Because they don’t need it at all!

Let’s take a look at the magical power created by Yuanheng himself: soft forging, the early magical power of refining the body, has been directly incorporated into his own physical practice system, and has become an eternal and immovable body;
Great law? This is simply what the accompanying Lingbao comes with, and it can be counted;
Eternal Daoyin has been officially transformed and sublimated into Daoyin, becoming a member of Yuanheng Trinity Avenue and directly crossed out;
Infinite god wheel, also sublimated from the magical power of the Tao, has become a member of the avenue system, and can also be crossed out;
Power avatar? Forget it, these are all incidental to the physical practice.
Even today’s violent silver world?
Ha ha. This is just the full manifestation of Yuanheng’s own infinite eternal glory, and it is not a magical power at all.
then what
What other magical powers did Yuanheng create?
Well, to be honest, there seems to be no more, no, no, hehe, it seems that there is still a sermon avatar missing?
For Yuan Heng, they are such a strong person, and their every move is mixed with the 100% powerful power of this own avenue, and even can temporarily explode in geometric multiples. There is no need for other specially created magical powers.
This is their advantage, because the most primitive is the most perfect.
However, nowadays, Yuan Heng found that he seems to be lacking in consideration. If he can have a powerful auxiliary avatar at this time, he might become one now.
Yuan Heng thought about it carefully, and his own attack power, defense power and even many auxiliary abilities are not lacking. However, there is a lack of abilities with various functions.
"Grind it!"
Secretly sighed, and sure enough, the problem can only be found in experience.
However, patience is such a thing. He never lacks!
Three hundred years later, Yuan Heng is still at ease, since Yuan Heng broke out all his powers and completely imprisoned the interference of the core of this small world and the will of the world in the small world. It has been 300 years since Yuan Heng began to compete with the world will for world control.
To tell the truth, this action, Yuan Heng still has a lot of luck factors.
The world of this small world has already possessed certain spirituality. Therefore, it already has a certain ability of independent judgment.
This time, after Yuan Heng entered this small world, in its subconscious power, he thought that a mere pick Jin Xian was not enough to pose a threat to it, so naturally there was no other defense.
As a result, Yuan Heng, before the world will react, broke out with all his strength and completely gained the upper hand!
At this time, the competition between Yuan Heng and the world will is already the will, endurance and resilience of both sides.
Seriously, if it was in the heyday of this small world, Yuan Heng would hardly have this opportunity.
The strength of an individual, before reaching a certain level, is almost impossible to be stronger than that of a world!
And simple will, the achievement of a realm of Yuan Heng, self-confidence will never be inferior to others!
"Ha ha, finally found the core of the world!"
Finally, after Yuan Heng advanced step by step, he found a little strange light, and Yuan Heng was suddenly overjoyed.
Following this ray of light, with a clear goal of Yuan Heng, it is easy to break the last obstacle of the world will and break into the core in one fell swoop. As long as the core place is thoroughly refined, then this small world with a secret world will be completely renamed.
That’s a … A round golden pagoda?
Yuan Heng blinked, and God’s eyes, which kept outbursting, could not help but pause at this time.
Fortunately, Yuan Heng’s mood was extraordinary, and he controlled his mind in an instant, so as not to be retaliated by the world will that was almost completely defeated.
Well, after Yuan Heng scanned it several times again, it was sure that it was indeed a golden pagoda.
Or a tower with eighteen floors!
However, although I accepted the reality, Yuan Heng couldn’t help but pull his mouth. This place should really be the origin of the world, right?
Silent issued a burst of questions, Yuan Heng couldn’t help feeling that the world is full of wonders …
As the welfare of the pioneers, Yuan Heng once entered the original place of the universe, which is an endless source space!

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