He opened a bag and ate it with his family. Three younger siblings didn’t lift their heads. Finally, the youngest sister blinked her eyes and asked him for it.

Ping himself also feels that ham is fragrant, and the more he eats, the more he wants to eat.
But others don’t know that their sausages are good.
In addition to sending them to state-owned factories, their small warehouses are already full of ham sausages produced during this period.
At present, I have the cheek to talk about the order of selling the building in the provincial capital. I haven’t heard that Jamlom also talked about other orders.
Xu Taotao Ni gave him a look. "Do you want me to be afraid of not ordering after the first hit? This is to give them a sense of urgency. Who is so poor when they sell the building? "
Is Xu Taotao an order for this box?
If she signs a long-term futures contract with the provincial capital sales building, she will have a stable sales channel.
You know, stable sales channels are the sales guarantee.
After listening to Xu Taotao’s explanation, Ping’s eyes suddenly lit up.
He stood in awe and said, "Xu is still taller than you!"
He felt a sigh in his heart that Jamlom, who graduated from high school, was three years younger than him. Look at him. He is already a master/minister with two jobs, and then look at him as a little secret and an errand boy.
Peace of mind, shame and tears can’t compare!
"What are you doing? Go!"
Xu Taotao saw him in a daze.
Ping hurried during the non-stop to arrange delivery.
Xu Taotao’s research and development of ham sausage was very popular, and she was very popular in the factory. After this battle, the employees of the slaughterhouse were even more enthusiastic about her.
Aunt in the canteen should give an extra spoonful of potato stew with meat when cooking at noon.
Aunt is particularly enthusiastic. "Xiao Xu eats more. My children like you to develop ham sausages. People have different brains!"
Others secretly asked Xu Taotao if the R&D department could transfer people to the R&D department.
After listening to the novel, the R&D department has an extra bag of ham and sausage than other departments.
Chapter one hundred and ninety-four Run the order and get it.
Factory director Zhu looked like a villain, forgetting that he was too timid to go to the scene when he went to the sales building to talk about orders.
Chairman Yu used to talk about the length of Zhu factory. "Come on, you used to smash that smelly canned meat in your hand if it weren’t for Lao Zheng."
Now it’s Jamlom’s research and development of ham sausage that makes our meat joint factory really have the face to be proud of you in front of others’ sales building! "
Director Zhu ""
It’s so annoying to expose people without exposing their shortcomings!
He became angry from embarrassment. "Anyway, now he is selling the building and begging our meat factory, not my meat factory to ask him!"
Xu Taotao really doesn’t like factory director Zhu’s efforts to pour cold water on him.
"Director, don’t forget that it’s still a little early for us to be happy that our goal is to export and create foreign exchange orders on the box."
Director Zhu ""
Xu Taotao said it was too realistic. Director Zhu was in a dim mood.
Liu, deputy director of the factory, agreed to nod "or Jamlom’s brain is clear, unlike some people who are infinitely proud of a little achievement."
I’m too proud to have a little success. Director Zhu’s face has changed and changed.
"Ahem" director zhu expression serious.
"Jamlom, you are not a target. Since you say so, there must be an increase in the order regulations. Do you have any good suggestions?"
A smile crossed Xu Taotao’s eyes.
She appreciates her own factory director, although she is usually stingy and greedy, but her heart is filled with national justice.
The head of the key body factory, he is very willing to listen to his suggestions.
I feel that I have been robbed of the limelight or that my leadership is threatened.
Just a little old man who can bluff and be easily fooled.
See three leaders are seriously looking at her Xu Taotao said today to come out.
She said seriously, "Now the first shot of’ Great Wall’ brand ham sausage has been fired, but its influence needs to be strengthened. It is our first priority to win enough orders to seize market share and expand the influence of the brand."

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