When Xiao asked suddenly, he screamed at the sky, and his voice could not spread for miles, but he had a direct ambition to nine!

After the whistling, Xiao asked this to find the right direction and left the sword.
Green cream is still the green cream, but its speed is more than twice as fast. This is because it is limited by the quality of the fairy device itself. If it is a real fairy device, its speed can definitely be faster!
In the past, it was only by urging the hair to reach the fastest speed, but now it is easy for the green cream to fly at a high speed, and I am afraid that it will burst the internal structure of the green cream. The feeling of becoming stronger by itself is really wonderful!
Flying, Xiao asked and saw the figure parked on the lake.
"Master? !”
"Let me see you. Is there anything wrong with the injury on your body? "
"I was hit twice, it’s okay."
"Your successful promotion today is also a big step forward in your spiritual practice. You might as well relax and celebrate in the next few weeks."
In fact, the only one who got some benefits from Xiao Wen was Cai Linfeng. When Xiao Wen just came back from Feixia Valley, he gave him the little bamboo snake. I never thought that the little snake was slightly different from the outside world. After xìng trained by Cai Linfeng, it was quite spiritual. The little snake is extremely fast and good at hiding. Actually, he is a good scout and sneak attack, much better than the golden finch, which is full of celestial bodies!
Xiao Wen had time, but Huo Xiang and others didn’t have much time, so they relaxed for four or five days in total, and Xiao Wen went back to Mingfeng to practice honestly.
Twenty-seven cases of J and jīng British University were held only once every ten years. The performance of the disciples of each Sect in the Big Match can determine the ranking of each Sect in the twenty-seven sects to a certain extent, which is really one of the largest events in the celestial world. At that time, only 27 qualified disciples will attend the contest, but it is the big and small clans of the whole celestial world, including the five giants!
At that time, the competition will be divided into two parts: true fairy and fairy. Ming Jianzong didn’t expect much from Xiao Wen, but it was a shame and certainly not.
Is based on. Even Zuo Ningqing attached great importance to this matter and repeatedly told Xiao to prepare well. If you need her help, just ask.
Xiao asked himself, that is, he spent all his time on mining except practicing Jing Xian Dao Jin. After all, all his magical powers will come from Qi Dian!
Time passed so day by day, no one knew how he was prepared, and no one bothered him.
In a blink of an eye, more than two months have passed, and 27 big-than-one incidents have been heated up in the whole celestial world.
The organizer of Dabi has been taking turns in twenty-seven cases, and this time it’s the turn of Haoran Sect, which ranks tenth in twenty-seven cases. Those who want to watch the fun and stay far away have already set off for there.
On this day, Zuo Ningqing called Xiao Wen to Zhen Yan Zhai and solemnly said, "We are leaving the day after tomorrow. How are you prepared?"
"Not bad."
"As long as the performance is not too bad at that time, you should just broaden your horizons."
"How is Miss Nan’s health?"
"I have seen her several times, and she said that she is recovering a little bit, but it is very slow."
"well. This time, there are 27 big competitions. Is she interested in going to watch them? "
"I didn’t ask her that."
"Go and ask today. She has no acquaintances in Mingfeng. Although she is polite to others, she only has some friendship with you. This big comparison is three months, during which you are not in Ranfeng, and I am afraid it is inconvenient to leave her here alone. "
"Well, I’ll ask her."
After the mantra fast, Xiao Wen-shuang tuǐ jumped into the air with a fierce force, and then he saw a flash of blue light, and a giant appeared to catch him firmly, carrying him and flying to the east summit.
As soon as he was in the air, some sharp-eyed people on the top of Xifeng immediately pointed at him.
"There it is again! Appeared again! "
"This is too will enjoy! !”
"People are more popular than dead people. I have to run up and down the mountain …"
"This thing exactly is which bastard design …"
There is only one reason for the noise. The new flying fairy asked by Xiao is not a sword, boots or a treasure fan, and all that most people can think of is not …
That’s a purple-black sedan chair without a roof!
Xiao asked woman.she sat down on the sedan chair, and even cocked Jiro tuǐ, which required eating snacks in her mouth and holding a big beauty in her arms, and she was the whole one or two sai-jo! ! .

Chapter one hundred and ninety-one A knot in one’s
To tell the truth, Xiao asked that this sedan chair was not mainly used for traveling, but for fun. He showed great interest as soon as such a thing appeared in Qi Dian. Although it is clearly stated in the book that this ghost sedan only focuses on stability and comfort, and the speed is only moderate, he still spent some time refining one.
Fortunately, this sedan chair is not only stable and comfortable, but also very stylish in appearance. Obviously, there are still two long poles running through it from both sides, and bone ornaments are hung on the head and tail. Naturally, it can’t be a real bone, but it is carved from a strange stone called grey jade. The founder of this ghost sedan chair is also a casual practitioner, and this person developed this ghost sedan chair for the same purpose as Xiao Wen, which is fun …
Both sides of the car body can be engraved with patterns at will. The pattern carved by the people who developed this car was a pilgrimage to ghosts, but Xiao Wen didn’t do that. The picture he carved on it has quite a moral: there is a mountain, only a path can lead to the top of the mountain, and a pedestrian is struggling to climb up on the mountain road, but his will is very difficult! The pedestrian on the mountain road actually represents himself, and that road is the road of practice.
Such a sedan chair with a strange style just turns purple, which is very beautiful. It is no wonder that those who know the peak of the peak have mixed love and hate for it.
The speed of the sedan chair is only moderate, but it is a true fairy, which is much faster than the ghost. In a short time, it has already carried Xiao to the east summit.
Xiao Wen saw Nan Yunqing far away. He didn’t fly there directly, but jumped out of the sedan chair in advance and walked there.
Only from the realm, there is definitely no one more worthy of respect than Nan Yunqing in this celestial world.
After getting along with each other for six months. Xiao Wen’s relationship with Nan Yunqing did go further, but Xiao Wen made it clear that Nan Yunqing had not regarded him as a true friend.
At this time, he walked slowly over there, but Xiao asked more and more slowly. I don’t have the heart to disturb Nan Yunqing.

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