Ling Yan found a man-made planet to be alchemized by Lao Chang. Of course, in this practice interface, it is estimated that no one is taller than them, but just in case.

After watching Ling Yan’s alchemy, Haikui continued to practice going home at two o’clock and one line every day, and it was so normal to train the planet. Then she could spend more time with her children and wife, and of course, she promoted feelings with her wife at night.
Three days after Lingyan alchemy, Haikui received a letter from Yunjia, still inviting Haikui to negotiate with Yunjia. This time, Yunjia bodhi old zu also came out of the ground, and sent someone outside early to wait for the news from Haikui. After that, Yunjia’s two bodhi old zu masters greeted him in person, which made the younger generations wonder who this young man was with such a big face.
Chapter 57 Fix the Truth Conference
Haikui came to the door of Yunjia and just arrived, he saw two white-haired old men coming. It was Yunfei Xin and Yunfei Bo Haikui who cried, "Great uncle and great aunt still bother you to come out."
"Hai Daoyou should come from afar!" Yunfeibo said with a smile
Several younger brothers of Yunjia were surprised to see Haikui once and for all, wondering what identity Haikui was, so that the bodhi old zu of Yunjia was greeted. Hugh can’t see the depth. He’s just a young man in his twenties and thirties.
Haikui is really a bit painful for this title of sea friend, but he feels that he should adapt to this title.
A few people were humble to each other. Haikui walked in the first place and entered the Yunjia Hall. There was a house next door to this hall. Qianhai Kui and Yunxiyue overheard Yuntianheng talking with Hao’s family. This time Yunfeibo let Haikui go to that cabin instead of Yunjia Hall and ordered not to disturb him.
House or three people Yunfeibo, Yunfeixin, Haikui or the three of them, the others are still not qualified to sit in the house, even if Yun Jia’s current householder Yun Tianheng is still not present.
Yunfeibo sighed after seeing Haikui. "Haidaoyou’s income in our cloud family has soared in recent years, so it’s no problem to spend on such a big family, but our two old deathless repairs have been stagnant, and Tianheng’s generation repairs are also slow to grow. Other ambitious rising stars are eyeing up our cloud family."
As soon as I sat on Yunfeibo, I talked like Haikui complaining. Haikui showed his respect for the old man and listened to him patiently.
Yunfeibo said a lot and finally said with a smile, "We still want to marry Yunxiyue to you."
Haikui has always believed that if anything goes wrong, there will be a demon. The two elders of Yunjia have to marry their great granddaughter Yunxiyue. It must be a big plan, but Haikui is too lazy to ask. Even if he asks them, he may not say it.
Haikui shook his head and said, "Just call me Haikui after the two elders. I said that our seniority is not calculated according to the revision and age. I went back and thought about it these days. I still can’t give you an answer now. I have a wife and I love her very much. I can’t cheat on her. Our husband and wife life is also very harmonious. My parents are ordinary people. They can’t accept three wives and four concubines. I’m afraid they can’t stand it. Even if I marry Xiyue, I don’t have a birthright. I guess Xiyue will feel uncomfortable now." I’m spending time with my family. I guess I’ll be less with her. Second, there’s really no need to marry Cheryl to me and win me over. I told my great uncle that I have my own sect called Dragon Sect. You Yunjia can join my sect and I’ll accept it according to the order. "
Yunfeibo and Yunfeixin glanced at each other and finally Yunfeibo Nai said, "Since the little friends of Hai … En Hai don’t promise, forget it. We don’t insist."
Haikui smiled. "Yes, I think Xiyue will find him happy."
Yunfei Xin nodded and Yunfei Bo gave a long sigh.
Haikui waited for a minute, but they didn’t talk again. It seems that they don’t want to join him. Longmen sent Haikui to break the deadlock. "In this case, two elders, I will leave first. I will help you Yunjia when I fix the truth!"
Yunfeibo eyebrows didn’t speak.
Yunfei Xin gave a quick laugh. "Thanks a lot!"
Haikui didn’t stay much. He asked about the specific time of the Fix the Truth Conference and left.
There are still 13 days before the fix true meeting.
Now that I haven’t talked to Yunjia about the Dragon Sect, I’m still alone in Haikui. Of course, there are several guardians of the original Longmen Sect, but there are still so many demon families in the Five Spirits Illusion Bead that grow the Dragon Sect.
Before Longmen School, it represented a sect in the celestial world, but Haikui didn’t want to divide the demon immortals into three levels. In his view, all beings are equal.
It’s still two o’clock and one line from home to the star to practice with my family.
Time flies, the day of fixing the truth is coming
It was a sunny day in Wan Liqing, Wan Li, which is a basin in the hinterland of Beiliao Mountain. However, weeds and thorns are all over the barren hills of Shan Ye, and there are no people to attract. However, a few days ago, people were magically cleared up the weeds and thorns in the basin, and a large amount of Cyclobalanopsis glauca stone was laid on the floor, and then a simple straw shed was built next to it. There is no wind and grass shed in this basin to keep out the rain and enjoy the cool. This is the site of the Xiuzhen Conference.
Haikui didn’t fly through the wind and waves, and she and Ling Yan, Lao Chang, Lao Huang and his wife Han Wenxuan teleported to the top of the mountain and squatted in one place to watch.
When the sun came out, all kinds of practitioners came from all over the world. Hai Kui looked at more and more people and said, "Hey, it seems that the leader of this revision meeting is a little strong, otherwise it would be impossible for so many people to join in. If I call someone to make a revision meeting, it is estimated that few people will come."
Ling Yan smiled and said, "Who knows who you are if you have no name or surname?"
"Hey, what do you mean!" Haikui stared and asked
"It means that you are not famous. You call someone to come to your fix the truth meeting. The other party will think it is a joke at best." Han Wen spun out to make a circle.
Ling smoke giggling aside a choppy.
The sun broke free from the embrace of the earth and jumped out of the horizon, hanging on the horizon at a height of several thousand square meters. There are already a large number of people in Cyclobalanopsis stone. The people who held the revision meeting arranged all factions and families in sheds. It is not possible for people with status to enter and sit in the sheds. The rest of them either stayed in the sheds or squatted outside. The first person came to the surrounding sheds and sat for half an hour. The speed of practitioners is much faster than that of mortals. If mortals participate in this kind of unlimited meeting, you must come to the meeting at whatever time you want. The whole scene was filled with people.
Haikui squatted on the top of the mountain and pulled a blade of grass in his mouth. Chew it, chew it, and suck the milk from the grass, which is slightly sweet.
Ling Yan shouted behind Haikui, "Aren’t we going to the horse?"
Haikui didn’t turn his head and bit the grass roots and disdained to say, "What’s the sense of going out now? When they say that everyone is in the spirit, then we will rumble and appear, which will show our prestige as the first and second largest faction!"
Ling smoke eyes a bright "good! Then wait. "
After a few minutes, a Hong Zhong-like voice called "Dear Friends", and then the scene slowly quieted down, and all eyes gathered to the place where the sound was made.
After a few seconds, it was quiet. Hei Hei smiled and said, "Walking."
Draw a rush out, reach out and clap your hands, and rumble in the middle.
Just quiet, people are attracted by this sound, and when they look up, they see three men and two women appear in the room, overlooking the crowd. Almost everyone is wondering who they are in their hearts. If they come to the Xiuzhen conference, they are too arrogant. If they come to make a scene, they don’t look at this battle. One thousand people drowned them with one mouthful.
There is a tent cloud family in it. At this time, their eyes are complicated and they look at the eye-catching Haikui and others, and the cloud cherishes the moon impressively.
"Are you human?" An imposing manner is very sufficient to ask Haikui and others slowly.
Haikui gave Ling Yan a wink.
Ling Yan took a step forward and said, "I am the first school in Leng Yue to send messengers to hear that you have come to see the Fix the Truth Conference." Suddenly, your eyes were sharp and the momentum was amazing. "Do you dare to hold the Fix the Truth Conference without reporting to my first school and informing us that you don’t take us seriously?"
Haikui looked at Ling Yan in a depressed way. He told Ling Yan that you would come out later to represent the Leng Yue faction. Let’s show that the first faction in the next day is ok. Ling Yan agreed, but I didn’t expect that now she is so hateful and asks people why they didn’t shout them.
Haikui can sigh in her heart that she can’t do anything wrong. I know that Ling Yan is a person who likes to make a fuss, and she let her show her amazing momentum. Now it is really amazing.
A lot of people are talking about it. Almost no one has heard of Leng Yue School, and even if they do, they know that it is a small school.
This kind of invitation to fix the truth conference is a distinction between all practitioners regardless of right and wrong. For those who belong to the magic school in Leng Yue, they dare to be so arrogant and arrogant that they claim that the first school must be ready. Someone is still looking around to see if there is an army under siege.
"Why hasn’t the first faction in the day heard of a bullshit Leng Yue faction?" A middle-aged man walked to the center and looked up at Fang.
The middle-aged man is bald and magnificent, wearing a coarse cloth, cuffs and ankles, and his mouth and waist are wrapped with cloth. This dress is a standard training arm.
The middle-aged man held out his hand to the hook "Come and let me see the best in the world."
In fact, their purpose is to gather these practitioners and discuss how to rank them through some competition performances. Finally, they will elect their leaders to gather these practitioners in their own circles to strengthen their own strength. However, a few people jumped out of nowhere and were robbed by them in an instant.
Haikui felt that if someone challenged him, he couldn’t go on, otherwise thousands of people would think that he and others were cowards, but he didn’t sign up for the second day.
Haikui dry cough a "face eldest brother wait"
Chapter 5 competition
All eyes turned to Haikui. Haikui smiled and waved to everyone and said, "I’ve seen all the Taoist friends in the second school of Dragon Sect."

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