a good life!"
Fang Yuan "How is it possible?"
He hasn’t studied for days. I’m afraid he’s not grounded
"We met by chance. Don’t mind your own business and go!"
If you don’t leave the bully, you’ll get the cold king broken.
Fang Yuan was deeply hit. His indifference and enthusiasm were all wasted. "You …"
Xiao Jing can’t hide impatience in his eyes.
"Good … very good!"
Fang Yuan looked trance and slowly retreated as if he had made a joke and turned and ran in the ridicule of the two.
The dark shadows disappeared around the corner.
Jiang Yuanhua sneered and hugged his chest with both hands. "You are not willing to give up when people have gone away."
Xiao Jing’s hair stood upright and embarrassed. "Don’t get me wrong without you."
Oh, misunderstanding?
Suddenly, the brisk pace looked from far and near, and a handsome boy approached cautiously.
Jiang Yuanhua’s eyes, smiling but silent, set off waves.
Xiao Jing’s heart is like a drum roll, sighing secretly. Come on, another one?
Soon the bridge also saw his eyes lit up and waved his hand gently and greeted him with a smile.
Xiao Jing greeted him with black hair and stiff hands. "Why are you here?"
"You haven’t been to school for a few days. I’m worried that you should come and have a look." Qiao smiled like a spring breeze.
Xiao Jing glanced at Jiang Yuanhua and said, "Nothing to introduce-this is General Manager Jiang."
The bridge is not the kui is a clever person who knows at a hint. "Manager Jiang has heard a lot about you! I’m Xiao Jing, a classmate. I just passed by and stopped by to see if I didn’t disturb you. "
Jiang Yuanhua looked arrogant and didn’t speak at random.
Apologize for not changing the color of the rear axle after being treated coldly. "Please forgive me for the inconvenience. I’ll go back first."
Then he nodded gently and turned to go.
Xiao Jing was relieved and smiled and said "goodbye"
Hoo, I finally sent another one away.
In a blink of an eye, Yingjiang Yuanhua is deep and bottomless.
Xiao Jingxiao’s stiff voice is inaudible. "He passed by."
"What a coincidence!" Jiang Yuanhua nodded fairly and said, "This male classmate is much better than the one just now."
That tolerance and wind can achieve great things in time.
Jiang Yuanhua’s great change for teenagers turned out to be a timid little mouse, but it was a fox who showed mercy everywhere.
He doesn’t know how many surprises there are.

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