I coquettishly took the "yellow" out of my bag.

I turned to the first page, and it struck me that a ballpoint pen drew a picture in great detail, wearing a swimsuit. Katrina looked charming, her tongue was slightly exposed, and the waves were rough. Someone wrote a line of big characters abnormally.
On the single in the first round
Yo, that’s pretty fucking serious
I turned to the second page and drew a leopard girl’s body key part. Only the jungle leaves were extremely exposed and full of wildness, making the old lady thirsty.
This is much more writing.
Single-meaning pair-line development walk supports group output
Let’s start with the development of alignment
I read it slowly and found that every page was accompanied by a picture, and then the bottom was very sophisticated and beautiful, and all kinds of single-pair line development details were written in letters. Although I didn’t fool people, I mostly knew that it was just a look. I focused on those pictures.
I’m fascinated. I’ve finished reading most of the pictures, especially a declining ball girl, piano girl and star mom. They really look different and pose thousands of times.
Hello, mom! This five dollars is worth it!
I took a deep breath, and it was almost time. After 30 minutes, I put my foot under the pillow and put on my shoes to go out. I have work to do in Wang Rui.
When I went out, Zhong Xin went out, too. She changed into a casual suspender and put her hands in her pockets. She still looked lazy, beautiful and arrogant.
"Ah, this is fate." I sighed with emotion.
The clock shows the same emotion and does not respond.
Do you like to pretend to be deaf?
I walked side by side with her and asked, "Beauty, did you drop out of school to play a career?"
I just want to ask her age. She must be tactful.
Zhong Xin shook his head and said, "I’m still in college, but I’m suspended."
I exclaimed, "What a coincidence. Me too."
Zhong Xin doesn’t talk again.
I touched my nose and said, "How old are you this year?"
"Freshman" Zhong Xin answered.
"A freshman? So that’s a junior? I said junior, you are so beautiful and young, and you will definitely not be older. Although I am your senior, I am also young. It is appropriate for you to call me big brother after your appearance. "I shook my head and said.
Zhong Xin’s red face seemed to have a smile, but he was choked back and said, "That’s not my name."
I wonder in my heart what happened to this name? Just a big brother, not a big baby, a big sweetheart.
Big brother, big brother …
I meditated in my heart, and suddenly it suddenly dawned!
Mom, actually, I didn’t even think of that meaning. No wonder this chick is red in the face. It seems that my thinking is still not enough. God, how can I have such shortcomings? I must change it later
"Ah, just call me by my first name after a joke," I said awkwardly.
Zhong Xin didn’t answer. Is it difficult for me to answer?
I went on to laugh. "Your name is Zhong Xin, right?"
Clock heart nodded his head.
I said, "Nice name, but anyway …"
I frowned at her.
Zhong Xin was staring at me a little uncomfortable and frowned at me and said, "What are you doing? What do you want to say? "
I said, "Do you know a man named Zhong Yi?"
Zhong Xin shook his head blankly and said, "Zhong Yi? Don’t know "

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